/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread

For stupid questions

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It looks to me like these wires should be going to a serial port, instead they're USB. Is it possible to connect this device to a serial port?

I fucked up, dont laugh

my 14.04 ubuntu was messed up, reinstalled it, but accidentally encrypted or something... long story short my hard disk got formatted and i didnt know, so i upgraded to 16.04 but that was making me go into grub rescue mode so i booted 14.04 from cd and cleared my whole disk again from gparted. Then i took out an old windows 7 cd from 2009 and installed windows 7

anyway, should i upgrade to windows 10 or keep windows 7? i mainly use my computer for gaming. I dont play new games so w7 should run anything i wanna play.

Or should i try to reinstall 16.04

Why are old shows such a large file size?
They're a lower resolution, is it a codec thing?
I'm downloading 20 episodes of a show and it's 50gb.

is it possible to use the macro keys on a razer black widow on linux?

wat is this

Get a real keyboard faggot

Sup Forums can no longer use bittorrent? When did this happen?

Want to build a new rig. 1151 or 2011 v3?


welcome to the botnet! I hope you got #nothingtohide

So one of the screws of the heatsink broke in half. Is it safe to use superglue and rescrew it in?

i got it almost for free, am poorfag

What's the deal with Exynos and custom ROMs? Never installed anything like that, but would a S3 have problems with Cyanogenmod? I heard with that CPU line you're better off with touchwiz.

Can anyone ID this IBM leather vintage bag?
Might buy it for 10 bucks but I need to know if it will fit my T520

if they are encoded with an old codec like divx, then yes, they are less efficient than todays codecs.

So can I re-encode them to save space? What program would I use?

ffmpeg, always.

Question: I planned to get the Corsair Carbide Quiet 400Q how are the stock fans in it?

or should I go with some "Corsair Airflow Performance Edition" fans?

I want it to run quiet.

Is it irrational to sever all contact with someone because they phoned me while shitting?

Mionix Avior 7000 or Zowie FK2?

Strange question, but can I set a gif as a screensaver in WIN7.

I'd also like to have it go to screensaver after 10 minuets, then after an aditional 5 minutes turn the screen off.

What causes the following BSOD error? :

VIDEO_TDR_FAILURE (nvlddmkm.sys)

I've tried googling, but without much luck. It tends to happen when I try to use Premiere, Maya, or even Illustrator sometimes.

What video card do you have?

I switched to Linux a few months ago. Been going through programming tutorials compiling with mingw32, was no problem on windows up until now where I wrote a test program that didn't run well in a vm. So I checked wine and wit worked better. Thought I'd ditch the VM and just cross-compile from now on.
So I just installed the mingw32 toolchain for linux and it I can compile with
/opt/mingw64/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc source.cpp -o exe
just fine. But I can't figure out how to use old and trusted mingw32-make with with this setup.

Can anyone help?

I'm going to dual boot Windows 7 and Debian with two SSDs. Do I need to do anything special, or just put Windows on one, then Debian on the other? I know when I dual booted before, I had to install carefully, mess with partition sizes, and install Linux second so that grub would overwrite Windows boot stuff, but that was also when I used a single drive.

Also, anything I should do as far as fucking with swap sizes or anything? I'll have a 250GB SSD and a 1TB HDD for each OS(so 4 drives), what's the best way to set that up so that each can access the others drive, and so everything is mounted somewhere good in Linux?

Why won't greenify/force stop keep my messaging apps closed?

I tried a firewall app but it still let things through.

Will I have to root again to achieve results?

I have a NVIDIA GeForce GT 745M.

It's a laptop--Lenovo Z710, which also has an Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600 when I look in the drivers.

Yes. If they're intentionally doing it after you've talked to them about it, then it's more reasonable.

Why do I see a bunch of decent looking blue switch keyboards for like $50, but the closest brown switch I see is $70?

mingw-w64.org/doku.php/download running windows 10 x64 bit which one am I supposed to install?

How can I position my Powershell window on my second monitor? I want it on the left edge of my left monitor but the minimum for the x coordinate of the position in the settings is -999, which isn't far enough left.


anyone with 25 minutes and interest in computer graphics

explained to a retard, how does their engine work?

or at least

what's the point of distance fields?

So I just noticed that apkmirror uses Facebook ads and they originate from Facebook°com and fbstatic°akmaihd. How do I block these ads? Obviously I can't block in host file because that would stop me from accessing Facebook as well. At least Google has its own adnetwork which can be blocked using hosts.

Fucking zuckerberg is an smart ass.

>Inb4 using kikebook

Muh normie friends guise.

Root + xposed would be the only sure way that greenify works properly.

Thanks, I'll revisit it. It's been a long time since using Xposed.

That's not a stupid question. Get out of this thread.

I suggest you a very simple way to make things up. Go ahead and install windows 7 and disable updates. Download wubi installer for Ubuntu LTS and run it. After restarting, Ubuntu's installation will complete in about 10 mins. You can update Ubuntu using apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade.

Then you have it. Windows and ubantoo.

I'm trying to use bluetooth for the fist time on mychinkpad
I running the bluez-simple-agent, but I have no bloody idea where the reset/pair button is suppose to be (It says I need to press it on the wiki).

How do I use ffmpeg to merge multiple videos together?

Sorry for the terrible grammar.

tl;dr how do I use mingw-32make on linux?


Anyone has an insight of BIOS hacking/modding?

>have an acer netbook for the time i'm away from home
>locked down bios; no advanced tab
>look uo how to unlock
>F10 + A won't work as suggested by some ppl

it's an Insydeh20 Bios rev 5.0
i've dumped the firmware with that "Andy's Tool" so i can extract the dmx core. Now i'm kinsa stuck, i don't find the "Advanced Settings" string when looking up the .mod fil with an hex editor.

model: acer E5-532
bios: insydeh20 rev 5.0

My work requires us to change passwords every 3 months, when changed, it won't allow incremental password changes, such as password1 to password2.

Now would this mean somewhere these passwords are plain text as how would it tell its incremental if it was properly encrypted, or is there a secure way they can tell.

Which bad dragon is best for mostly oral play?

I swear I'm not gay I just want to pretend I'm sucking cock

My father said something weird about taking a photo on his Android phone, and then the phone recognized what was in the image (some building) and suggested him to share it with the world.

Android is spyware confirmed?

Does the password change form require you to put in the old password? If it does it could just check the hash to see its the correct password when changing it and then compare it to the new one without storing it.

But they probably are storing them in plaintext

Yeah I am pretty sure they are unencrypted. Even if they are encrypted, the way that they check incremental changes could be pretty much flawed.

they could just save the numbers and check if the new password has any numbers that are incremented by one from the old.

you'll never know without knowing the system behind it, but it's possible that they just save it in plaintext.

Androud itself isn't, google services are.

Google has this since quite some time. If you say OK Google show my pictures of car, then it shows your photos of car. Google photos automatically sorts your pics in categories like the ones we fill in captcha.

So move to legacy captcha or fill an incorrect choice every time you solve newer captcha.

I downlaoded Ubuntu GNOME 16.04, will it work with wubi?

Idk. Probably not. Last time I used ubantoo it was on 10 or something. I think 14 should support wubi. You can do incremental upgrade to upper versions using the command above.

Also ive been downloading updages for windows for the past 2 hours. Should i uninstall them?

Absolutely yes my man. Remove all updates and switch off updates. They will make you update to win 10 which is an absolute mess. Stick with 7.

Do closed ports present a security risk? My new ISP's router has two udp ports closed and the rest filtered, and it has me a bit worried. Google doesn't really help, you get people saying all your ports need to be "stealth" because it makes you invisible to probes and others saying it's overrated.

I don't know who to believe. Is my anus safe?

should I get dell u3415w, or asus pg278q

I dunno m8, what are you gonna use it for?

I just got the Dell S2716DG, which is pretty equivalent to the Asus PG278Q, for $500 at Amazon. It might be a prime only deal though. Unfortunately it's still shipping for me, it's supposed to arrive tomorrow so I can't give you a review of it, I just think it's a much better deal than the Asus.

My dad has a Lenovo T400 running Windows 10 with Intel 5100 Wifi. Since updating it to Windows 10, the wifi drops out occasionally and I have to restart to get it back working. Sometimes it doesn't work after one restart and I have to restart again. I get 4-5 errors like pic related every time. I'm thinking about just downgrading back to 7 but I don't feel like dealing with 12 hours of updates and having to be on eternal watch for Win 10 forced updates.

Can Americans actually buy a phone without cucking themselves with a contract?

Yes. We've always been able to, it's that carriers used to charge you just as much monthly no matter if you bought your phone outright or not, so you'd be stupid not to get one subsidized from the carrier. Nowadays, more and more carriers have stopped subsidizing phones, lowered their plan rates, and you pay for your phone independently with the option of paying for it in monthly installments.

Yes you can buy the phone from the store for full retail price ($500-1000+), order one from an online retailer, or finance one (for 0% interest) with a prepaid plan.

miring those bezels, too bad its $900+ in Canada

work and gaming, probably about 50/50

Damn. Maybe it is on sale in Canada on Amazon too, but you can't see it if you don't have Amazon prime?

Im going to build new computer from scratch
already bought a 6700k for 280usd from a friend.
Which part should i buy next? i could buy two or three per month.

Which osx version do you reccommend for use in a vm?

you should buy all the parts at the same time.
doing bit by bit is a terrible idea.

dosent really matter, take advantage of deals.
I use /r/bapcsales its pretty good

alright i just save to buy all of it at the same time unless i see a cheap deal

i restarted and forgot i had the GNOME disc inside, so i just went ahead and installed it.

everything seems ok for now expect when i select ubuntu from grub booter, the screen goes black. Any one know why?

Anyone had this happen to their GPU? It's a GTS 450.

Happens on all monitors and cables? Have you overclocked it? How hot is it running? Tried different drivers? That's about what I can think of for narrowing down the issue. If none of these help, the GPU is likely busted.

I think I can safely say it's fucked.

I installed Windows after Mint and now I can't boot to Mint anymore. What do I do?

How do I stop my Note 4's volume up button activating vibrate when it's already on silent without replacing the whole ROM with a custom one?

Every time I'm forced to manually disable it with the drag-down menu from the notifications bar. PITA.

The volume keys should only control volume. Or better yet, vibrate should be down from silent, not up.

It probably is fucked... Tried v300 drivers and it once artifucked in POST

Is there a website where you can get cheap custom prints/posters of any picture you want?

>2004, 599USD
>multi ch input
>multi ch pre out
>100w rms @8ohm (stereo, 20-20kHz THD remote w/ sleep button
>less than 150USD today

Are there any alternatives that can come close?

I want to have a dual boot configuration where I can see the files on my windows partition while running Linux but I can't see the files on my linux partition while running windows. How would I do this? Which filesystems would I choose?

use any file system windows dosent support

>grub bootloader
This is the exact reason I told you to use wubi. See if you had used wubi, windows bootloader would start at the beginning to chose windows 7 or Ubuntu.

Since you seem like a beginner, troubleshooting with grub might be daunting.

But for the fuck of it, since you installed anyway, tell me your pc specs. Especially GPU in your case. Also does windows boot fine from grub? An screenshot/picture from cam of grub screen would be nice.

Linux uses ext, ext4 and such. Windows explorer for some shit ass reason doesn't show the drives formatted with such types. Windows shows only the disks with fat, NTFS and the like. So you can't see Linux partition from windows. Couple third party software do exist in windows which lets you view all partitions.

that what you'll get normally

linux supports every filesystem windows does, but windows doesn't support any filesystem you'd typically use for a linux installation

"...but only for Ext4, Ext3, and Ext2 partitions..."

Does anyone have any experience or knowledge of hearing aids, specifically ones equipped with telecoils? My granny uses them, but all the various transmitter appliances available are disgustingly overpriced and extremely low in general quality, and I figured it shouldn't be that hard to construct a transmitter that'd allow her to listen to the TV at least.

this is relevant how?

>windows doesn't support any filesystem
But it does.

What ad blocker should I use for chromium ?

uBlock origin

everything else is shit tier

Beware if you are on laptop with auto hibernation, windows locks hibernated drives.

Barely and with no official support for anything non-windows.

I found another use for the GPU.

Sup Sup Forums

I recently completed my first build, and I'm having some issues with the wireless adapter. I've tried all of the basic fixes I could, but I'm unable to establish a consistent connection.

I don't get "disconnected" completely from my wireless, but the rate bottoms out and I'm unable to do anything, and I subsequently get booted form any game/website that I'm on. Things I've tried:

-flushing DNS
-moving the adapter to a different PCI slot
-adjusting the antennas on the adapter
-removing the antennas on the adapter
-fidgeting with most of the wireless settings through windows

When I go into the software that came with the adapter, it will list the signal strength as "good" or "excellent", but the rate will fluctuate from 38-52Mbps, and then drop to 1Mbps (at which point I have no connection).

I've had two different computers sit at this desk in the past, with little to no connection issues. Here's what I'm working it-


Thoughts? Suggestions?

>windows doesn't support any filesystem

looks like it might need defragging

You can manually mount them as read only just fine.
mount /dev/sdxy /mnt -r

Have you tried the drivers from the mobo's website, or are you using generic drivers from windows?
Is your router on 2.4ghz or 5ghz?
If it isnt on 5ghz,set it to 5ghz,and make sure your card is set to use 5ghz.
If you're shareing the connection with other devices, you can set your card to have priortiy over other devices(QoS)

is the RED LED on the raspi b+ supposed to be constantly ON ?

Hadn't turned it on for some time now and can't remember how it used to be, but think only the green one was blinking.

>GTX 560Ti
>TF2 dropping to 40 fps on 32 players servers

Is the gimping meme real?