What's the best security software for linux so nobody will hack my server

What's the best security software for linux so nobody will hack my server

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linux itself. you just have to know how to use it

btw, is that really her? ffs, she was ugly as hell

Install Gentoo

You should have bought a Gibson. No one can hack a Gibson

No one wants to hack your server


Disable SSH that's all I can really think of. What kind of server are we talking here?

>taking security advice from Sup Forums

From talking with someone in the know, She ran Blackberry Enterprise Server 10 with regular security patches. Its actually a pretty secure system.

The only real difference between this and the secure systems are that secure systems have to have a safe room protected 24 hours a day. Clinton's house was surrounded by secret service 24 hours a day.

Honestly her server seems secure.

Properly configured aide.




they do, but only if they can get in relatively easily and install a cryptolocker variant to try to part you with your shekels

Heya, Hills. How's it hanging?

>for linux

>btw, is that really her? ffs, she was ugly as hell
You're kidding, right? She's the definition of nerdy hot girl who's probably a serious freak in bed.

>wanting to fug shillary

Who is this demon?

This. Especially considering that nobody even mentioned a fucking firewall.
Everyone can go home now.

She still is.


implying she was so good in bed that Bill didn't cheat on her.

Dang Hillary. Nerdy white girl was a seamen demon. Would wreck/10

I bet they were both freaks.

Bill just cheated because pussy is like pizza. You don't wanna eat the same pizza for the rest of your life.

well ya

All the security software in the world won't protect you from treason charges. Better start fellating Obama, Soros and others who can help James Comey commit suicide with four bullets in the back of his head. Not Billy Boy though: he knows better than to have sexual relations with you.


The only things you need to secure any linux or unix server are TCP Wrappers, portmap and rpcbind.

this. selinux, grsec and pax are pretty good, but openbsd will remain the most secure. don't forget tripwire, remote syslog and a good nids.

Yep, feminazis always are.
Dade Murphy can, you just need to download the garbage file too.

I'd rather of had a fat kike intern than hillary too.

>He doesn't use ssh


Only ports open to everyone on my VPS are 25, 465 and a non-standard VPN port.
IMAP, SSH and all the other ports are only available from my home IP or from the VPN tun interface.

And the VPN, like SSH uses publickey authentication.


>We're gonna make iptables real simple
How many of these projects are there?
How much of an issue is it anyway?
I looked up a few guides on securing a VPS, ran iptables-save to a file from which they're restored on bootup by a script and have just been editing that file where I can see all the conventions.

>best security software
It's not windows. Linux security is DIY.

Have MAC or RBAC enabled. Don't log in as a root.
Only install the softwares from your distro's secure repo
Use the Grsec kernel with PaX patches.
Use uBlock origin. HTTPS everywhere, Disconnect and Decentraleyes.
Use a Secure DNS.
Never keep yourself logged into anything.
Use a password manager. Best way is to maintain own encrypted spreadsheet.
Never use flash.
Install and keep firewall enabled at startup.
Keep bluetooth and printer service disabled by default.
Never give your windows VM any network access.
Do not bank or shop online unless you really have to. NEVER INSTALL YOUR BANK'S APP IN YOUR PHONE.
Randomly change all your 16 digit passwords. Use your spreadsheet to keep track of it.
Analise your data traffic to check for network tapping.
Always keep a mirror backup of your data. Create your own cloud storage if you are really serious.
Lastly, only visit trusted websites

You cannot "download" or "install" security

firehol is the one that's actually used on real servers by real admins and supported by real distros

might as well add: firehol.org/

check out some of the examples, for both firehol and fireqos. they're really nice.

Look, I know iptables syntax by heart but that doesn't mean I need to waste my time thinking about the exact chain setup I want when firehol can do it with a single command, including properly marking connections to accept return packets etc.

(and as for fireqos, well, I've been bashing my head against tc/qdisc for years now and have still never figured out how exactly to program it to get something with this degree of complexity: 0x0.st/c05.conf)

>he uses ssh on standard ports

Seen her lately though? She's a proper milf!


fail2ban is pretty cool against brute force attacks.

Bill once said that hillary had eaten more pussy than he has in his life.

So yea they were real sex freaks.
