Who knows more about tech, reddit or Sup Forums?

Who knows more about tech, reddit or Sup Forums?


Your mum. I filled her with my "tech" last night.

/r/netsec knows more

Sup Forums because it has more Indians.

0 is technically the same amount of knowledge as 0

reddit may have more knowledge, but you can learn a lot more from Sup Forums.

Some parts of reddit may have a larger userbase or be more knowledgable about the particular things they're dedicated to, but unless you *want* the same shit parroted over and over while criticism is silently hidden, you're better off not drinking from that cesspool.

On Sup Forums, sure, you'll have every thread flooded by tons of contrarian fags who will find reason to disagree with any statement, no matter how benign, but honestly, that's something I can appreciate because you'll never learn anything if nobody's willing to go against the majority. Also, you're more likely to encounter users with a wide range of experiences in any given thread on Sup Forums (aside from the general threads). On reddit, you'll never have, say, a python expert chiming in during a discussion in the ruby subreddit.

knowledge: reddit
learning: Sup Forums

neither. Voat dot co knows more.


Resdit is full of self censoring, liberal, nu male cucks

Nice book

Unironically Reddit. Sup Forums is just dumbass epic memelords that don't have the slightest clue about technology.

most of you are fucking idiots so i'm going to say reddit


>le go back to pol maymay

Another great point by the minds of Reddit!

Too bad there isn't a hail of le upvotes here huh cuck? Must be scary! Go earn your good boy points for agreeing with the herd! Remember independent thought and discussin is problematic!

Are you sure reddit isn't the right place for your precious little persona, trumpfag?

Reddit has more users. In total, Reddit knows more but the average poster knows less. Worse the knowledgable posts might be voted down or stuck at 1 point and be barely visible.

There's your answer, OP.

Literally proving my point

REMOVE POL remove pol
you are worst board. you are the board idiot you are the board smell. return to stormfront. to our stormfront cousins you may come our contry. you may live in the zoo….ahahahaha ,pol we will never forgeve you. nazi rascal FUck but fuck asshole board stink pol sqhipere shqipare..pol massban best day of my life. take a bath of dead alt-right..ahahahahahPOL WE WILL GET YOU!! do not forget new .pol we kill the king , pol return to your precious 8gag….hahahahaha idiot pol and stormfront smell so bad..wow i can smell it. REMOVE POL FROM THE PREMISES. you will get caught. int+qa+s4s=kill pol…

Reddit knows more.

Or it may not be politically correct and censored!

Epic. Simply epic.

reddit a shit. popular posts != good posts

Definitely Reddit. Reddit is full of tech people who actually get shit done IRL and work on important projects. Whatever tech related question you have and ask, Reddit will outperform Sup Forums 10 our of 10. The only thing Sup Forums is better at is autistically reinstalling distros and compling source code using the best params. Basically, wasting time on autistic obsessions.




user, Sup Forums was literally one of the earliest containment boards, and has done wonders in giving people like our tripfag friend a safe space to voice most of their feelings.

Cuck is angry

reddit, Sup Forums is just a bunch of weebs or 12yo...
at least on reddit you'll find the quality posts upvoted at the top

>implying I'm Sup Forums

I'm a proud Zionist

Long live Israel!

Pic related, my IDF Jewfus, but keep crying pol you dumb redditor! I know you can only understand the world in white and black, typical of low Iq individuals such as yourself

>doesn't recognise pasta
Typical new Sup Forumsfaggot


Reddit and hackernews are much better. This shithole is only good for banter and mindless shitposting.

I've already seen you post this shit before lad, try harder, cuck

Here's a proposal: Anybody in this thread who is saying reddit is better should get the fuck back there. If you think Sup Forums is shit, then leave.

Sup Forums's shit but it gets me a lot of (You)s.

As much as I love Sup Forums, Reddit wins on overall knowledge.

>wrong information downvoted
>community has verified professionals
>there isn't as much shit-posting or opinion forcing
>people don't try to throw in memes every 6 seconds
>battlestation and screenshot threads have a containment subreddit.

Sup Forums:
>shills every 10 post
>consistent trend of "X is better than Y", or "This is why X sucks"
>consistent "look at my screenshots" or "look at my desk" threads
>DPT is just a bunch of kids making fun of each other's code instead of saying anything useful
>WDG is a bunch of faggots that can't read a webdev book, so more opinyion discussing
>Average Sup Forums user: HURR Girls CANT CODE BUT LOOK AT MY ANIMOO"

Sup Forums is more of an internet daycare with a tech theme.

>gets proven wrong
>no counter arguments

Looks like I win another thread
Better luck next time Reddit!

(Pic related, you can call me The King because I'm flame broiling you fags between two freshly baked sesame seed buns)

Here you can hear about what has botnets and get a good laugh out of it. Reddit is a botnet, they even use bots to moderate it.

>4+Sup Forums of reddit

very well said

Both hacker news usually has better discussion, reddit rarely has better discussion, and both have those fucking diagonal comment trees. Dammit, I don't read diagonally, and sometimes want to reply to more than one thing at a time. (Maybe that's why Sup Forums is much better for banter, as said. It's more like actual conversation...)

And yet you're on Sup Forums.
Your hypocrisy is only rivalled by how wrong you are.

>Reddit is full of tech people who actually get shit done IRL and work on important projects

The one that's open source

>but you can learn a lot more from Sup Forums.
You can learn a lot of wrong shit from Sup Forums


you can't even read:
>"As much as I love Sup Forums"
its in his first sentence.

>Sup Forums has people like this, illiterate.

100% this

Reddit is unquestionably a more reliable source for pretty much any subject under the sun, and a better format for promoting and archiving quality information

Sup Forums is a shitty cesspool of faggotry which is kind of why i like it, but it is complete trash


Generally true, minus one thing:
>there isn't as much [...] opinion forcing
Are you fucking kidding? Reddit literally hides opinions as soon as they disagree with the majority.

>mfw I want to improve Sup Forums but realize I am just another ignorant shit poster

>all these resdiotrs samefags



That only happens on certain subs, though it does have the classic issue of 'more posts, more important' even when the retards say something blatantly wrong.


Both places are terrible to actually learn about technology unless you just want consumer bullshit drilled into your skull. Go to /sci/ and Wikipedia.

In absolute democracy, the majority wins, thus the individual that thinks independently will be chastised. However, it is up to the individual to accept public opinion.

Nice samefag

>muh STEM

you are not a very good shitposter

Would be true if sci was about science rather than drugs, philosophy, and atheism.

>someone has the same opinion, fucking samefag

is it that hard to admit Reddit is actually better for some things

Sure, but the point is that I'd much rather have the chastisement (Sup Forums) than simply censorship (reddit). Reddit is geared towards people who don't even want to acknowledge that someone disagrees with them, and it's pretty disappointing that so many anons in this thread are defending that site.

Ignore all tripfags. If you respond, so will he.

You got memed on son

Sup Forums used to be /new/ for a reason

What do you seriously learn here that you don't learn better by doing a run through on wikipedia?
This place is constant drowned in
>hurr company x released a new phone/graphics card/laptop. It sets stuff on fire!
>durr rate my desktop
>hurrdurr ever day carry thread, guys

I mean the only remotely acceptable one would be the first, and that's only if we seriously discussed the specs and architecture of the machines, which we rarely do.
All we do is drop memes. It's not a bad thing, but this isn't somewhere you should come to actually learn about technology.

Really, It looks like he has already pissed off quite a few Ledditers.

I agree, thats why I love Sup Forums! But if you take out idiots like , this could be a better place. I'd like Sup Forums more if shitposters and idiots were gone.

There's just one no life cuck defending them

Hopefully he will fuck off back to cuckit and never come back

>I ignore all named posters m'lady
>remaining anonymous is paramount to conversation on this website *puffs vape* and I shall not tolerate it!

People like this is why Sup Forums sucks. Shit posting children are a dime a dozen here.

I should have clarified. You should go to /sci/'s sticky. /sci/ literally offers better information in their sticky pertaining to tech and CS than our sticky does. There is an explicit outline of resources, and a plan to follow, rather than it being a mudpit and list of browser reccomendations like ours. Our sticky is actually pretty terrible.

maybe we wouldn't hate all tripfags if they weren't fucking retarded

Go back to your pun threads/Sanders circle jerk then where everybody constantly has to walk on egg shells for fear of going against the common herd

because Sup Forums is private property, right? no one is allowed here but people you allow, right?

>when I see a tripfag breaking rule 6

This is what makes Sup Forums suck. If there was only a purge of shitposters.

it sure would be nice if I could somehow express through a voting system how unhelpful and off-topic this shitty post is, hiding it from the sight of future visitors to this thread.

Well people on reddit actually had to have it explained to them that the Korean RX480 3DFire benchmark was fabricated. I am assuming people here knew it was shopped, but just went with it.

>announcing reports
enjoy your ban kiddo

Announcing reports is against the rules



got a dynamic ip lad :^)

>ask reddit
>get downvoted
Why does that shithole still exist?

>proper information was spread on reddit
>everyone on Sup Forums is just pretending to be retarded

kys you shitposting cunts

Historically using a trip is only acceptable when it adds to a discussion, you don't just de facto post with one.
E.g. when someone is doing a giveaway thread, they pick up a trip for the duration of the thread so people know who to respond to.

The main issue with reddit is the fact that with their voting system, comments that go against the circlejerk are hidden. So you get a toxic hivemind of autism, and if you disagree you get downboated into oblivion, making your attempts to have a conversation futile. Here everybody can converse, and not worry about being downboated and having your comment hidden from everybody simply because you said
>hey guys windows 10 isnt a botnet xd


Nope, this is the designated shitting thread

>using the smiley with a carat nose

Yea but that poster is apart of the problem. Thats why we should just ignore tripfags unless they're doing it right.

shill/pajeet/poo aren't much better than downvotes

i mean a tripfag is here so it's obviously a shitting thread

Sup Forums is full of unemployed arch neckbeards

/r/technology actually has people that work in the industry that aren't just desktop technicians or code monkeys.

But at least your reply can be seen, even if it's not in line with the rest of the herd.

I'd rather get downvoted for being against the norm than deal with tripfags blurting DESIGNATED all over the thread because they lack the delta brain wave.


mad that you fell for the gentoo meme?

>working "in the industry"
>not being a code monkey
>implying "in the industry" isn't just a euphemism for "in a cubicle"

Dedicating your life to maintaining IBM's legacy java clusterfucks isn't really much of a qualification, and neither is doing app development for "it's like youtube, but only for female coders" startups. All it means is that you may be good at one thing, but you have nothing to contribute to discussion outside of your specialty.

So you'd rather not be able to voice a contrary opinion, than have a few shitposters in your thread?

Sup Forums is for discussion. reddit is a link aggregator. any more questions?

Reddit loves Google