WWDC in San Francisco

>WWDC in San Francisco
>E3 in Los Angeles
>both happening at the same time

Why aren't you in California, the technology capital of the world right now? The cool tech stuff happens here, senpai.

i'm not mexican or gay

Because I enjoy not being cucked in every aspect of individual freedom.

but i am sempai

i run my own LGBTQIA website. it was a tragedy what happened in orlando. don't blame islam though. you can't blame one massacre on an entire religion.

Mexicans are cool. They contribute a lot to the tech industry.

But I am in California, though I am a resident of Arizona.

>consumerism and video games
Hell no, fuck that.

I am, have a nice aerospace job. It's good

Where (geographically) do you work?

A small part of me wants to live in either SF or LA. Obviously LA has better weather, but SF is closer to "Silicon Valley" and probably has better opportunities. However, I have heard terrible things about the traffic in both places, and both places have a very high cost of living. I've heard that while the temperature in SF is very steady, it's mostly overcast. It would also mean moving across the country for me (again, expensive).

Move to Arizona like any self respecting white male Republican would or plans to.

But doesn't it get super hot there?

Overpriced and full of liberal douchebags

Republic of Texas master race

This. I lived in California for 15 years. It's a shithole. Only libcuck faggots live there these days.

What about Orange County? Aren't they majority conservative like I've always heard?

It must smell like poo in there.

You're slipping.

how rich are you?


>tfw I live in California but dont like skrillex, hate bob marley, don't longboard, smoke weed, drink pisswater, wear obey, wear hats or have ear plugs

What am I doing with my life

When i go there It's only overcast when the fog rolls in. Usually just in the morning.

Have you ever been there? Almost everyone is Asian or pajeet, not Mexican.


everyone is mexican here


>living in a place devoid of natural resources
If you move from a place where there is a water supply to a place where there isn't willingly, you're retarded.

tfw live in San DIego, city to no industry but the chorgers lmao

but really its expensive af here, pls go and stay go

As a self respecting white male with immense hatred for anything hotter than 70 degrees, fuck you. I'll enjoy my northwest weather thank you very much.

only queers and steers come from texas