>that guy who bought a Quadro for gaming
That guy who bought a Quadro for gaming
Other urls found in this thread:
>that guy who bought bussiness laptop for shitposting
>That guy who bought AMD for performance
>that guy who bought amd
>that guy who bought a rMBP for facebook
radeon 9800 for life
>that guy who thinks he's funny
>that guy who puts stickers on his laptop
no regrets
Hit him in the head with this.
that guy who lives in india and gets paid to promote nvidia
>that guy who does it for free
That guy who has never been to India but hates it because of an article he was linked to on a taiwanese ramen price comparison website
but the quadro is for rendering you fag
That is the joke
no fucking shit
Quadros are just enterprise video cards. They have some extra features that are helpful with CAD, science, and video editing software, among others. They can play games just fine.
CUDA and flops on a quadro isn't designed for your gaymen you faggot.
It's designed for real people with real jobs who do real work like CAD and REVIT while they eat PIZZA.
fuck off chad.
Has anyone actually done this ever.
>that guy who buys two Xeon E3s
>that guy who buys an i7 for Minecraft
when this fucking meme will end?
>that guy who bought a gaymen PC for hackintosh
>Add some extra pipelines for CSG and shit to a chip
>It's suddenly no longer appropriate for games
true but the performance on them is staggeringly bad compared to high-end gaming cards except for the titan-series.
I had an argument with an old coworker who told me titan's were computing cards and nothing more and I said then why are they marketed towards people who play video games.
I had an argument with an old coworker who told me titan's were computing cards and nothing more and I said then why are they marketed towards people who play video games.
Wow user-kun, you are so smart and knowledgable! Tell me more about people who are wrong -.*
>that guy who buys parts because "they look good"
That's one hella fine case, it would go nicely with my dual 980 ti setup, that way people who come over know i have disposable income right away.
I carry round my new 1070 in my briefcase for this exact reason.
>that guy who went to india and found out that street defecation wasn't just a meme
I played MGS V silky smooth 1200p from start to finish with a Quadro 2000 on an old workstation.
does it count if the sticker is there to cover an LED logo
>can't even memearrow properly
>every one else is the retard, though
I'm already tired of summer.
Yeah, but I don't see what watching movies have to do with workstation graphics cards....
feels good nigga
I said mgs V not mgs 4 which is ps3 only btw.
Good, good! 8/10
>that guy who doesn't go back to Sup Forums
>that guy who SLI for gaming
>that guy who fell for the 16gb of ram meme
>true but the performance on them is staggeringly bad compared to high-end gaming cards
Not really. It's just a little worse when you compare the Quadro to the Geforce equivalent.
>that guy who buys an i7 instead of an i7-E
>that guy who didn't fall for the 128gb of ram meme
It counts unless it's tape
>that guy that pushed vCore at 1.7v for dorfs
>That guy who doesn't stick BANANAS up his dad's ASS.
>that guy who runs his modern CPU at 1.5v.
Fuck forgot the picture.
>That guy who forgets him image on an IMAGEboard.
>Dat boi who don't know Sup Forums
>that guy who thinks the aspect ratio is what makes 16:10 resolutions often better
>that windows admin who thinks adding a dictionary word to the end of a password makes all the preceding characters instantly crackable
>That kind user that outed all the Sup Forumsedditors in a single thread
>that guy who doesn't actually do anything that necessitates owning a PC
>that guy who spends thousands on video games and video game accessories but has never left his home continent or even country
>that guy who is heterosexual but still participates on Sup Forums
O shit
>That guy who forgets to say "no homo" after gay sex
Kek'd hard, thank you Sup Forums.
No, memory performance suffers because games don't use double precision and ECC.
>that guy who shills nvidia for free
>that guy who doesn't have this pc case
>tfw I upgraded from an i5 to an i7 and the first performance boost I noticed was minecraft
Hey, that's my garage!
If I had a computer this big, what could I do with it?
Jump off the top and kys
I think you'd want several independent computers in there. Each of them could be logically partitioned and rented to neets.
Nah, I’m not asking how to make money off of it.
If I could fill every floor just full with computers, what cool things could I do with all that computational power?
That would actually be dope
Those photos don't really show anything. The credits roll for the last Ubisoft game I finished was 20 minutes.
How many minorities and women were in the credits?
Everything you can do with your current computer, but faster? Would it be PC hardware or IBM mainframes?
idk, but programming is only a tiny part of what goes into making a AAA game. There's always way more artists, and all kinds of other stuff. Why do people go into visual arts when working with the nasty gooey mazes of modeling software can be as difficult as programming while paying less?
Not sure, but whatever needed to get something like Earth Simulator to work
I’d take a job in modeling software over pure coding any day
Underrated post.
Seriously, why do idiots think dual GPU is a good idea when microstutter exists?
Half of the reason GPUs are designed the way they are is to avoid this exact problem.
>They guy who takes shitposting threads seriously
Most do it for wank factor, not FPS.
>that guy who buys a SUV and only ever drives it on paved roads to and from his apartment's garage
>That guy who spends over $3000 on a computer
>He buys Skylake instead of Haswell-E
>That guy who spends over $3000 on a computer
>He buys Skylake
>He also spends $1000 on custom watercooling
>Custom watercooling on a Skylake computer
Is he also this guy?
My dad invited me over to check out his new computer.
Turns out he spent a grand on a case, wasted processor, ssd, 16GB ram and 2 touchscreen monitors.
Needed me to press the calibration option for the second monitor and uses this purely for playing mp3 files from a small collection he has.
If I didn't calibrate his monitor he would have thrown those 2 out and bought another brand like any issue with computers he has.
He buys a lot of apple products, complains about them and buys more.
I don't know when he lost his computer skills and this started happening.
Past a certain point, the ability to play play mp3s becomes magic.
Maybe he doesn't understand that you don't have to pay that much .
25 years ago you'd pay 2000 burger bux to have something that loaded lotus123
>that guy who fell for the linux meme
It's a pretty good emacs launcher.
It's a pretty good kernel. Works great with the GNU operation system.
Thinkpads are literally the cheapest reliable portable shitpost machines
>that guy who doesn't eat fruit
Not compatible with careers or losing virginity though.
Guys like that mine ether on goldminer.io
man you come from the future ..
How long does the battery last?
fite me bro I swear on me mum
Bought a second hand t430s for around £210.
Battery lasts 4hours.
Less on loonix.
This thing is great. I can't believe I spent so much money on shit laptops as a teenager.
Fucking media and gaming laptops are shit mang.
>Battery lasts 4hours
And my Macbook airs last over 12 hours.
Actually for what I paid $650, thats not bad at all.
>that guy who bought refurbished
Nice one for the battery life.
Sorry about the rest of it.
>Non removable battery
>No cat5
>Soldered ram
>No optical drive (although I actually swapped this out for a bay battery desu)
>Being gay
Was ATI at the time tho
You can get 128GB ram with LGA 2011v3 or better motherboards.
>not compatible with careers
AMD Radeon, ATi Radeon, same thing.