Why does every laptop I've ever own end up having a broken hinge? Is there not a single brand that actually makes durable hinges? My current laptop (samsung) has barely lasted 2 years before a hinge broke
Why does every laptop I've ever own end up having a broken hinge...
Stop moving your shitty laptops around my the monitor instead of the chassis, you fucking mouthbreather.
I never move it around by the monitor. I even made sure to open it gently with this laptop to prevent hinge damage and it still happened. Perhaps Samsung is just a really shitty brand
I feel you OP
This guy doesn't understand, if you move it by the base the screen can still wobble and break eventually.
Really though after a few years I expect it, plastic breaks.
That's what happens when you buy consumer craptops
Do you even ThinkPad? Steel hinges on the motherfuckers, yo!
Stop buying shitty brands.
Or alternatively buy computers with metallic chassis.
This, stop buying consumershit
are you baiting or are you actually complaining about being a clueless careless mongoloid?
my 5yo vaio still werks
It's not broken you faggotron, the screws have come out of their holes. When you feel the screen on a laptop get loose, crack that fucker open and tighten those hinge screws and you'll never have this problem again.
>Perhaps Samsung is just a really shitty brand
buy a memepad.
not having a laptop with superior triple hinge design
This is one of the other reasons I swallowed a huge memepad load last year. I've been hurt before.
I accidentally sat on the beauty the other day and it's like nothing happened. I weigh 22 stone (no idea what that is in amerifat weights). Fucking thing's built like my ex's new boyfriend.
Yeah I read that these laptops have the strongest hinges. What about the specs though? My current laptop has an i7 processor and 8GB of ram. I'd rather not downgrade in terms of performance. I also wanted to get a laptop with a SSD
It's planned obsolescence, not memeing. These hinges were tested and designed to fail after a certain number of uses.
Best you can do is build a custom desktop to save on money in the long run. An AM1 build can be done for under $200 and have pretty much the same performance as most ~$600 laptops.
performance is good, you can get the same specs or better
but of course it costs more, like any professional tool vs a consumer one
go to /tpg/ and read the guide.
Is the best thing you can do at this point.
a desktop isn't a laptop, and when it comes down to laptops performance usually isn't the most important thing but rather battery life, display, keyboard and durability
What about the 360 degree hinges? Surely those are better than the normal ones
still got my old lolacer and tosheebee with arrandale cpu, still werks no broken hinges at all, just problem with windows 10 driver gpu lol no support
Stop throwing around and sitting on your laptop when it's open you mong.
I never said that. What I said was it's better to own a desktop in the long run. Most people don't travel so having a portable computer is not necessary.
Still designed to fail after a certain number of uses.
Look even the desktop components in an AM1 build will fail after a certain number of uses.
How do I onboard a monitor and keyboard to that
>Most people don't travel so having a portable computer is not necessary.
we're on a technology board, if people don't know what they need they can't expect to get useful advice
>Fucking thing's built like my ex's new boyfriend.
Mein sides.
your problem is that you are a nigger or some other kind of shitskin
you may have lent your laptop to a nigger or shitskin
Usually only niggers and other shitskins break the hinges on laptops
I've never broken mine so I assume you are ungrateful and uncaring about your stuff.
that guy has down syndrome, right? haha
Because every manufacturer tries to impress spec whores and thus construct the flimsiest cases possible so they can put in a better processor. People just compare the numbers, because they are fucking stupid.
I tried that a couple of times on my x201 and the top bezel on the back side of the monitor came apart almost immediately.
laptops r gey
Because you failed to buy ThinkPads.
just like you-_-
Works with my X61 and X220.
Underrated comment.
How the fuck are you so fat?
>I weigh 22 stone (no idea what that is in amerifat weights).
You use "stone", but you don't know how much one weighs?
If only you had a computer you could Google it.
>Stop throwing around and sitting on your laptop when it's open you mong.
I work in IT, and we've got about a dozen HP laptops piled up in the back room.
They're really nothing special, but they go obsolete long before anything breaks.
We've only had one broken hinge, ever, and that one was used by a real ham-fisted lummox.
Keep the hinge screws tight and no laptop hinge will fail under 'normal' conditions.
They stuff the threads with loctite but it never holds, every laptop hinge screw will work its way loose *eventually* and rip the hinge itself apart like shitty toilet paper. But if you check them every so often and keep them secure, it never develops into a problem.
This is assuming of course you're not some neanderthalic mouthbreather that licks the screen while watching your porn and the furious masturbationary movements you are making are causing undue stress to the hinges.
I eat too much and spend too much time using my thinkpad.
I just couldn't be bothered because I'm on my phone.
I haven't had a single broken hinge.
Neither have any of my friends, family, or my girlfriend. Combine that with the fact that every broken hinge I saw when I did IT work was from the people being an idiot (like dropping it) and I'm lead to believe you're an idiot who causes it.
>5 years old
>Use it 8-12 hours a day
>Travel with it 5/7 days a week
Everything BUT the hinges broke.
The Apple MacBook Pro with Retina Display doesn't have this problem.
send it to louis rossmann he'll fix your broken hinge for $300.
It does. That and it's battery randomly explodes and makes people think you're a homosexual.
lol, nice meme
Whatever you say, degenerate.
Works with my T520.
> carries the laptop around by the screen
> wonders why the hinges break
Or you can open the motherfucker, and epoxy the hinges back in place where the standoffs have broken away, put it on cla.ps and wait 24hr to cure, boom no hinge issues anymore
because laptops are designed to fail after about two or three years regardless. and if your hinges are breaking sooner than that, i guess youre just too rough on your tech.
I think the issue is that you are clumsy and either don't care or are unaware that you treat your things like a jungle bunny.
works with my X220T, X200, T61
sounds like yours was broken during repairs or replacement of the display
Given this problem happens regardless of manufacturer and the only constant is you, I'd say the laptops aren't the problem.
I've got 10 or 15 laptops and the only one that ever suffered a broken hinge was notorious for just that.
desu senpai Apple does great hinges.
I've never had a laptop do this, but I've repaired countless laptops that broke like this. and usually the screw head holding down the kensington lock just snaps off.
May I ask why you did not buy a MacBook Pro? These kind of problem don't happen with quality hardware.
My HP probookxxxx has hinges that are still working for 5 years. Got a bit scuffed up when I removed the plastic surrounding them for a screen replacement, can't complain though
Notice the dude in the picture is supporting the chassis by pressing behind the screen below the top bezel, and preventing it falling off on the front of the screen panel. There's no stress on the top rear bezel strip. The top bezel is probably the weakest part of the chassis, held on by internal clips and not screws
i have over 15 thinkpads in the house
all the hinges are fine
the T61p onboard gpu burned out
that's about it
Because you're a gorilla and should get a thinkpad t series or panasonic toughbook
pro-tier thinkpads: effortlessly reliable
A hinge is a typical point of failure.
Any cheap laptop probably has weak hinges.
my x220 has literally been beaten the fuck out of and just treated like shit and has been solid as a rock for the last 5 years for me
thinkpad master race
Not OP, but I like to handle my gear rough.
My phone, my DSLR, my laptop - they get bumped, scratched, rained on, dropped etc. and I expect them to take it as quality equipment should.
And this used to be the norm.
Stuff has only become fragile in the past 10 years or so.
Then you're an idiot if you have that expectation.
>buying consumer-grade trash
Cheap chinese plastics. Ironically Lenovo actually puts better plastics in their laptops than the brands that outsource. It also isn't the hinge that's breaking, it's the palmrest/case that snaps because the plastic is absolute garbage, especially at the thinner edges. Like the picture shown, points of failure are usually thin pieces like the fan grill or the little piece running across the back of the palm rest or around the touchpad. Some newer laptops try to disguise themselves as "sleeker and thinner" but it only means they cheap out on the supports for the standoffs to accomodate more space, and so they break almost immediately, like the Toshiba Satellite. Furthermore, the frame on the bezels of the screen also frequently break and are probably weaker than the LCD panel itself because they are so thin and some even have a hole directly in it to screw it to the side of the bezel rather than into the back of the screen.
No, I just buy quality equipment instead of cheap crap.
And yet you still treat it like shit.
>durr why does the same part keep breaking no matter from which company I buy it from guys?
>it's definitely not because I'm treating it like shit
>implying i7 makes a difference
Which i7, nigger?
>accidentally kick my thinkpad lids all the time
>still working flawlessly
Heat and plastic don't get along. Go figure.
>his laptop's chassis is plastic
Plastic anchored hinges always break. The metal inserts always come out of the plastic they're molded into. Ironically, if they were to just use plastic threaded screws, the issue would likely not be as bad, since there'd be more plastic to go around.
Source: Trash picking hundreds of laptops
This never happened to me. My laptops were mostly Sony Vaio.
>Why does every laptop I've ever own end up having a broken hinge?
Because you buy shit tier $300 walmart laptops.
I've had this issue a few times. Once I figured out why, it was stupid-easy to fix.
Yank the bastard apart however you need to, see what size tension thingo holds the screen onto the hinge (fuck if I know what it's called, you know what I mean. See pic related), get the requisite size tool, and loosen it ever so slightly. The laptop will open easier, and the hinge won't pull on the case, causing the cracking and lifting. It'll take some trial and error, as loosening TOO much will make the screen all floppy, so it's just taking your time, loosening it, testing it, re-tightening, etc.
I dunno if the companies purposely make them this tight when they make the laptops. Probably do. But if you do this the moment you're noticing cracking, or even that the screen is harder than it used to be to open, give this a crack. Unfortunately, I didn't think to do this until it was too late for my old Asus laptop. I fucking kicked myself when I figured it out.