The Forest for the Trees

>Isis Lovecruft was sexually assaulted by Jacob Appelbaum
Now this is going somewhere i think

Other urls found in this thread:


that bitch is ugly and has a stanky pussay

also I watched her conference and she's barely anything higher than a "tech evangelist" for TOR at best

Sexual assault means 'Asked lewd questions' nowadays

I'd care if it wasn't a blatant CIA plot

Well he touched her clit while she was asleep so i guess that counts

omg who is she? im in love

>Sometime around 5 o’clock in the morning, I woke up very confused and startled because my pants were unzipped and Jake’s arm was wrapped around me, his hands in my underwear and he was rubbing my clit and rimming the edges of my vagina. I tried to shove him off me and wake him up. He’s physically much bigger than me, so the shoving didn’t work as well as it should have, but nonetheless he rolled over, a bit exageratedly, mumbling as if asleep.

> When confronting Jake about this, I said, “Dude, what the fuck. You started fingering me last night.”


Tor Project core developer, cryptohipster.

how does she know then? Did she find his fingerprints on her dick?

that's [spoiler]hot[/spoiler] tbqh



maybe he was dreaming about an actually attractive woman

I saw one of her presentations and you could smell her rank ass pussy stank from the back of the room. Bitch needs to buy a bar of soap. Just smell applebaum's dick if you want proof of rape.

That was actually his excuse, so it adds up

>Bitch needs to buy a bar of soap
I don't think she can afford soap. Tor devs salaries are joke

It's amazing how girls behave when someone who isn't chad thundercock propose them sex.

For how she speaks it's like he is a terrible genocidal and slaughterd her whole family and caused her to have post traumatic stress.


These attention whore mall goths need to learn how to work user. If they did all their work user their genders and sex fetishes and all this other bullshit wouldn't matter because they wouldn't even know each other. It would also serve as a proof of concept that Tor works. If they worked user then the FBI couldn't target them and there would be no rape allegations because they wouldn't be prancing around and rubbing each other's clits.


I bet that shit stank like tuna fish that had been left in the sun and then pissed on by a dog. Only such a foul and pungent odor, that I bet the eyes of the people sitting in the front row began to water.

am i a bad person if i think both parties are morons
i remember reading applebaums wikipedia before the whole thing and thinking somethings wrong with this dude
as well as the accusers, i think theyre retarde too
its like everyone wants attention


>I woke up very confused and startled because my pants were unzipped and Jake’s arm was wrapped around me, his hands in my underwear and he was rubbing my clit and rimming the edges of my vagina. I tried to shove him off me and wake him up. He’s physically much bigger than me, so the shoving didn’t work as well as it should have, but nonetheless he rolled over

Honestly, that's not a very nice thing to do without her permission at all.

On the other hand, if I'm completely honest, (I guess as a man) I can't emotionally understand why this is such a big deal to women, and I don't mean that as an excuse for it or support for it, I'm just being honest. If I woke up to JA fondling my genitals I'd just tell him to fuck off (ok, honestly I wouldn't, but for the purposes of this post let's assume I would), but I wouldn't be traumatised by it. Again, not a judgement or an excuse, I don't support it, just being honest.

>all these beta edgelords mocking her
You people are straight-up scum.

Sounds like sexsomnia, which is a real thing believe it or not. Kind of like sleepwalking, but instead of walking to the kitchen to make a sandwich, they molest you.

>all these beta edgelords mocking her
Hi, just a polite suggestion, perhaps you would find yourself in better company if you chose to browse Reddit or Hackernews.

I've been woken middle of the night with random women I've fallen asleep with jacking me off several times and once by a chubby bitch biting my dick.

Don't see me making a big fuss about it accusing people of rape, sexual assault and trying to ruin their lives.
Women are such attention whores, get a dog; they are more loyal, have more self respect and are less fucking annoying than bitches (especially white ones).



How drunk or high would someone be to actually want to fuck that thing?

Am I the only one turned on by the thought that ISIL Lovecrumb might be lurking in this thread right now completely mortified? Even better, the tears begin to swell and her clam gets moist because she's a masochist. How hot would it be if she began to finger herself to your post?

Just look who's left after Applebaum left Tor.

SJV, evangelists, preachers... not a single person with the skillset and understanding Applebaum brought to the table.

I assume controlling exit nodes was expensive and innefective for the NSA in the end. The only way to win cryptowars is to shut down Tor and any project like it.

Just look at the mistery around TrueCrypt etc...

Remember, even if there's a video, it wasn't suicide.

>During the main course, he used me to tell a joke. He picked up my spoon, a chunk of meat off my plane, said "it's the terrorists flying into the World Trade Center" and made airplane noises/motions with it until I opened my mouth and let him feed me. Then he said "but you still eat it up".

that is pretty funny joke to be honest

The girl in your pic is about to sneeze?

I'd assault that too

You can PM her the link if you want

>Isis Lovecruft

Look at that image on her git. You think she didn't provoke him in some way? That fucking whore.


kys godcuck

all godshit aside still a valid point. You fall asleep next to a horny dude and expect not to get molested?

I bet you suck nigger dick and expect not to get aids. :)

>I sleep with a men and bad things happened!
My god, is she 15?
Also, this blog post reeks of arrogance. What if a strong lead with dedication is better for a project than a band of oversensitive jerks?
Jake is an asshole, but gods I hate this kind of whiny attitude. They KNOW what's better for you and will complain about everything.

This. This is called "female reproductive strategy".

Females have evolved to:

1) Want to be a chad's (masculine male's) fucktoy. Chads are rare, 10-15% of population.

2) Be absolutely disgusted by sex with anyone but Chad.

Pathetic slaves of their genitalia that's who they are.

just to make something clear: this jake person is in a romantic relationship with this Isis person, right? Not just some random accuintance of her who suddenly appeared in her appartement and bed in the middle of the night? Her actual love-sex-etc-boyfriend. And she's now publicly accusing him of sexual assault because he started to finger her in his sleep in the middle of the night (not that unheard of thing to happen in a relationship, you know). Tbh, what a shitty spouse she is. It's funny that she's a Tor developer as this affair makes absolutely clear she cannot be trusted by anyone.

No they were not in a romantic relationship.


>is in a romantic relationship with this Isis person, right?
No, you're wrong. They were colleagues for a long time, that's about it.

>be in a cult
>take part in casual orgies
>someone put his or her pinky in my butt
>enjoy it

2 weeks pass

>cult leader wants to take it to next level
>offers up to pee on my face
>not sure but go through with it
>don't like it at all
>realize im a fickle whore at heart
>become bitter and spiteful
>detach from reality and become psychotic
>lash out on reddit

Here's your (You)


>its like everyone wants attention

No wonder SJW is an AMERICAN invention. It reflects the nation's love for self-promotion.
US is cancerous, please contain your "culture" on your continent.

>implying europe doesn't have SJWs

It's all the same with these people. They should be living like monks with the work they do but instead they let their ego and dick do the thinking and action and end up in scandals that become associated with the movement they work for. I'm talking about both JA's here

someone do it please

Dammit Sven, you had one job.

No it doesn't. There are no public persons like these in Europe.
Even our feminists are way more benign (still cancerous though) than american ones.

Europe has cultural and intellectual heritage, from european POV american culture is dumbed-down, overmarketed and overall cringeworthy.

damn is that real picture?

can i have a link?

Found whiteknight
gotta lick that fishy pussy, whitenight-kun (((^:

the part of this story that makes zero sense to me is her agreeing or even propositioning to sleep in the same bed as friends (multiple times!) AFTER he basically sexually harassed her and her partner more than once


fucking someone, impregnating them and having them conceive whilst the husband is okay with all of it is one of my fetishes.

He's a big guy

>AFTER he basically sexually harassed her and her partner more than once
Talking shit is not sexual harassement

Unlike tochung someone's vagina

sex·u·al ha·rass·ment
noun: sexual harassment

harassment (typically of a woman) in a workplace, or other professional or social situation, involving the making of unwanted sexual advances or obscene remarks.


I can confidently say that no sexual assault of any kind happened by the leverage of the fact that no man in his right or wrong mind, no matter how drugged up or drunk,
would even think of touching that ugly as fuck nasty looking skank.

i threw up a little.

She is an SJW, big surprise
The fact she has arabic on her profile to say this is pretty funny though

So they just happened to be in bed together?

Yeah. She did that in the past and it turned down pretty fine except for this time

Am I the only one disgusted by the fact that she publicly write this kinds of things from her life.

Does she has no decency or politeness about describing that event?And for what purpose doing publishing it?

Her parents failed big time, she is uncultured person.

What a hell is wrong with the people today?Morality is dead, women behave worse than men . They should be symbol of maturity and chastity, voice of reason for men.

I am thoroughly disgusted by her as a woman,person and professional.

It's [current year] after all

I don't get it. Almost all the females who get into /tech/ and find out SJW agenda get "raped". I'm not saying that this bitch didn't, it might've had happened. I'm just saying that maybe you shouldn't get involved in SJW /tech/ if it increases your chances to get raped by some fuckwit tenfold.

>What a hell is wrong with the people today?Morality is dead
Honestly morality is something that should have been dead at least for 20 years by now. Too bad it's only starting to die now.

>western white women

they apparently slept in the same bed many times, "as friends". she is apparently a lesbian.


Didn't Linus say there are honeypot wimmin trying to have sex with him and accuse him of rape?


she's not lesbian and there is literally nothing wrong in sleeping with a friend in one bed

its %current year% already, come on

I know I sound so stupid and naive but simply it hurts when I see even these "unpopular" but somewhat cool and knowledgeable women behave just like common sluts and trash that we see everywhere nowadays.

Call me oldtimer but I'm only 25, probably just a delusional dreamer.

I don't see why anyone would invite another person over if they've "humiliated" them. If someone "humiliates" me, I don't invite them over to my house to spend the night.

The responsibility to not rape is still with him and they should go to the police and have him locked up. But it's hard to have much sympathy given her particular story.

The longer they don't actually press charges, the longer he's free to manipulate more people into being victims of rape.


Not to mention that, if our goal is to prevent more people from being harmed by Jake, prison is not an option. Overwhelmingly likely, even in Germany, Jake would be raped in prison. I do not wish these painful things I’ve gone through on anyone, not even those who have caused me pain. Further, most abusers have a history of having been abused at some point in their past, and Jake going to prison certainly will not help him amend his behaviour.

15:17:58 XXXXXXXXXXXX | I'm super careful about honey traps. For a
| while, that's how the Ada Initiative was
| trying to pre-generate outrage and collect
| scalps.
15:18:12 esr | REALLY?
15:18:22 esr | That's perverse.
15:18:42 XXXXXXXXXXXX | Yeah, because the upshot is, I no longer
| can afford to mentor women who are already
| in tech.
15:18:54 esr | Right.
15:19:01 XXXXXXXXXXXX | I can and do mentor ones who are not in
| it, but are interested and able
15:19:21 XXXXXXXXXXXX | but once one is already in... nope
15:20:08 XXXXXXXXXXXX | The MO was to get alone with the target,
| and then immediately after cry "attempted
| sexual assault".
15:23:27 esr | When the backlash comes it's going to be
| vicious. And women who were not part of
| this bullshit will suffer for it.
15:23:41 XXXXXXXXXXXX | I can only hope.
15:25:21 esr | Ah. On the "Pour encourager les autres"
| principle? I hadn't thought of that.
| Still damned unfortunate, though.
15:26:40 XXXXXXXXXXXX | Linus is never alone at any conference.
| This is not because he lets fame go to his
| head and likes having a posse around.
15:26:54 XXXXXXXXXXXX | They have made multiple runs at him.
15:27:29 esr | Implied warning noted.
15:27:34 * | XXXXXXXXXXXX nods

“They have made multiple runs at him.” Just let the implications of that sink in for a bit. If my source is to be believed (and I have found him both well-informed and completely trustworthy in the past) this was not a series of misunderstandings, it was a deliberately planned and persistent campaign to frame Linus and feed him to an outrage mob.

I have to see it as an an attempt to smear and de-legitimize the Linux community (and, by extension, the entire open-source community) in order to render it politically pliable.

Linus hasn’t spoken out about this; I can think of several plausible and good reasons for that. And the Ada Initiative shut down earlier this year. Nevertheless, this report is consistent with reports of SJW dezinformatsiya tactics from elsewhere and I think it would be safest to assume that they are being replicated by other women-in-tech groups.

Take your faggot windows variable expansion back to faggot windows land. Faggot.

he's already out of the Tor Project. judging by his behavior doing conferences for the project, this is worse for him than going to prison. he's an attention whore, wants to be in the same level as snowden, assange, etc.

I don't know. I don't follow Linus but I can believe that could be the case. Women often find fucked up ways to get attention.


Jesus Christ

He just posted the conversation

>Isis Lovecruft

You know anyone who calls themselves Isis Lovecruft is full of shit.


i don't get it, why does it hurt you?

it's their bodies and their lives, they can do whatever they want with it, this is equal for both women and men

We gave women way too much leeway with false allegations, zero accountability or liability for false accusations which in turn breeds corruption, contempt and disregard for human life (as in a rape accusations destroy your life even if its false, not as in death) which is exactly how the police operate. Impunity breeds greed. Its scary how often feminists operate like militants. Why wouldn't you just accuse someone if you can get away with it with zero repercussions? A simple misunderstanding these days could mean the end of your career. A one night stand, crazy spiteful ex girlfriend, even a bad dream (yes a man has been sent to jail because a woman dreamed he raped her) could ruin your entire life. Men should be worried, until we stop giving false allegations a free pass this will continue and worsen accusation by accusation, whilst simultaneously downplaying real victims of rape/sexual assault/harassment.

Even an actual rape victim and SJW is calling bullshit.

Why publishing it?

to inform public that he's a rapist and a sick person?

she's not the only one he assaulted

Stop being such a cuck, what she did is degenerate. does this count?

degenerate? i don't see how sleeping in one bed with a person you know can be degenerate

fuck off, that is as ambiguous a term as redpill

Just fuck off degenerate, or start thinking for yourself.

He's being framed by the NSA, EOD.

And we have the right to be repulsed by such behavior because believe it or not, they have influence on the malleable minds of whoever is reading out there. Stupid little things like these cling to the back of people's heads and snowball into differences. I don't want to live in a society where men or women are whoring themselves spreading diseases and the like.