What do you think is the most shit board to be on right now besides this one?
What do you think is the most shit board to be on right now besides this one?
How is this technology related
why is vladimir banned?
Sup Forums
Sup Forums
not particularly in that order
I think the entire sit changed with the introduction of the catalog
It's what enabled the creation of generals.
Every board has them now
Sup Forums is officially the worse board, followed by Sup Forums and Sup Forums.
Ever been to Sup Forums? Everyone posts with an reaction image.
Sup Forums obviously.
Best board by far is Sup Forums desu.
Its been a while since Sup Forums isnt the shittiest board, both Sup Forums and Sup Forums has been WAY worse for a while.
Also, Sup Forums is almost as shit as Sup Forums, so not even remotely close to the best.
Haven't been on int for a while. What's wrong with it?
Sup Forums and Sup Forums
It's impossible to have a single proper discussion on those boards.
Sup Forums generals should stay where they are.
It's the only board where you're encouraged to speak languages other than english.
That's why /brit/ and /cum/ is so retarded.
Kys whoever thinks otherwise.
/qa/ as worst, because there are literally no moderators or janitors for some reason (is not like they paid them anyway, so I have no idea why they didn't include them in the moderation list).
/ic/ as best. they easily fall for bait but 90% of the board is legitimately discussion. The only memes the have are
>post your work
>>the mentioned and then proceed to post that guy with a knife. You know which one.
>Nose bro
>/las/ (Mentioning this because even tho the subject around it is neat, it fell victim of the general circlejerking)
But the mentioned doesn't get posted that often, I don't even remember a completely derailed thread that didn't recover or just died early in that board.
Nothing special desu senpai
This one because you're in it.
this. Sup Forums is worse than Sup Forums these days.