What instant messenger do you use to chat with friends, Sup Forums?

What instant messenger do you use to chat with friends, Sup Forums?

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I don't have friends.

Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp.

Why not?



I send open standart pigeons to evade botnet.

I don't know how to approach people and I don't know how to make smalltalk.

>I don't have friends.

Facebook messenger and Hangouts sometimes for business
If it were up to me I'd strictly use text messages. I hate this IM shit where people can "see" if you saw the message


desktop app too. legit.


Pretty much only OP's pic related. Once in a new moon maybe Skype.

This. I just use it for the occassional message I get a month from some old associates checking in on whether I killed myself or not yet.

My and my friends all run our own XMPP servers, and we connect to each other by using S2S.

Yahoo Chat

in that order


We use Signal, by whispersystems.org/


But in all seriousness, I usually just text them (if my phone isn't dead, like it is right now..)

Signal like some guys above. Every friend of mine is using it and it can be possible because everyone of them is scared of invigilation or use drugs.


Whatsapp to talk with family and very close friends. I miss MSN Messenger tho.

bit message

qTox look promising but I suspect it would be difficult convincing others to try it.


QQ, WeChat, Skype, fb messenger....in that order

Hangouts. Simply the best option

Normalfagbook messenger and hangouts.
Skype for D&D with family few times a month.

Facebook messenger, unfortunately.

Messenger and Discord.

Yep. People are use to having something like an account that they can get into from anywhere.
If you want to log into Tox on another computer, you need to copy your profile onto that computer.

Its design philosophy makes it inherently user-unfriendly, unfortunately.

Same here... Anyway most people are normies in normie land

Disa would be awesome if it had Steam chat.

definitely one of the best.

Telegram, fb, and sms

MSN was shut down like 5 years ago.

That's the joke ;-)

I have friends and I don't make any smalltalk.

Don't remind me.

Anyone uses Signal?

Steam for friends
Facebook for colleagues

I don't play videogames or use facebook otherwise. People are too resistant to change.

Whatsapp bro, you're a weirdo if you use anything else (at least in my country/region)


Kik, specifically CryKik

Facebook Messenger, Skype, and Discord. Different groups of friends prefer different platforms.


How dare any of you set foot on Sup Forums

t. al-Baghdadi

you forgot the REEEE and frog picture

Sorry I'm not a virgin asspie

So uhh, how can you chat with friends with this if no one uses it lmao

Type like an adult.

What's wrong with Telegram?


i'm not normie enough, or good looking enough, or have good enough social skills

i dont have friends

steams IM is rather mediocre, but I guess its easier than getting multiple people to migrate to another service

WhatsApp. People over here use it over SMS.

Facebook, because they refuse to all use anything else together.

I only use carrier pigeons.

first post, best post

yea, i have zero friends

telegram. it is, with the really no other app being close, the most used chat app in iran, with like 25 million users in a country with 70 mil population. and now that it has channels it's the place where most people get their news, and it's so widely adapted that government agencies and news agencies have channels on it. it's pretty much the only app that anyone with an smartphone is guaranteed to have

also unrelated but i'm really glad that skype is going the way of the dodo. that shit was horrible 10 years ago and it's horrible now.

where i live, while the number of iphones is pretty high (i would say like 30% of all smartphones) no one uses imessage. i guess cutting out all your android friends or having to use two ways to chat is just inconvenient, also group chats become hard to make. in america where imessage is used is it just assumed that everyone has iphones? what happens to android people?

I don't have friends, never really had. To IM with my gf and coworkers I use telegram though. Seems to be the best choice really atm.


Well Facebook are cunts now and won't let you message from their app, I used Tinfoil anyways but that just causes a crash.
I use an app named Disa for Facebook messages, only because there are a lot of people I deal with for work that I either don't want to have my number or aren't close enough/frequently contact enough to justify it

I have them all

Fired up and ready to go

Any time

Just message me

I'll respond straight away with an insightful and slightly witty reply, and am also open to keeping a conversation going with banter

Seriously I have every messenger app, it's almost impossible to NOT speak with me

Please message me

I usually just SMS 2bh
Discord for gaymen

>having a fat girl fetish

This, the only people I talk to is the people I play video games with anyway.
It's a very nice to use client, but it probably doesn't have the security I'd like.

never listen to others
here's a dump
you're welcome

pete thiel
Happy companies are different and don't copy others

Tell me something that is true, that no one agrees with you on
-interesting question

courage is in shorter supply than genius

never open a restaurant. it's too competitive and you don't make any money

people choose the same business to compete in, because it's reassuring to be in crowds and do what other people are doing

failure and pessimism is self fulfilling
political problems happen when there's not enough growth

japan couldn't become innovative

sf will take over new york

the word risk was not popular before 1970

if everyone thinks something is safe (like mortgages), you can leverage it up too much, and become at risk

you can't poll everyone to find out what business to start. there are too many people to poll and too many ideas out there
you need your own ideas to go off of

sillicon valley suffers from mild aspergers. they don't care about what others think around them

wisdom of crowds works if everyone is thinking independently for themselves

Does PMs on the Facebook website count?


Screenshot that shit

And then the next fad comes along that everyone has to use. And the next one. And thr next one. Where does it end?

I use internet services to try and be dedicated to their communities, not to try and chase where everyone else is constantly moving to.

>Please message me
Sup, bro? Want sum fuk?


I have to use the bloated buggy garbage that is Messenger cause nobody wants to use anything else. I tried convincing people to start using Telegram but they prefer to use Zuckershlomo's shitty client for reasons unknown.

Most of the people I know stick to SMS. FB if grup is necessary, but my friends know I refuse to install the FB/messenger app so they don't expect me to read group messages right away.

master race

Plain old SMS

Pretty much covers all of my bases.


pidgin with purple-facebook and XMPP still works for Hangouts for me.

Heres your (You).

I have group messaging from the default messaging app on my phone though.

Whatsapp with friends&family

SMS for more official communication

Hangouts with single 1337 friend that works in IT

use Pidgin with purple-facebook. For mobile, I dunno.

That's MMS based. Technically MMS has group messaging capabilities, but it heavily depends on your carrier and how new your phone is. If it works for all your friends it's the way to go though.

wow I hate gawker now


Yurocucks are truly pathetic

didn't the government give them an ultimatum to move their servers into the country or else they will be filtered like most of the rest of the internet?

standart, also known as the art of standing or being a retard.

hey that's pretty neat, didn't expect it to support group chat, stickers and all that other shit properly

I don't have teenage friends, so SMS.

>not IRC
underage detected

i have my own IRC server and XMPP server
Using pidgin of gajim
and COnversation for android

Work well
and privacy

I hate Skype. But I haven't quite found the perfect alternative to convince my friends and family to move to.

Needs to have group video chat for family. File sharing and group voice chat for friends. I would prefer if it let me use different usernames that different groups of contacts can see, but I can work without that. It needs to be user friendly. And it needs to have a solid enough mobile app for both iPhone and Android.

As awful as Skype is, it's the only one that has all those requirements, while missing the optional feature, but, eh, as I said, it's optional.

Unfortunately Skype also has all the crap you guys already know about. But there's no true viable alternative as far as I can find, yet!

Shitbook messenger if I have to.
Aside from that, IRC (not recently because it can be a time hog and I have 0 discipline).

Forgot one. Used Discord when I was on Winblows.
It was kinda better than Skype but it surely feels bloated af. I heard it's written in js...

None. I have no friends