>he spends thousands of dollars on technology
>he has enough computing power to make billions of dollars
>he makes no money from his technology and uses that computing power to shitpost on Sup Forums
He spends thousands of dollars on technology
>implying I can use my technology powers for anything but shitposting on Sup Forums
if I could I wouldn't be here
What exactly are you doing, op?
This ^^ Op is misogynic
So what should one say? "It"? Sounds good.
Yes, or s/he ot he/she
misogynic faggot spotted which thinks males are better than women and putting the he before the she
>>he has enough computing power to make billions of dollars
How do you validate this anyway?
I mean, you could potentially make billions of dollars from the computing power of a $100 smartphone so I'm not sure what sort of point you are trying to make here.
If making billions of dollars off a thousand dollar PC was a regular thing then they wouldn't be charging a thousand dollars for it.
It's in alphabetic order.
>he has intelligence to make billions of dollars
>he makes no money from his brain and uses that intelligence to masturbate, watch stupid videos and shitpost on Sup Forums
Your internalized misogyny is showing.
fuck off shitposters, sage in all fields
>tfw employed working as a contractor for the air force and getting good money
>tfw get to travel to cool places and do cool shit
>meanwhile the NEETs on Sup Forums act all knowing about what life like in the comfort of their chairs
They are not stupid videos!!!
Who the fuck are all those people?
>he is smart enough to end world aids and cure hunger
>all he does is meme
Click the x to the right of your browser's window, candy ass dipstick.
>Assuming I use windows
ubuntu master race
>noobuntu master race
Just kill yourself already lad
Wearing woman's panties does change the fact that you are an XY faggot. Seek help.