I have 6 Nokia N9

I have 6 Nokia N9.

Guess why

I have 3 Nokia N900

Guess why

i guess because the hole is too loose to feel any pleasure with just 5

I have a girlfriend.

Guess why

Because you think your an elite hacker because it's the only phone that has a built in wireless card that goes into monitor mode and does injection ?
Enjoy that phone because I'm sure when Nokia pulls the server in a few years you will have a really nice paper weight.
I sold my N900 for like $350 couple years ago.
Was running Pwnie Express on it but the keyboard was to small and I'd end up hitting like 3 keys with my fat fingers.

It doesn't count when they have a penis

I have 0 Nokias
guess why

hAx0r aLeRt@!#!

I have 1 dick
Guess why

That's only four, faggot.

cause you're from india

Who is this cock connoisseur?

i'm still using N95

guess why


Did you try to see how many you could fit up your arse? Was 6 the limit?

I dunno Sam, why do you have 6 N9's?

I'd still be using my N9 64gb if piston 3 were compatible with it. my favourite phone and best pokemon machine ever.

you used to work at nokia.

Does your dad work at Nintendo?

You worked at Nokia or a reseller and got them cheap.

Because you want 12 apps installed?

/Thread kek

I don't know but I wouldn't mind receiving some security training from her if you catch my drift.

you put them in your butt?

Because all mobile operating systems today are shit

>Lagdroid is botnet
>iOS is overpriced hipster shit
>Windows Phone is dead

Cus you're useless just like that phone?


Windows phones should have caught on. It would have been better than the fragmented mess android is today. We also could have had continum. We literally could have been walking around with portable desktop computers in our pockets.

Now look at what we have.

Just remember everytime you bad mouth MS. They tried to give you a better world but you didnt want it.

Enjoy your pajeetdroids.

you're wrong, pajeet

windows on phone has always been shitty

and n9 didn't even have windows, it had the greatest mobile os ever conceived to that date

the greatest i say