Pc faggots

how all u pc faggots doing new xbox got 6 teraflop and the highest pixels u fucked mate

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That's great, honey.

>highest pixels

Talk to me when Xbox gets planetside 2. Oh wait it's a Sony game.

highest pixels u ever fuckin seen xbox said it

and never come back


not since 2015

new xbox got 6 teraflop

new xbox got uncompressed highest pixels u ever fuckin seen

new xbox got 60hz

new xbox got 4k

new xbox got high fidelity VR pc don't have no high fidelity VR jus shit fidelity VR

xbox got 8 cpu cores

xbox got 320gb bandwidth

higest frame rate best resaluation

xbox just killed pc fact


Yeah soon all the sons here will be shitposting from their xboxz

kek, i had that shit in my pc since 2011

pc was 2d in 2011 pc still play with pokemon

I don't care if it's a bait thread, all I'm excited for is that Zen APU it's carrying.

nice bait m8

*also on Windows 10

Go back to Sup Forums

Fuck them

if u cant take fact sthen your problem fag

watch the video then maybe u stop talk no?

You need to try harder. Try to at least know what I'm talking about to bait me better. Maybe throw some AMDpoorfag in there so others can get riled.


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