Hi, Sup Forums. So I've started coding. I decided to learn Python because apparently thats what most people start with. It seems simple right now, and I'm getting the hang of it. but I'm still running in to a few problems with one big one that's really stopping me from achieving the full 'coder' experience so I must ask - what's the best mechanical keyboard?
Important Coding Question
ur a fucking idiot catch aids
You should probably get pretty deep into a language before you spend any money on anything. Honestly coding is one of the few things you can learn completely for free, why fuck that up?
I'll still learn I just want the keyboard too
Learn Forth.
Learns how to do if statements and a for loop....NEED A HACKER KEYBOARD, GUYZ.
lets face it I would learn code a lot quicker
A mechanical keyboard will allow you to learn data structures and algorithms a lot quicker? Interesting.
no you won't lol.
I learned how to code on a $200 craptop.
you'll learn how to code if you want to. Not bc you have a mechanical keyboard. You won't even be able to logic fast enough for your keyboard to matter at this point. Some of the best coders learned on paper.
>I decided to learn Python because apparently thats what most people start with
Most people are bad programmers.
i got a "saltek" low profile keyboard, after evaluating a lot
The obvious answer will be an Apple™ keyboard to show people how much of a fag you are
I made it to 90k salary using rubber domes
Not sure if serious or a truly glorious troll
I agree
I think it's serious. A lot of people get caught up in the same trap. I wanted to learn photography, but I wanted to make sure I had the perfect camera(s), collection of lenses, tripod, etc... when all I really needed to do was take some fucking pictures.
Buying stuff and trying to get "everything you need" is a lot easier than actually diving into unknown, confusing territory and trying to teach yourself.
- OP wants to start Programming
- First thing that OP is worried about is it to get the proper kbd.
--> OP programming it's not for you...
>I decided to learn Python because apparently thats what most people start with.
It's more accurate to say that's what some people start with. You don't make a generalized statement based on just the opinions of just a few strangers on the internet.
What the fuck is this indentation?
Summerfag GTFO
pretty much this
Has Sup Forums fallen this low, that it's not even able to detect bait/sarcasm anymore?
Also this
I was trolling lol
>this thread
kill me
Don't get a mechanical kb op it's useless. I tried some of them and the difference is not worth $150. If you want to be the cool kid, remember not to get cherry mx, but an $200+ topre. Obviously this has nothing to do with coding. I learnt python with an $30 rubber keyboard and i had no problems. Also consider an SSD and the latest NVIDIA® GTX© 1070, that will definitely improve your experience
OP make sure you get a keyboard that inserts spaces as tabs
start with anything with static typing. starting out with dynamic typing will fuck you over big time.
nevermind. future code artisan detected
jesus guys it was a joke I didn't realise it'd trigger all of you