Does Bitcoin mining make sense anymore? I have a basically unused server that I would really like to give a purpose

Does Bitcoin mining make sense anymore? I have a basically unused server that I would really like to give a purpose.

you're 7 years too late for that

You'd have to look it up and probably buy a GPU, otherwise you'd be spending more on electricity than you'd be making in buttcoins iirc.

It didn't make sense three years ago

It's a waste of time, you might pay more for the electric bill than you get out.

Do they still have mining pools? Join one of those. Split costs/time and money between miners.

Nope, BTC is dead. But the getting's still good with PepeCoin.

Mine those rare Pepes while you still can.

Anything else productive I can do with it? I hate wasting equipment.


Create a server farm for running simulations in the forex market. Then, with your highly-informed decisions, get right buying and selling.

You're welcome OP.

>Does Bitcoin mining make sense anymore?
Yes, if you do it on ASICs.

Sell equipment you don't need.

Host a dolphin porn website

>Implying Forex is profitable

One of my friends got rich as fuck off of Forex. Although, he's way, way smarter than your average bear.

I think he has servers colocated somewhere close(r) to the stock exchange too, so he can get a few-miliseconds heads-up on everyone else.

Millionaire here, what is your net value kid? Thought so.

Trillionaire here, git gud son

You need ASIC's to overcome the electric bill

soon those will be worthless with the difficulty increasing exponentially

>implying being a wagecuck is profitable

Host a fucking website for somebody, maybe host a gaymer server

Oh Hi, Michael Lewis

Mine ether. Still profitable with GPUs. Price is going up too.


Petabytillion here. Get storage, son.


Gorillionaire here, you guys are hobos compared to me.

Cthulhuian here. Get Lovecraftian, plebs.

I often read how power plants have to waste their energy when they can't find any consumers. Maybe they should just buy ten thousand GPUs and mine bitcoins with that power instead.

My face just melted, and I'm clawing through to my skull, htfgthn fgsfds

none of these memecoins are profitable.