Whats the justification behind devs locking games for CPU's with less than 3 cores?

whats the justification behind devs locking games for CPU's with less than 3 cores?

are they saying a slow ass xeon 4 core under 2GHZ can compute their game's data faster than a haswell/skylake i3-4170/6100?

or did Intel try an pay them off since everyone figured out that i3's and even Pentiums are more than enough to then be paired with a 900 series Nvidia to try an force them to purchase i5's an i7's

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Pretty sure an i3 would still work fine and it's still dual core.

Probably incompetent devs not letting the game run with 2 threads.

Can't wait for dx12 to become mainstream, hopefully for bf5.

There are patches that eliminate this. Almost every game has a patch.

Anyway, I think it's stupid to restrict what hardware your software can run on, but i use FREE SOFTWARE so this does not effect me.

yeah but only cause of the hyperthreading fooling the game into thinking its 4 cores

but my question is, why would devs do this, cause a shitty 4 core AMD gets mopped in any type of threaded action with most 2nd or even 3rd generation old Intel's with 2 cores

Because sometimes, 4 weaker threads are better than 2 stronger ones.

See g3258 vs 760k in gta v. The pentium isba stronger cpu because of the ipc, but it stutters like hell and crashes the game occasionally.

>As for Intel's G3258, a dual-core Pentium solution for ultra-budget systems, we were unable to achieve stability for longer than a few minutes at a time. The two times that a test pass was completed, the 1% low and 0.1% low FPS outputs hit a dismal 7 and 5FPS (respectively), effectively making for an unplayable experience. Minutes into our burn-in (part of the low-confidence parity check), the game froze as the CPU failed to keep up with demand. It just isn't powerful enough and is too thread-limited for GTA V.


but hasnt it been known for over a decade that the "minimum" is highly over provisioned, they only have themselves to blame

also does that mean clock speed no longer matters now?

also i really dont like the pentiums anyways, i would like to see that chart include the lateast haswell or skylake i3 CPU which have HT'ing and see if it truely makes a difference

Also keep in mind the guys that port the GTA games have a history of doing a garbage job. GTA is not a good game for benchmarks.

thinking of pentiums, unrelated to OP's post

any suggestions on the best lga 1150 pentium for shitposting?

low power consumption preferable, as my cpu power connection is only 4 pin

kinda just looking for the best price to performance,
theres g3220's for 65$
g3470's for 10$ more
and g4240's for 50$

is there any real difference besides clock speeds?

this is all you need


to be honest, while it would probably be a good option, i dont want to go celeron solely because of the name and the history ive had with celerons

however, my pentium machines have been going for years now with no issues, but any celeron machine ive owned was outdated within a year

for low power then this would be an even better choice



This one is secretly a K type processor, the multiplier is unlocked, thus allowing you to OC it.

The g3258 is unlocked, so you could downclock it to use even less power.

>70 dollars after shipping

he could just get a fucking X4 860k at that point

GTA 5 is a good "port", runs much better than IV

he said penis so baka desu senpai

>a slow ass xeon 4 core under 2GHZ
>falling for the MHz myth

Ipc is ipc

Yes, but clockrate is not a measure of IPC

If you can get a 3258 go for it, otherwise, I have a 3220 and it works fine, I can't talk about the other 2.

While we're on the topic

Opinions on i3 6320?
It's the full dual core chip. I'm seriously considering getting one with a z170 board so I can BLCK OC it. Upgrade from 2500k. Instant on, lower power draw, ddr4, slightly higher performance on two less cores.

And any 2ghz xeon will struggle with badly written games as they dont have more ipc than their mainstream counterparts.

Yo seem to be assuming OP's smarter than he is. From the way he's wording it it seems like he thinks clock = processing power.

>slightly higher

You'll see much better performance in games thanks to that ipc and ddr4, even if you will lose 2 cores.

But isn't the 2500k still enough?

Well I more or less just want an upgrade. I know it's not the best use of money. The i3 6100 with good ddr4 benches roughly the same as a 2500k in most games so I don't expect that much better performance.

I'd wait a bit longer. 2500k still overclocks like a motherfucker

2500K is still better faggot

I got my G3258 for $40 less than a year ago at MicroCenter

i know this thread hasnt had replies in a while, but the g3258 kicks ass. Mine is doing 4.3ghz at 1.2v

also whats the deal with intel putting out micro code in windows updates to stop the g3258 to break overclocking?

Doesn't the 760k have more L3 cache?

Pretty sure an OC'd 6320 would beat an OC'd 2500K. A 6100 is neck and neck with a 2500.
