hey i stole a macbook pro off some guy in niggatown and it has a bloody password on the bios.. what do i do to get past it?? i dont want anyone judging me thank you. rude comments will be ignored
Macbook pro problem
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Fuck you nigger
macbooks don't have bioses though???
Give it back Jamal.
This is true.
Message Louis Rossmann on youtube
>rude comments
Fuck you
hope u killed the queer you stole it from
put it in the oven at 450 for 45 minutes. This will re-solder the bios and force it to reset
>This is false.
Powerbooks ran a thing called OpenFirmware.
Macbooks run UEFI.
give it back tyrone
Give it back Lamarcus the third
give it back tylonel jackson
Wow, OK, just wow...
The amount of blatant racism in this thread is so toxic.
Clearly this fine POC is trying to get some help from the people he believes is right for the job, and what do you guys give in return.
Delete your accounts.
Wew lad, made me respond
scrap it for parts, tyrone.
>he believes is right
maa nigga
Please help I cant find the delete my account page.
oh no problem:
canadian fag
>i dont want anyone judging me thank you.
You will be judged nonetheless.
nice b8 mate made me chuckle
>re-solder the bios
my sides to the moon
Racism is not allowed under Sup Forums rules outside of Sup Forums and Sup Forums
Delete your account
Install Gentoo
this desu senpai
The partition is even MS-DOS formatted.