So, there exist CS grads who can't do FizzBuzz or is it just a Sup Forums meme?

So, there exist CS grads who can't do FizzBuzz or is it just a Sup Forums meme?

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meme that Sup Forums wants to believe to boost their ego

Seems like a meme to me. Some CS grads are mediocre programmers, I won't deny it, but the people who really sucked at programming get weeded out by 2nd year at the latest.

why would you need to know Fizzbuzz exactly?

Except for women.

I will never use this in real life! Why do I have to learn this?

Not an argument. Answer the question.

It proves you understand basic algorithms.

That's the point. You shouldn't have to learn anything to do it since you only need absolutely basic concepts to implement it. If you have to "learn FizzBuzz", you can't program worth a shit.

Why would I need to answer your question, exactly?

lel. Girls are actually the first to leave. The few left after the first year are the good ones.

You don't, but I'd rather you didn't just shitpost.

The few left after the first year are the Chinese ones.


He should have said "It proves you can design a basic algorithm."

He should have just kept his mouth shut.

Fizzbuzz is a piss-easy test which you can solve in a few minutes even if you've never heard of it before.
Your inability to solve it means you cannot problem solve worth a damn.
And as a bonus, it also filters out retards who claim to be programmers but dont even know what a for loop is.

i could do fizzbuzz in high school comp sci ap. it's a meme like gentoo.

From the comments:
>I mean – I would be suspicious of someone who could solve fizzbuzz off the cuff. They are likely to:
>1. have too much time on their hands
>2. had too many interviews asking that question
>3. be unsufferably arrogant
>4. or all of the above.

This guy was a hiring manager, btw.

This was one of the first programs we had to make in intro CS... meme

What's the difference?

They can do it, sometimes just not in C/C++.

You don't NEED to, but if you can't even design a stupid FizzBuzz by yourself then you don't have a future as a programmer.

The FizzBuzz question should always be asked to a programming language that the applicant's resumé claims at least moderate experience with.

Anyone who can else ifs with modulo could do this in their sleep
>if (number % 15)
>>out fizzbuzz
>else if (number % 3)
>>out fizz
>else if (number % 5)
>>out buzz
>>out number

I have a B.S. in CompSci and I can't do FizzBuzz. Not even joking. I literally bullshitted my way through the entire degree. It helped that my college's CompSci department is not prestigious. I'm just really good at sucking up to teachers, and talking out of my ass.

>tfw gonna be a pilot now
Things turned out better than expected.

you're the best troll i've ever encountered and know so much. i'd love to meet you irl.

What makes a prigrammer bad?
If it just lazyness?
Dislike for programming?
Are there people that are actually unable to write code?

the girls who stayed are usually insane or religious I find

What's the difference?

I bet that they just can't do it without Stack Overflow when they are put on the spot.

haskell fags making it more complicated, why
fizzbuzz n | n % 15 = "Fizzbuzz"
| n % 5 = "Buzz"
| n % 3 = "Fizz"
| otherwise = show n
where % = mod

It was a shitty picture I found using image search and I thought the same

But at least it wasn't Java

for( $i = 0; $i < 25; $i++ )
echo $n % 15 == 0 ? "Fizzbuzz" : $n % 5 == 0 ? "Buzz" : $n % 3 == 0 ? "Fizz" : $n;
echo '


I want you to create a spread sheet that every other line rotates between light grey and a white background. Every 10 lines being a darker grey background,

And seeing how ytou don't see a need for a fizzbuzz solution. Lets see what you come up with.