All these hipster lolimadev memes

>all these hipster lolimadev memes
Are mac developers as bad as web devs?

Other urls found in this thread:

Know your audience, Tom. Be a people person. They know their devs, devs know their clients. It's all about image. Code comes second.

Honestly, there's so much crossover between the two markets, they may as well be one and the same.

>loli made v
What did he mean by this?

>Code comes second
What did you expect, Pajesh? For people to marvel at your fizzbuzz in Haskell?

moot's little sister was the one who made the Sup Forumsideo game board all along


/Buying new rMBP if it's announced and posting order screenshot on Sup Forums/


no. moot is the loli

Fuck off Rajeesh.

Where do mactoddler morons get the false impression they or their toddler toys are welcome on a technology board?

Pre-event made is palpable already

Can't wait for post-event

How many rupees in overtime are you making Pajeet?

10 per reply

Let me eat steak tonight, Tucker.

>loli made v
>lol I mad ev
>lol I made v
>loli mad ev
>loli ma dev
What are you even trying to say

Fuck off back to /r/eddit and take your blogshit circlejerk with you.

Third bite

I'm gonna be full tonight lads

What compels you to eat shit from your hands?

Macfags can't afford food much less rent and a toilet, so it's killing two birds with one stone by shitting in the street and then eating it from their hands.

No but I'll be there for the lincuck salty grapes.




So fucking mad holy shit




I honestly thought this was some community event poster that's somehow related to WWDC.
But that's Apple's official branding for this WWDC.

it's dumb, but at least it's not as dumb as picrelated

>macfags actually enjoy eating shit from their hands


> 4 usb-c ports
> no ethernet, thunderbolt, hdmi, displayport or dvi ports
> needing to buy a usb-c to hdmi adaptor
> no usb-c to ethernet adaptor
> no usb-c to thunderbolt adaptor
> no usb-c to dvi adaptor
> no usb-c to displayport adaptor

i'd rather buy the current model desu

>i'd rather eat shit from my hands

Ffs does it not have a CD drive either??

>>i'd rather eat shit from my hands
That's a really bad habit you have there.

if apple wants to go all usb-c, it should at least provide the adaptors for those who want to do more than facebook.

apple literally recommends buying a usb-c to usb-a adaptor and a usb-a to ethernet adaptor should you wish to connect to a wired network.

>Wired network


THIS is entitlement

Why would a facebook toddler toy need more functionality than browsing facebook?

> free wi-fi at starbucks and mcdonalds is all i need for my facebook machine

>ITT: poor man's rant

Personal hotspot, nigger.

holy shit apparently this is a real thing, just how retarded are these people?

What's the problem?

>Not sad::stop()

>page this small requires jquery
>non-jquery code contains more comments than actual code
or is there a general purpose script they modified called appletimer for some reason?


weird, looks compressed to me

i code legit tech support softvar in cobol for vindos

makes it even weirder

Looks like a template

They're the same people. Seriously, the "web dev" community is at least 80%, if not more, Mac users.


It's an event for developers. What do you have against it being marketed towards them?

People who develop exclusively for mac are generally pretty bad yeah.

I have to develop for several platforms so I have to watch this shitty keynote. Fucking hell.

This isn't marketing for developers, it's marketing for "code artisans"

>if (sad()===true) {

i'm sorry, what language is this?

Slower connection speed, nigger.

sad() is a method that determines sadness as a boolean. sad().stop() doesn't seem right tho.

> triple equals
> java

Are we gazing into the mind of pajeet?

