CS is a waste of fucking time

Tell me Sup Forums,

Why the fuck would you want to waste 4 years of your life (and tens of thousand of dollars) getting a CS degree when you can go to a coding boot camp, spend 6 months coding, get a job right out of the camp, and then learn on the job and get fucking paid for it?

pls do tell.

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code-monkey != programmer

Not defending college per se, but there's more to it than learning grade-school logic and syntax, user. Anyone can learn to code, but not everyone can learn to do so well.

these fucking boot camps have better hiring stats than CS schools.

>99% hire rate
>2% of those hires were in the tech field
>97% of those hires are for a high turnover minimum wage job in a warehouse through a temp agency

lol anyone who went to a real cs school and likes the subject wouldn't have "wasted 4 yrs" there. Seems like your projecting

there's no need to go to college if you have low aspirations, op. it's okay, really.

What does his projecting seem like? You didn't finish your sentence.

CS should not even be a college degree. You don't go to college to become a truck driver or barber.

idk perhaps he failed out of a cs program and reconciled his failure by believing that it was worthless to begin with

>i literally knew nothing about computer science

What's the problem? Are people only allowed to learn things they already know?

In my country you have to....

+ Higher pay even if you are not the better programmer

Easier to get a job with no experience but with a cs degree. Pretty tough without a degree unless you have a ton of experience


I've wasted a fucking year learning gayass calculus and shit for my cs degree, said fuck it, and got myself a job as a web developer.

>pls do tell.

So that you don't make mistakes like using "r" instead of "rb" as a mode string when opening a file in your python program, inadvertently breaking file transfers between different OSs with different line endings in your "universal" system management application, badly enough to the point where you admit you can't fix it because you don't know all the places where it would need to be corrected.

t. saltstack bugs

CS is not programming you spergs
it is a theoretical academic field

You're a fucking moron. Unless you're doing Theoretical Computer Science or doing CS in a Top 50 university you're doing a shitty Code-Monkey degree.

It should be me laughing (or alternatively crying) at US meme colleges treating CS like SE

Iam happy with my degree

It's the same shit everywhere dumbo. Being a retarded poo in loo code monkey is a marketable skill unlike theoretical computer science. Shameful really. But go enjoy making shitty computer programs while us maths students develop the new computer science theory ;)

you sure seem defensive about this user
did a loo touch you in a bad place without washing his hands first?
enjoy your topology ringjerk while us ai researches do the real stuff

You CS mongoloids don't have the mental capacity to make any advancements in AI.

spent 5 years at Uni doing both CS engineer and masters for free.
Best 5 years of my year.
gratuated, went to job, 1st interview hired because fucking masters and some theoretical knowledge (degree gives u at least some glance at technology evne if you don't care about learning).

But ye, sure, go to your 'code academy' I heard there are also online tutorials which even allow you to print a diploma.

Do you think I'll get a codemonkey job (with "software engineering" as the title would be good) with a double degree in IT and electrical engineering?

It's the closest I can get to a degree in comp. sci or software engineering.

I'd say you're better off doing mathematics and IT. Maybe just mathematics and learning the basics of many programming paradigms, and a couple different languages and get to know at least one very fluently.

I'd be swapping into the degree from another engineering course, so I'd save 2 years on the degree.
I hate electrical with a passion, but I might as well get the degree anyway.

If I'd known that I'd get hired with a maths degree I would have done that. I already have a decent portfolio of shit in a number with a number of languages, just no degree.

You can't just switch directly to CS?

>finish math PhD
>only job available is high school teacher

Not offered at the university I'm attending. Next uni is fucking forever away and would cost too much to attend.

That's strange but in your I would talk to an advisor and see your best option on how to move forward you really just need to get your foot in the door so to speak so just finish your degree find a job as a software engineer and then just build off work experience. I'm sure you'll be able to do it I mean EE isn't exactly CS but it's not like it's fucking gender studies i'm sure if you look into you'll find a path.

Coding! = CS

IT and electrical engineering sounds like a pretty good combo desu.

You could get a comfy systems dev job.

>he can't even into calculus

>even people hundreds of years ago could into calculus

Okay but wouldn't entry into the boot camp be vetted anyway?

I work, and can't afford to do a 4 year degree.

I can afford to get a 2 year degree in "Computer Programming."

Would such a thing even be worth it?

I don't even have anyone I could talk to. The only decent software-oriented lecturer got fired last semester. It's a godawful university.

Thanks for the advice. I'll more than likely swap into it.

>I can afford to get a 2 year degree in "Computer Programming."

what's Sup Forums's verdict on this degree?


Can you not get into UQ?

What are you swapping in from?

If you didn't have a iq of 100 you would learn languages on your own and not have to go to either.

>tens of thousands of dollars
The US of A everyone

I started CompSci 4 years ago but was so bored after the first semester I took a full-time job in a web startup in parallel.

I just attended my final project presentations yesterday and have pretty much wrapped uni (just waiting on some results), but because I've been working full-time (now in my 4th job in the industry, in a famous company) I'm probably in a much better position than any of my peers who just went to school or did a coding bootcamp. (I don't know a lot of the latter, they weren't as popular 4 years ago)

Then again I should be grateful for my priviledge/foresight because I started learning the right tech in my spare time in High School and using it to build side projects, and that's what got me a full-time job in the first place.

I wouldn't say school taught me anything and the degree I'll get soon probably won't affect anything wrt my actual job performance, but it's likely to influence hiring prospects wrt getting my foot in the door with certain companies.

>hire someone fresh from a bootcamp
>don't know what an API is

fuck off

>muh memes

It's like no one ITT actually builds real quality software day to day

UQ's that much better, huh?

nobody is taking CS because they want to learn to write software.
That is like taking an english major to write a blogpost

>Going to college to be a programmer
Americans everyone!

> tens of thousand of dollars
Here's your problem, Murrika: higher education is so fucking expensive, you treat it like an investment with an expected return, so most of your universities (being businesses themselves) became fucking vocational schools teaching skills currently in demand by the business. Master of Science is supposed to be a master of fucking science, not a corporate-job-ready drone with a shitload of debt.

>grateful for your own effort
>own effort means privilege

Please just stop

>4 years for a bachelors
>tens of thousands of shekels
America, land of the free.

still better than your joke of a country

You forgot that we don't have vaginas so it's impossible.

I'm fairly sure UQ is more prestigious and more highly regarded in general

All these salty tears. I went to one of these schools and landed a job at Adobe. Beating 12 other applicants. I did better than CS graduates on the coding tests, which weren't fizzbuzz. Though if they'd asked me about something like graph traversal I would have been fucked. Thankfully those kinds of CS problems aren't even that useful in most jobs

>when you can go to a coding boot camp, spend 6 months coding, get a job right out of the camp, and then learn on the job and get fucking paid for it?
When a 6 month coding boot camp provides me with intricate knowledge of networking protocols and embedded system development, please let me know.

I'm a white male so I have to do it the hard way

Even then employment isn't guaranteed

network and embedded boot camp hexfile masters

>kernel koding with karlie kloss


You're confused. CS is not a degree in programming. Programming is not the purpose of CS.

The only joke is that turd world shithole you call the USA. Can you be more pajeet-level?

Of course we can. We haven't even started reaching that level yet.

Can the Stanford grads please fuck off and stop making fun of people who are at least trying

All these poster people these coding bootcamps put up to show always have degrees from top universities in other fields. They make it seem like any random faggot off the street can just learn how to code and get a job at Google, when they only people they actually accept are Harvard and MIT graduates. Really makes you think.

The mixing and matching of all caps and non caps is triggering me.

Can you really call yourself an engineer without having an engineering degree in the states?

What makes a programmer then?

Calculus is fucking trivial

Rather that than getting cucked by the taxman the rest of my life

Are you perhaps retarded user?

>CS at top 10 technology school
>not retarded enough to get anything less than B's
>any job I apply to, HR fags consider me a better candidate than my coding camp counterparts
>higher ROI on my education cause median salary for grads from our college is 95k, if not 6 figures
>not to mention the fact that it's a public school and I don't get jewed out by the ivy meme

>go to college in USA
>have to spend thousands of dollars

>go to college in glorious Denmark
>don't have to pay a single cent

programmer can also design a good system. while code-monkey just knows how to type up the code. its like the difference of a architect(programmer) and a carpenter(code monkey)

>what are taxes?
Besides Denmark doesn't even have any good colleges

Besides CS salaries are shit in Denmark anyway

Maybe it would work if I was a woman. 300K starting.

>Im literally retarded and got a job a google for doing nothing more than being born with a vagina

The poor oppressed women.

>Rather that than getting cucked by the taxman the rest of my life
>pay thousands of dollars for college
>oh shit, can't afford it, better take a loan
>can't pay it back cause the job market is starting to lean towards cheaper immigrant labor/outsourcing
>realize you were cucked by the kike bankers as well as the college meme
>settle for a 50k job, which ain't shit cause about half of that is groceries anyway, before taxes
>lose about 25-30% of your income to the federal and state governments
>realise that you're getting cucked by the military industrial complex
>you're paying for Medicare and Medicaid, but those are gonna be abolished cause muh socialism big bad
>can't justify paying taxes other than "I'm a good amerigan dis is our civic doody"
>meanwhile corporations get away with tax evasion and the government still wages war on people living in mud huts for their oil

Fucking retard.

Because muh computational theory
Because muh discrete mathematics
Because muh complexity
Because muh career progression beyond code monkey

CS is not webdev
webdev is retarded babby shit while CS is an academic field, which when studied gives you a good understanding of the theory of computation and related subjects. It's infinitely more advanced that silly coding bootcamps that just teach a programming language and nothing more.

Compare with e.g. learning just French vs studying French language, culture, history and basically learning everything about the country.
Just being able to read and write a language does not make you an expert in the respective field.

>be woman
>have vagina
>learn intro to comp sci
>make website using wordpress
>get hired by Google so they can fill in their gender inequality quotas
Feels good being a Woman Computer Scientist in 2016 :^)

Because you get paid more in a position that requires CS degree

Confirmed. LinkedIn tells me the woman in op's pic has an MEd from Harvard.


Ah you're British, that's why you have a chip on your shoulder. Don't worry man I'm sure you country will be relevant again..... maybe.

What should I major in if I want to do cyber-security/pen testing?

I'm 5 weeks into a bootcamp and even I know what an API is.

Not really, would take 3 years and no cost here

Because the stallmanites with their negative social skills are beyond salvation. Therefore it's better to train some with a minimum of bedside manners

College > Bootcamp >> University CS degree

That's why I'm doing a math degree (24yo and still in first year of undergrad...).

>French high school sucks

This doesn't make any sense, even if you had used inverted meme arrows.

>learn CS on the job
>implying a worker at the conveyor in a car factory learns anything about how cars are designed

>not the same as University
Is this a European thing?
In America, all higher education is called college. Shitty, cheap colleges are called community college.
Yeah, places like Harvard have university in the name, but they're still called college.

Because I wanted to learn CS.

The education isn't bad, the salaries and taxes afterwards are though.

I always thought that was an American thing. Here in Germany, it's just called 'Universität'.
What do you use the word 'university' for then?

Because that degree is more important than the fact that you actually got an education in the field.

Most employers just want to see the degree before anything, they don't necessarily care if you know what you are doing or not.

tl;dr the degree gets your foot in the door.

maybe, but your employment options are far greater than a code monkey with a college degree

"University" is the word for university.
But in conversation, there's no difference between "college" and "university".
So I'm guessing your next question would be something like, "how do you differentiate between a good college and a shitty one?"
It's mainly based on how well known the place is, or how hard it is to get into the college.

CS and SE students from my university has an unemployment rate of 1.5%.
Some of those unemployed students even said no to jobs because they wanted to wait for a job at Google, Oracle or Microsoft.