Whats your opinion on special coatings on pans?
Whats your opinion on special coatings on pans?
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Cast iron skillet fags = Linux fags
Teflon/stainless = Windows fags
Diamond/ceramic = OS X fags
I always fuck them up within a year or two, no matter how cancerous and special the coating is.
ceramic > teflon all day son
>use teflon
>enjoy ur toxic flakes
>enjoy ur reduced nonstick properties after extended usage
>enjoy not being able to use metal utensils
Surprisingly accurate
I want to coat her bosoms with my sperm
I dont know, but she reinforces my dick diamond hard
meme marketing bullshit, diamonds are brittle and it makes no difference in a fucking frying pan.
useful. I got a non coated one once when I was a newbie and fucked it up. season all pans before actually using them. after that, any pan will do, but some are simply superior to others. idk what it is.
I'm for coatings, if it means I literally don't have to grease the pan to get shit not to stick.
yesterday I used a friends for French toast. nothing stuck, and all I had to do was shape the pan a little, and everything was slipping and sliding.
made cleanup a breeze too.
yes, please.
What the fuck
Anything but cast iron makes you a pussy
stainless steel or fuck off
coatings get fucked
iron gets fucked if you are not a cookware autist
fuuuuck off
ceramic is just teflon minus the ptfe that actually makes it last
>not using ceramic coated cookware
just kys asap.
you are literally a meme lord
it doesnt matter they all smack people the same
nah, cast iron is heavies so it does more damage.
>compensating for inaccuracy with weight
teflon is a brand by dupont that is literally tetrafluorethylene (PTFE)
manlet detected
>Not listing god tier stoneware
>not buying aluminum and setting up your own loonix pan
That's *BSD
They're a Jewish conspiracy, just use stainless steel.
fuck you pleb, i use glass
>not using 100% glass
>not using platinum
>this ITT
oh, so funny (:
>Using the smiley with the carat chin
>this in this thread
What do you mean by this?
>31 dollar per gram
Tell me how much "platinum" is in your pot?
coatings are designed to fail within a few years to promote you to go back and buy more.
>few years
Make that 1 to 2 years. Asuming you take care of it.
>coatings are designed to fail
No they just suck big tiemz
All paint,coatings,galvanised surfaces go to shit if they are not used in ideal circumstances
Stainless for everything but eggs.
Teflon is only cancerous BEFORE it is used in the coating process. You could the flakes all day long and nothing will happen to you.
cast iron or high carbon steel, otherwise kill yourself(btw stainless is for knifes not cooking surfaces, enjoy your sulfur covered food).
>You could the flakes all day
Where you an alcohol too?
Also PTFE(nor niggerflon as you UScucks like it) is dangerous when it breaks down due to excessive heat and becomes airborne in gas form
Idk I just eat out
Feels really non manly to not have proper cooking skills and tools but I'm pretty much a child in a man's body anyway
Yes but he has a point, I have yet to find a ceramic pan that maintain the non stickiness as long a Teflon one
not using WOLL
Yeah I have Teflon pans that are almost 20 years old that I paid like $100 for the entire set, they're still fine.
Its just coated with it so who knows, a few grams?
Is Gotham Steel all lies and a meme pan?
>a few years
Stop buying cheap pans. I've got one that's over ten years old and still going strong save the very center but it's still non-sticky.
the point is that ptfe and teflon are the same thing
Just as nylon is the same as polyamide in most cases
>stainless steel
>having enough sulfur to leach out
>implying your pans get hot enough to start leaching it to begin with
Are you retarded?
Wtf nigger do you think stainless steel decomposes at the pleb temperatures you cook your dollar steak with?
This, unless you are on the ball about maintaining your cookware iron/bronze is just gonna get fucked up (And probably cost more). Stainless steel master race.
>iron gets fucked if you are not a cookware autist
>cookware autist
>literally all you do different is not use soap and recoat with oil after each use
Or are you one of those disgusting faggots that leaves a sink full of dishes for a week or more?
>start coating pans in teflon
>next generation becomes severely autistic
>scientists can't find cause of autism because they're too autistic to look at the simple causes
>implying implications
The only thing that's changed is that autists don't have it beat out of them anymore.
>he doesn't use a dex build
Cast Iron or bust - you can even stick the fuckers in the oven or on a bbq if you have to.
Plus a cast iron pan makes for a decent murder weapon in a pinch.
Of course, but so are all of the other people in this thread. Most people do, If they aren't a NEET