Why does my OS run two times slower after I install recommended updates?
I don't see any difference in games either.
Windows 7 Service Pack
Because the updates just add additional ways for Microsoft to spy on you. As well as unnecessarily slowing it down to encourage you to upgrade to the newer Windows version. That's why I've disabled updates entirely.
And what about the service pack? Is it recommended?
Actually... Are any updates useful whatsoever? Cause I know the basic form of win7 was LOADS smoother.
Should I just bite the bullet and upgrade to Windows 10?
>I don't see any difference in games either.
Actually, I meant to say that I see no improvement in framerate. Have you had a different experience?
Because it's downloading Win10 in the background.
clean install W7 with SP1 and disable updates completely, eventually install the one that's required for intel managment engine driver (setup will tell you which one, dowload it from M$ site manually)
planned obsolescence
install service pack 1, kill the rest
you don't really need anything else desu
If you NEVER connect to the internet you don't need to care about patches that fix malware/virus/worm exploits etc.
dumb windows user
The update servers for windows are shut down or something.
I did a clean install of windows 7 and now I cant get ANY updates to install.
What the fuck am I supose to do? I want windows on my laptop, I use arch on every thing else so dont gentoo me.
inb5 gentoo anyway
download service pack 1 manually. deactivate updates
allready there, but are there are a shit ton of updates besides service pack one.
Surely they must do something important.
Planned obsolescence
Since the launch of windows 10, 7 and has been inflicted with brain damage in regards to fresh installs, you will notice your svchost easily consuming over 1GB while it takes well over an hour to simply look for updates, in this time it will be slow as shit and just plain awful, it never used to be like that.
Once you get over that hurdle and disable w10 shit it returns to it's former glory, just need to mind that fence forevermore, they sometimes sneak shit in security updates.
The trick is to build a template VM with all the updates installed and make an image of that.
You could even use the machine you have it installed on now, just don't forget to sysprep.
No. That's what they want.
Mfw maintaining a windows install is harder than maintaining a linux install.
also I kill svchost all the time.
Im installing microsoft office right now, I noticed the laptop feels like its about to catch fire..
More particularly it feels like its gonna catch fire over where the ram happens to be
Im just desktop, nothing esle running..
>mfw its using 5 gb of ram
svc host is using 1.7gb alone.
>Why does my OS run two times slower after I install recommended updates?
When you install an update, not only does it create backup copies of every file, it creates alternate versions of every file it changes so it has a full repository of every file version ever installed incase some old ass program needs an old ass version of a DLL. It will also hold onto the installer file, the extracted installer package and it might even create a temp folder somewhere that is used to copy files to\from and never remove them.
Imagine this happening 200+ times. How many files do you think change? How many files do you think are created? How fragmented do you think this makes the OS itself? How much do you think this inflates the NTFS MFT? How much information do you think this dumps into the registry? A fucking shit ton. Stop doing updates dumbass.
Also, use KB3125574 next time.
If you aren't installing windows 7 with service pack 1, you need to reinstall.
LOL is this some kind of irony?
Hahahahaha looks to me like you are a linux user posting this for the lulz
>takes well over an hour to simply look for updates
There is a reason for this, KB3050265
>This update addresses an issue in which system performance can be decreased during scans. This issue has the greatest effect on computers that have a small amount of physical memory.
Prior to this, windows update could pull any amount of system resources it wanted. I would regularly see it spike to 100% CPU with a 4 core CPU and use 2gb of ram. Now it has a hard limit of 25% of CPU and memory will stay around 1-1.2gb of ram. This is great for business PCs with 4gb of ram and a crap i3\i5 CPU. WU can run in the background for hours while the OS will still be fairly usable. Prior, people would need to walk away from their computer for 30 minutes because opening chrome would take 2-3 minutes and there is nothing I could do except 'net stop wuauserv'
You basically have two options now:
Kill the wuauserv service via cmd for good. You can reinstall it a later time (basically it's the windows update agent), and the svchost won't bother you during the meantime.
Run autopatcher and get your win7 updates from there.
I somehow managed to resolve the svchost thingy on my own machine for the most part. Ocassionaly when MSE does a checkup the wuauserv will hog the CPU again, but for that i have a netstop batch on my desktop now.
But yeah, kikerosoft is basically trying to kill off windows 7 so they botched the update process on purpose.
Why are you retarded?
This actually isn't true, the fucking thing spergs out with 100% CPU usage all the time since they botched it - Go read on the relevant forums about it if you don't believe me.
Windows update worked fine for all these years, then windows 10 comes out and suddenly tens of millions of people have problems updating their windows 7 installs, the most popular OS on the planet. You mean to tell me that's just some silly coincidence? Occams razor my friend
So upgrade to 10 you paranoid piece of shit
Nice non sequitur ad hominem you got there pal
Kys retarded M$ drone
muh aero
muh windows 10 nonworking software
>wah my windows 7 has problems because MS stopped carong about it
>upgrading will fix it
>wah no i dont want to upgrade
Kys you retarded tech illiterate
I see very little about 100% CPU and most of it was before 2015. Most posts I see now are 25% CPU, 50% CPU.
Then stop using such a cancerous OS, retard. Hackintosh and dual boot like a sane individual for best of both worlds, if you really need gaymen
Lmao what the fuck are you even talking about virgin sperg? I'm not even the OP. Take your fucking meds you special needs failed abortion before your therapist comes to pick you up for the timeout room again lmao
Windows 7 is not cancerous. It is fast, reliable and incredibly convenient. Once you go ultimate you never go back
Yeah not to mention all the spying shit, the supposed telemetry blocks won't stop it either. But this virgin sperg actually thinks kikerosoft won't do him any harm because he thinks of himself as a speshul snowflake or something
Fucking hell these kinds of retards are what made all this possible in the first place. If it weren't for them we'd still be getting regular windows version instead of the orwellian reboot bullcrap we got now
Im sure you are still running windows 7 cause you are paranoid about ms spying on you like you are not a smartphone user
Well by definitin win7 is becoming cancerous. Enjoy fighting telemetry. Pro-tip: you'll lose
I'll be here on El Capitan with my hackintosh that has yet to crash the first time
When had microsoft hurt anyone? Windows 10s spying is nothing compared to google and its literally impossible to escape gooogle
svchost.exe takes a whole CPU core.
100% = single-core CPU
50% = dual-core CPU
25% = quad core CPU
You are correct about it not being Windows 10 related. This problem has been getting steadily worse well before Windows 10 was on the horizon.
I have integrated this update (and most others up to March of this year) into my Windows 7 installer. After a fresh install, it takes 1.5 hours to find ~10 more updates (after hiding the Windows 10 shit).
>Office install froze at 90%
>kill svchost
>Start install again
>Error install allready in progress
>office pops up and puts all office programs on the taskbar, dont recall this happening before
>2 mintus later svchost is back at it
>25% cpu (quad core)
>over 2 gb of ram used by svchost
>several hours later
>get a 25kb update
>a fucking 25 kilobyte update
twenty fucking five kilobytes.. all of this shit for 25kb? fuck you microjews
Yeah, there's a specific update (or was it a hotfix) that makes Bulldozer FX processors stable with Windows 7. Without it, your computer would crash every 10 minutes.
>takes 1.5 hours to find ~10 more updates
God damn, what the shit. I can check for updates on shitty HP i5 machines in under 10 minutes.
I also ran across KB3102810 which might help but I haven't really seen the problem outside of a VM.
for everyone having problems with updates and svchost taking a whole fucking 1gb of RAM, download WSUSUpdate Offline.
It manually downloads updates from Micro$oft, and installs them. After I ran it, it would automatically run the updates. We have been having "a lot" of new builds in the shop with the same problem.
the good thing about WSUSUpdate Offline, is you can copy the entire thing from one PC to another with the same problem, and as long as both are x86 or both are x64, you can run the installer and it won't have to download them again.
>but W7 updates are slowing my PC down
you wouldn't have that problem if you were on something with more balls than a Facebook machine