/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Previously on: Welcome to /fglt/. We are always open to users of all levels, including absolute beginners.

There are four ways to try GNU/Linux, you can:

0) Install a GNU/Linux OS on a VM (Virtual Machine/VirtualBox) for "safety purposes"
1) Use the Live ISO directly without installing anything, that way, you can get a "full GNU/Linux experience".
2) Dual-boot GNU/Linux with Windows/Mac (recommended if you want to learn more about GNU/Linux)
3) Go balls deep and overwrite everything with GNU/Linux

Before asking, please search for answers to your questions in resources.

Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.

Understand that much of your software from Windows will be unavailable, although maybe WINE can make up for it.

IRC connection details:
Server: chat.freenode.net:6667 (no SSL, 6697 for SSL) - Channel: #flt
If you don't have an IRC client (which you should), go to kiwiirc.com/client/irc.freenode.net/flt to use IRC on a web client.

Visit the Friendly GNU/Linux Thread/Website:

Your friendly neighborhood search engine (searx.me, ixquick, whatever)
wiki.archlinux.org/ (Most of the configurations and troubleshoots will work on various distros, including Debian)

Other urls found in this thread:

chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/ /master/docs/linux_suid_sandbox_development.md

Manjaro Linux is my fav.

Just installed Debian 8 XFCE
How do I make the login screen prefill my username instead of having to type it every time?

What's currently the best possible font rendering for a fresh Arch install? Vanilla freetype2, freetype2-ubuntu, or infinality-bundle?

a custom fontconfig for freetype2

Basically this: Nobody knows how you prefer your fonts.
The arch wiki got a nice article, check it.

Is there a certain config that's generally consider the best?

I like mine the best.

I'm aware of x forwarding but is it possible to have a specific gui service running on a host, say for example a text document. Then when i need to access it i can grab the already running instance and forward the gui to my machine?

If its not possible i could probably just set up a vnc server but i don't really want to do that just for one service.

I want to try Linux, but there are soo many.
What is the BEST Linux? Please help.

Just try one. There's no best Linux, and anyone who tells you otherwise is a dickshit with personal opinions. Fuck personal opinions.

Just try some out and see what works for you.

>Fuck personal opinions
Is it okay if I have unpersonal opinions, or do they trigger you too?

I think what user means is that some people tell everyone else to use a certain distro because of their own preferences, not for any meaningful objective reason.

Dickshit with a personal opinion here. For a first-time user I'd recommend Ubuntu MATE, or standard Ubuntu if you're feeling adventurous (i.e. willing to try an un-Windows-like desktop environment).

arch linux is objectively the best linux for developers. but since you're not a developer that is irrelevant.

maybe you should try linux mint. it's objectively one of the distributions aimed at people who want to get into linux.

GNU Linux-libre

>arch linux a best
>recommends mint

what of it?

> developers
> arch
> not using gentoo

what are you talking about? development has never been easier when your entire distribution is a build bot.

Linux Mint - the Cinnamon Version.

It's very new user friendly. You'll feel right at home if you are coming from Windows, and the claims about "muh security" are overblown.

Is there any way to make the Ubuntu MATE taskbar to behave like the Windows taskbar? When I click an icon and the program starts I then want the same icon, if clicked again, to open the current instance, not a new one. I want to be able to remove the "open instance" panel on the bottom completely and just have a single taskbar.

Did you try the dock applet?

To be honest, if you want a more Windows like experience then you should be using Cinnamon.


Look into xpra


Fuck off, dumb tripfag.


I'll just paste what I posted yesterday because I don't feel like typing it again.

Yes, that's obviously a problem. They can't even secure their own servers, let alone your desktop. But there are other reasons. They also don't issue security advisories, because they don't know anything about security. They delay security updates because they're too incompetent to push them out immediately without breakages. They actually have a package blacklist[1], where they specify that some packages are never updated. Anything with a 4 or a 5 on that list will not receive updates by default. Like your display server. And the Linux kernel.

All of this so you can get a pretty theme for Cinnamon out of the box. It's disgusting that you would actually recommend Mint to a new user.

[1] github.com/linuxmint/mintupdate/blob/master/usr/lib/linuxmint/mintUpdate/rules


Lost on your way to reddit?
Let me help: reddit.com/

All that shot was debunked in the previous thread, Mr. Shitposter.

Fuck off cancer. Nobody cares who you are aswell as your disinformative trolling attempts.

Installing Gentoo for the first time here, why the fuck does everything take forever to install. I mean I'm currently am spending 10min just to install sudo. After that I will need to install grub and I'm done, but guessing from how long to took to install sudo, grub is going to take a fucking year.
Tips for Gentoo anyone?

Just don't. Gentoo is a meme. The headache you are going through right now is why "install Gentoo" became a joke in the first place.

>claim it is an anonymous only image board
>there is a name field


gentoo is for users who like rice. arch is for developers who just want to get shit done.

Use genkernel.


LibreOffice OS X Bundle: 201 MB

LibreOffice Flatpack: 156 MBs

LibreOffice x64 Deb package: 229 MBs

LibreOffice x64 RPM package: 229 MBs

LibreOffice AppImage: 246 MB

LibreOffice snap: 1.1 GB

>snap 1.1 GB

What the fuck Canonical...


Developers usually don't want to deal with broken libraries because Gentoo decided that they had to apply some broken patches. That's why they prefer arch.

Ignore this faggot Make sure to follow the wiki, there are many ways to speed up the install process. There are also some binary packages you can use while your sources are compiling (eg a Browser takes a bit).

The whole install takes you ~a weekend. After that you get a perfect distro, optimized for your needs. Remember to read about USE flags an - use them.

So I was trying to run a Windows program in wine and got the error err:module:import_dll Library MSVCP140.dll (which is needed by "Z:\\Path\To\File") not found

I ended up googling around and found github.com/Winetricks/winetricks/commit/d2e059d466a860da342b1ad1f945f5533cc6409e and ticked VCrun2015 and during the process I got this error
Note: command 'cabextract -q --directory=/home/feris/.wine/dosdevices/c:/windows/temp/_vcrun2015 vc_redist.x64.exe' returned status 1. Aborting.

Any ideas if there's a way to get it to work, I can't find anything

hey Sup Forumsentoomen, when ever i do
$sudo nano /etc/i3/config it always says file does not exist. how ever when i navigate there in nautilus, i can see it, and open it, but not with vim or nano. Help pls i want to rice.

I'm not advocating either gentoo or arch for developers, both are terrible choices.

I was just waiting to see if you'd notice your comment about gentoo users wanting to rice also applies 100% to arch as well, if not more so.

>Nazis hate freedom, therefore you should go to 1950s era USSR instead.

I should make an image for my reaction, basically the exact opposite of the "why not both" girl.

RAM: 992MB


arch does not support rice. arch does not support replacing glibc by musl, arch does not support replacing systemd by openrc, arch does not support running a freebsd kernel.

gentoo is about ricing. arch is about using the one configuration deemed correct by the devs.

I recommend 4.6, the latest stable kernel.

>arch doesn't actually give you any of the freedom (I don't mean freetard freedom, just fucking options lad) to make modifications that any competent developer would expect

Sounds redundant.

>The whole install takes you ~a weekend.

This is the issue I was talking about. This is why it is a joke. Installing an OS in this decade should not take an entire weekend.

I don't get why you think it being perfectly optimized is that big of a deal. Harddraves are large and cheap enough that a program you won't use taking up a few MBs won't even matter. Plus, it would just be quicker to install a different distro then just remove anything you don't want.

The only reason to install Gentoo is that 1, you are bored, or 2, you are an extreme poor-fag.

exactly, arch is not about freedom. you got that one right. that's why devs like it because all installed libraries and programs will work as advertised upstream without broken patches.

see Tripfags not welcome.

>That's why I like it

You don't speak for all devs.
I can't say for a fact that all devs dislike arch, but a large chunk of them certainly do.

Pretending that "all devs like arch" is objectively wrong, exactly because arch makes it a pain to modify things.
Just because your webdev tier job doesn't require fiddling with kernels and c libraries, doesn't mean other devs have the same tiny list of requirements in an OS.

After finding myself compiling packages from source more and more, I started considering a switch to Gentoo. During the installation I noticed the version numbers for certain packages and was surprised to find them behind from what I was currently having on another distribution. Is there I'm missing (like the ability to just change the version number in the build scripts) or is up-to-date software not a priority with Gentoo?

Just an example: tint2. On my current distribution I'm on version 0.12.11, while Gentoo has 0.12.4.


Lucifer from the Dark Souls general?

The fuck you doing here mate? And why the fuck are you using a tripcode here?

Holy shit, I must have suffered a stroke while typing that, but I hope it could be understood.

There are people who want to use their computers for more than browsing facebook nigger.

>Pretending that "all devs like arch" is objectively wrong, exactly because arch makes it a pain to modify things.
you seem to be confused. devs don't modify things. that's what sysadmins do. or do you fancy yourself a sysadmin?

devs hate gentoo. this much is clear:

There are two big problems with Gentoo Linux: first, most if not all Gentoo systems are
completely broken (missing or mismatched header files, broken compiler etc. are just the
tip of the iceberg); secondly, it should be called Gentoo GNU/Linux.

For these reasons, it is impossible to support rxvt-unicode on Gentoo. Problems appearing
on Gentoo systems will usually simply be ignored unless they can be reproduced on non-
Gentoo systems.

Do not reply to tripfags.
You're only asking for more shitposts.

Your post is so full of bullshit, I don't even know where to start to insult you. Please leave this board. You have no idea.

>lying on the internet

Read: >I'm not advocating either gentoo or arch for developers, both are terrible choices.

You keep falling for the "option x is bad, therefore I must use y" meme.

There are so many others. If you want an OS that jest werks™, neither arch NOR gentoo is a good option.
I'm not defending gentoo, I'm specifically attacking arch for not being at all good at the very things you claim it is good at.

>Riding a unicycle 15 miles to work is crazy, you should just ride a bicycle
Let's just pretend that cars and buses don't exist huh?

If you really wanted a simple OS that requires no modification, you'd be suggesting ubango or mint.

>devs don't modify things. that's what sysadmins do. or do you fancy yourself a sysadmin?
What's your favourite language, html or css?

What does /fglt/ think?
Should Arch remove the fat guy from their logo?

What does that have to do with the price of tea in China?

He's not even using a trip.

debian and derivatives are useless for developers because their packages are at any given time five years outdated. arch is the preferred distro because it just works for developers. that's why kernel developers prefer arch linux.

Yes, it's better. But I think they should find a brand new logo.

I'll take "what is sid?" for 500.

Seriously, what do you "develop"? I could do with a laugh.

Could you please stop tripfagging?
Tripfagging is asking for trouble, but this is a friendly thread and it should stay friendly. Don't be a faggot and recome your tripcode.


sid does not just work. sid is so unstable it is almost unusable. you should listen to people who know what they're talking about if you want to be taken seriously:


>one example
>couldn't at least find a source that isn't reddit or tumblr

You'll forgive me for not being amazed.

Unfortunately kernel developers like GKH prefer reddit because /fglt/ is full of uninformed people such as yourself.

Sid user here, this guy is a faggot. I'm using unstable since 3 years and never got any problem. It's actually more stable than Arch.

>listening to kernel "developers"
You're new to technology in general, right?

Just switched from Windows to Ubuntu. My resolution is too low, both the Ubuntu display settings and the Nvidia X Server settings are for some reason not allowing me to get my 1080p monitor up to any resolution higher than 1360x768. I have tried several xrand commands I found elsewhere on the internet, but they didn't help. Any solutions?

man xrandr
If your resolution isn't available, just create a new mode and then select it.
Check the arch wiki for more.

>never used Linux before
>install Ubuntu Gnome
>everything goes perfectly
>can use encryption as a literal password for the entire system
>gorgeous compared to windows and simple so far in design
>everything just worked. Steam installed and TF2 ran perfectly as a test without installing any proprietary drivers (280X here)
>themes out the wazoo for whatever look or feel I want to give my system
>most used programs are cross-platform anyway

I'm fucking loving this. I should have done this years ago! The rest of the world are fucking idiots if they can't get around this.

sorry about the stroke
you don't seem to know what you're talking about

Welcome. Keep windows in a VM

Why are Arch users so annoying?

They managed to install Arch (followed the wiki) and feel 1337, now they need to tell EVERYONE ON THE INTERNET about their sk!llz.

butthurt freetard detected

That's strange, I don't see a single post advocating for an FSF-approved distro anywhere.

There is a middle ground between freetard-idealism and actually getting shit done. Arch is not it.

Arch is it.

>Why can't I hold all these baseless claims?!?

Arch literally throws everything into one repo.

A good middle ground distro has different repos for free and nonfree so you can choose what you want and know what you're going to install.

>arch does not allow you to choose what you want to install
t. anonymous

Or the gentoo way: Filtering by license.

Bad strawman attempt. Try again.

>so you can choose what you want and know what you're going to install

>I'm not trolling m8
>I'm really stupid

t. stupid

He's right you know. Arch does not allow you to choose between free and nonfree packages.

>arch forces you to install non-free packages
t. anonymous

don't trigger him

Glad it worked out for you mate.
I was worried about having to use the terminal so much when I got started but I learned to love it for the simplicity. No searching for menu options manually since there's a myriad of search features. Then enter one command, maybe edit a config and you're good to go most of the times.

Should I get a vertical mouse?

>I think you're asking me to install it with no changes to anything. That's what I tried first, obviously.
>this is what you're talking about, then running it and reloading makes it say there are duplicate entries. If I remove one the steam-launcher is the same version which gives the same error.
>Asking apt-get to install steam seems to be slightly different than using synaptic to get steam-launcher, but it's still the same error.
>Here's the error text:
>A popup saying glXChooseVisual failed
>Running Steam on ubuntu 16.04 64-bit
>STEAM_RUNTIME is enabled automatically
>grep: symbol lookup error: grep: undefined symbol: pcre_jit_stack_alloc
>grep: symbol lookup error: grep: undefined symbol: pcre_jit_stack_alloc
>grep: symbol lookup error: grep: undefined symbol: pcre_jit_stack_alloc
>awk: /home/jay/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/amd64/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libtinfo.so.5: no version information available (required by /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libreadline.so.6)
>Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1465507923)
>Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1465507923)
>Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1465507923)
>Gtk-Message: Failed to load module "gail"
>Gtk-Message: Failed to load module "atk-bridge"
>Gtk-Message: Failed to load module "topmenu-gtk-module"
>Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1465507923)
>Fontconfig error: "/etc/fonts/conf.d/10-scale-bitmap-fonts.conf", line 72: non-double matrix element
>Fontconfig error: "/etc/fonts/conf.d/10-scale-bitmap-fonts.conf", line 72: non-double matrix element
>Fontconfig warning: "/etc/fonts/conf.d/10-scale-bitmap-fonts.conf", line 80: saw unknown, expected number
>glXChooseVisual failedMain.cpp (310) : Assertion Failed: Fatal Error: glXChooseVisual failed
>Assert( Assertion Failed: Fatal Error: glXChooseVisual failed ):Main.cpp:310

nonfree pig disgusting

Resolution user here, I've been trying to fix this resolution shit with xrandr. I've used cvt to set a 1920x1080 mode and added that as a new mode in xrandr, and it seemed fine, but now when I try to add that to my monitor I get errors.
~$ xrandr --addmode DVI-D-0 "1920x1080_60.00"
X Error of failed request: BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes)
Major opcode of failed request: 140 (RANDR)
Minor opcode of failed request: 18 (RRAddOutputMode)
Serial number of failed request: 39
Current serial number in output stream: 40

Can anyone help me understand what all this means? And preferably also how to fix it?

>Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1465507923)
>[0614/235549:ERROR:main_delegate.cc(779)] Could not load cef_extensions.pak
>[0614/235549:ERROR:browser_main_loop.cc(217)] Running without the SUID sandbox! See chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/ /master/docs/linux_suid_sandbox_development.md for more information on developing with the sandbox on.
>Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steamwebhelper)/version(20160609205521)
>Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steamwebhelper)/version(1465505721)
>[0614/235549:ERROR:main_delegate.cc(779)] Could not load cef_extensions.pak
>assert_20160614235549_6.dmp[25568]: Uploading dump (out-of-process)
>Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steamwebhelper)/version(20160609205521)
>Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steamwebhelper)/version(1465507923)
>Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steamwebhelper)/version(1465507923)
>assert_20160614235549_6.dmp[25568]: Finished uploading minidump (out-of-process): success = yes
>assert_20160614235549_6.dmp[25568]: response: CrashID=bp-ca50e46f-db3c-48ee-bfec-359002160614
>assert_20160614235549_6.dmp[25568]: file ''/tmp/dumps/assert_20160614235549_6.dmp'', upload yes: ''CrashID=bp-ca50e46f-db3c-48ee-bfec-359002160614''

How to make an ubuntu live CD/USB with Cinnamon instead of Unity?

Everybody that replies to the daily "what is the best linux"-post with anything other than uname -v or their kernel name unironically with a distro should lurk moar before answering questions. nice to see that there are new people every few threads though.

Did you make these? Next time when making wallpapers from logos try right clicking the layer in gimp and select "alpha to selection" so that the edges don't look so jagged.