So Anons...

So Anons, i think my girlfriend is cheating on m she is deleting messages before i can see them and doesn't wanna talk about it. So is there any way i can read her messages through my computer and stuff? And her whatsapp messages/viber messages... I ahve her number, her email, and her phone for short durations eg. 10 minutes... Any spyprograms or something? Thanks in advance!

give her a good beating

kill yourself


have u tried punching her in the face?

that is almost the last option if all everything fails..
And im gonna kill her, that is the last option..

Read a fucking book, and make the app yourself....

First im gonna trry with spying, then the punching.

Once you start ``suspecting her of cheating'', you might as well break off the relationship.

Dude, if you don't trust your gf, just dump her and move on. If you know she's deleting messages, and she won't tell you why, then it's obvious. You must just be afraid to dump her and are in a stage of denial, otherwise, this would be real obvious.

U - - - C
C - - - U


When she's away, pack up all your shit and then piss all over her clothes before leaving

Break up with her if you can't trust her

Log in whatsapp on your phone with her number whenever you have her phone for a couple of minutes

ask her if you can watch then Jamal and B-dawg are pounding her vagvag

Leave it alone, Tyrone

Won't work. That's the thing about WhatsApp, a username and password is automatically created for you but you don't see it and you never enter it. The username and password is saved on your phone and the app automatically logs in with it once launched.

So let's say you change your phone and you want to use whatsapp. How does it work?

>hurrr I think my significant other is cheating
>durr I'mma spy on them!
>derp my relationship has not trust and I'm a beta fag also insecure.

What a pussy. I recommend

It's bind to your number, you change your phone, you copy the contacts anyways or have them in the cloud.

>that is almost the last option if all everything fails..
Funny to hear that from a Sup Forums fag.
Also very edgy, especially because you're a...

You're getting cucked, what more do you need to know?

I mean to log in on a new phone what do you need?

Best option: Dump her and move on.

If your some spineless slimy fuck: Just log into Whatsapp web with her phone when you get a hold of it, Or just use Teamviewr and spy in that way by disabling the notification that it gives, OR just brows her phone and grab the chat backups from the app files.

Just stop being such a slimy fuck, man the fuck up and dump her.

>significant other

r u a grill or a fag

>messages before i can see them
Why do you have to look at her messages??!

>way i can read her messages through my computer and stuff
No, retard. Kill yourself

Edgy 12 y/o

>If you know she's deleting messages, and she won't tell you why, then it's obvious
Why you have to be intrusive about this? Ask, don't just go and spy on people's phones.

You should use neither violence nor hatred nor spying weapons towards her for two reasons:
1) you don't know for certain whether she's cheating or not.
2) even if she is, using any form of violence is ethically wrong and degrades you to a lower form of life.
3) when women cheat, it's always men's fault. A woman never cheats when she feels that she's loved by her man.

Solution: give her more love. Make her a special intimate dinner, for once do anything she would love to do in bed and resprct her.

>look at me, I'm 16 and I have a gurlfriend lulz!

If you have to spy, then it's already too late. Whether she is or isn't, that relationship is dead. Spying won't save it.

there are some bitches(women or men) with self-confidence problems that will fell into this kind of relationship situations(having more than a partner to feel needed). they can't feel safe being alone with themselves, so if they're in a relationship were their partner is too kind they'll search another one that will treat them like shit until they 'conquer' that person. those people are to avoid always.

tl;dr = attention whores

Best advice I can give you is if you can't trust her, dump her before she dumps you.

If she can't be 100% honest with you, there's no hope and no technology will save you from the inevitable.

It's over. Deal with it.

> it's always men's fault
hi tumblr, hows it goin?

Kill yourself bitch

Just accept your role as a KEK and start slurping up Tyrone's cum from her pussy

I lol'd hard

I'm a dude and I can say that's pretty much true.
I started cheating and not paying attention to her and after a few month I noticed she started giving less attention to me too and found out shes cheating.

Why are you even here if you can't even program a simple keylogger.

This. Drop her now, OP, before she gives you AIDS that she got from one of the guys that fucked her today.

this could happen in the opposite way. the fact is that we live in a sexist society and men(in general) have the privilege of cheating, not giving a fuck, not paying attention to the relationship. and women grow up needing attention and focusing on caring about others.

stop samefagging you nigger

Just look at all these retards who never had a gf...

OP just use

Should get the job done

this. cliches apart, people who lacks character can be man, woman, gay, trans, whatever.

You pathetic beta, a real man keeps his bitch in line. Women love an alpha male who slaps her when it's necessary.

lol virgin

Your old SIM card or one registered to the same number. Are you retarded?

Shes already gone, OP. If you feel like somethings wrong, it is. Break up with her or just cheat on the side yourself. Save the hours and days of denial and just accept it and not go through the effort of hacking her shit.

Sorry it had to end like that, go find a new hobby.

That's pretty much hard coded into society, switch in turn turned like that because early human nature.
Before we could produce enough food for everyone in a society, so people could work and didn't have to get their own food and just buy it and specialize in a craft, women could not live by themselves, they could not keep themselves alive alone nor protect themselves.
How we are right now, things won't go any better than they are today for several hundred years at least.

I'm , not the same person as pussy ass

Yes, when it's necessary, aka in bed and not because you can't find an argument with her and result into physical violence, not that emotional is any better.

He probably never used WhatsApp

And? He was told Whatsapp needs your phone number to log in. Obviously just entering it would be silly because then anyone could log into another person's account. So obviously it will authenticate the number, for which you obviously need the SIM card.
By the way, you don't need to put the old SIM card in the new phone afaik. Say you have an old phone with an old number that is associated with your Whatsapp account, and a new phone with a new number. You install Whatsapp on the new phone, enter your old number, get a text on the old phone containing a code that you enter in Whatsapp on the new phone, bam.

>male who slaps her
I beg to differ. The more you get out of my way, so I feel free, the better. And I fail to see any enjoyment in that. On the contrary. And think twice before you do that, you hit me, there's someone somewhere who cares more about me, bigger, better and stronger than you are.

Yup, everybody knows that, that's why I said he never used it. Damn, how do you think people having tablets without SIM slots use whatsapp?

I'm feeling pretty sad for you tbqh. I hope that you will visit a good therapist some day and that you won't go to Sup Forums, /r9k/, /adv/, /d/ or any other sexist, male-driven cancerous board asking for help and complaining about your solitude. I also hope that you won't bring up your sons with these ideas of yours, because that makes me seriously concerned about the future of our society. It's not totally your fault though: since when our society stopped being matriarchal and started fearing and disrespecting women for some reason, only wars and sufferings happened.
Good luck for your all-alpha-male society!


This is the only correct option.