Humanity is over.
Robot kills man?
Robot pets human girl
We should all just kill ourselves!
kill it with fire!
He died for the sake of progress. God speed.
Well shit
>July 1 2015
Let them come.
I am ready with my Niobium magnet.
The altar of progress demands more blood.
Leave it to germans to make the killer robots
*tips fedora
All enemies of progress must be harvested for protein to fuel the fight for progress.
Underrated pun. Have a upvoat
Or wait for Islam to take over the western world
Robot =/= AI. This is as interesting as man killed by gun.
Hahah, You have no chance against robo girlfriend (: Pathetic male will get crushed before they finish asking for a sandwich
What pun?
how many people have died from bicycles? KILL THE BICYCLE MENNACE!!
What about cars?
Cars (in the US) kill as many people per year as guns and guns are made to kill people.
>guns are made to kill people
>guns are actually made to not kill people
Guns are for killing, whatever it is that is killed is up to whoever's shooting the gun. They aren't specifically for killing humans.
Well, some are.
Guns are made to fire bullets, and some bullets are specifically designed to kill humans. Many are not.
neodymium FTFY