>Make a fresh installation of Windows 7
>No network driver
>No USB driver
>No optical drive because Sup Forums said it was useless in 2016, but the driver CD is here
Why did you lie?
Make a fresh installation of Windows 7
Other urls found in this thread:
floppy disk
I highly doubt you don't have a USB driver unless you went in and stripped them from the windows install.
Either case, you're shit posting. SO GET OUT
Also an addition to my own post...
Add the windows 7 hard drive to another PC and download the executable and move them onto the windows 7 drive.
Windows 7 has no USB 3 driver built in.
>Windows 7
>No USB driver
>No USB driver
this isn't a Linux installation. nice try.
>>Make a fresh installation of Windows 7
>>No network driver
>>No USB driver
Is Windows taking cues from Linux now?
Not try Linux-Tard but the hardware is backwards compatible. If there is no USB 3 drivers it will function like a USB 1 port with the default windows drivers.
W10 does everything automagically, but W7 does not on some setups. My "newer" one which still uses an antiquated H81 motherboard requires installing network drivers on 7.
windows 7 has no usb 3.0 drivers but the ports work in compatibility mode, you can see that while rebooting from linux - boot to linux , see that ports are working , reboot , pick windows , see that ports are not working , reboot , boot windows - ports are working. Whats more retarded is that in anno domini 2016 you cant change/reconnect a PS/2 keyboard on windows without reboot.
Lincuck lying to make his shit look better.
Even if you were telling the truth, you could just download the USB drivers for windows from linux, put them on the HDD and load them when you were back in windows, negating the point of this entire thread.
I remember a similar plain collision. It was in india.
>Prajeets in charge of aviation
Yeah, that was a pretty standard collision. Nothing too spectacular.
>No USB driver
No, it has a USB driver. It just doesn't have a USB 3.0 driver as that wasn't a thing when Windows 7 was first released.
thats true. but then again you are just a wincuck trying to make his retarded OS look less retarded, confirming the point of this entire thread.
I dual-boot, faggot. Now fuck off.
>pretty standard collision
Nope, in air collision is pretty rare
Aren't it was occurred because Kazakhstan pilot don't understand Engrish? The investigation found no fault on Pajeet.
Although it was pajeet's fault for not replacing their 2D radar to 3D radar.
Which crash is this?
2002 Uberlingen Mid-Air Collision.
>Witness report
>Rajesh walking down the street in the evening
>Has flash light on (not electrical)
>Steps on something mushy
>""I first though it was cowshit""
That doesn't work for installation, w7 will fail to install when the usb is plugged into a usb3 slot. A friend of mine ran into this issue all the time, his laptop had all usb3 ports and he managed to ooer up computers quite frequently so he just got into the habit of reinstalling Windows monthly. Now he runs Arch because that community normalizes that kind of behavior.
Sounds like you are just to stupid to build computers. Please return the parts and contact Dell for a retard-proof pre-built machine.