I have a question to you Sup Forums

I have a question to you Sup Forums

So i have this second hand gaming laptop that uses a 960m . Everytime i fire up a game the screen starts tearing but get this diagonally. Not the standart tear. Any way to fix this shit? Ill send 10 bucks over paypall if your fix works.

>fell for the gaming laptop meme
>hurr durr open v-sync
>use the integrated graphics card
>windowed mode

Best girl

You can't fix it so stop gaming on your laptop.

that was the same conclusion i came to.Seems there is no fix

Update drivers?

already did that.I also tested on old drivers too

>neets will appreciate that kind of cooking because they have no standards

look at those vegetables. it's just two pieces of wilted lettuce, and one speck of broccoli thrown on top of a pile of corn. from a can.

no wonder so many people's nutrition game is garbage. this is their idea of a home cooked meal.

don't even get me started on that discount ground beef.

her expression tells me she knows this is a substandard quality meal, but is secretly satisfied that the person she made it for is complacent with it.

wew, lad.

is this a copypasta ?

who's this busty semen demon?

>Teflon frying pan
Cancer when?

Anri Okita

Have you tried different drivers/settings for the Intel chip too? Afaik it still gives out the final picture even though the intel chip renders it

God bless you user! ;^)

*nvidia renders it

Hi /ck/.

nips in charge of cooking, amirite?

It's like they only live off meme food.


>using the smiley with a carat nose

Open it up change out the thermal pad/paste on the GPU.

Underclock core by couple hundred, boot game if fix slightly up core, rinse repeat til screen tears, down clock, lock new core speed

I wanted to disagree with you, but I can't get past that greasy burger. If that were grilled the fat could drain off...

I also have a 960m. Should I be expecting this in my future?