So what is the best Sup Forums extension/userscript for Chrome these days?

So what is the best Sup Forums extension/userscript for Chrome these days?

I've been using Tampermonkey along with 4chanX and Onee Chan for quite a while now. Just making sure I am not missing out on anything.

Other urls found in this thread:

seems right
although i believe they just have extensions on chrom/ium

Nice, I just switched over to the Chrome extension. I also found StyleChan which looks like an updated version of OneeChan, checking that out now.

There's a standalone Sup Forums X extension for Chrome so you don't need to use Tampermonkey.

Why do you guys need to extend Sup Forums so much, anyway? The only thing I need to make Sup Forums sane for me is the thread pinner and quote linkbacks. And maybe image hover.

yeah i dunno i'll check it out but it took a while for me to get the settings how i wanted for onee...but i'll peep thanks

i like customizing and it makes filtering a dream
plus just the layout of things

If you have to ask then you wouldn't understand.

lol. You're telling this to someone who actually ran Gentoo for a few years, and who currently has around 38 Chrome extensions installed. Lest we forget around 35 vim plugins.

I am all about the customization rabbit hole. I just don't get what's interesting about ricing Sup Forums. It's just a forum.

>35 vim plugins

user@comp $ ls -1 ~/.vim/bundle/ | wc -l

Believe it.

get a grip

Get a grip on what?

What is wrong with you?

life. vim. vi. ed.

This looks nicer than onechan by default but it's just a oneechan lite it looks like.

Cute mascots.

Both of them seem to be updated regularly. What's the difference between style and onerchan?

Those are too vague to mean anything. Try again, user.

get a gri

I can't tell if that's her or hair or a cape.

Also why do you browse with an animu girl there all the time? Isn't that distracting?

>I can't tell if that's her or hair or a cape.
What are you doing on an anime website?

I'm not...? I'm on Sup Forums, friend.

Good taste

>I can't tell if that's her or hair or a cape.
It's her hair, you have to have blue hair.

>Also why do you browse with an animu girl there all the time? Isn't that distracting?
It's nice, no matter where I go (on Sup Forums) there is a cute girl with me. Also sometimes the mascots are really on point to the thread.

Sounds like a lonely existence, user.

Yea, but anime girls make it better. It all evens out in the end.

I don't user. I used to be obsessed with cute animu girls before too.

A knowing smile from my sweetie means more to me than thousands of animu girls ever could.

A smile from my waifu does more to me than any number of 2D or 3D girls could. To each his own user.

>he doesn't set a custom board list
>he doesn't have a filter/highlight list
>he doesn't force https rewrites
>he doesn't auto-update threads

>35 vim plugins

you do know the whole point of vim is for your text editor to grow with your knowledge, not for your plugin list to grow with your ignorance, right?

I bet you use NERDTree.

I do all of those already (except for the last one, which is overkill) with either the Native Extension built into Sup Forums, or browser extensions.

Actually, I have been growing my vim plugins organically over the years. I didn't just install a shitload of extensions all at once for no reason.

I also occasionally take a look at what extensions I have installed, and reflect on why I do and what I use them for. And sometimes I do nuke a few of them that haven't been very useful.

Glancing at my list of extensions right now, there's a couple I could probably remove, but otherwise the rest are useful for me in my day-to-day work, or are occasionally utilized (such as my Go plugin; useful, but I don't write Go code too often).

I just need an extension that can expand all images.

Please help me based Sup Forumsods


var pics = getElementByDecoration("[tag=img] AND [subset=post_thumbnail]");

for( var i = 0; i < pics.length(); i++)

You're welcome.


Same except auto-update is must. I just use HTTPS everywhere. Other than that the native extension has everything I need

can you post that pls


Auto-updates are a bit too much for me because my usage of Sup Forums is going and doing other stuff for like 20 minutes, and then checking the thread watcher.

I'm not glued enough to obsessively check every thread for new posts.

Holy shit, her mouth is grotesque. What's wrong with it?

Holy shit fuck off

It's a common trick to show drool. Pretty hit and miss.