Atom vs Sublime Text. Go!

Brownie points for better suggestions

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Sublime is proprietary and costs money. And Atom is slow because fuck JavaScript.

On Windows, Notepad++ because that shit is fast and has shit like FTP support. Everywhere else, Vim.

In my next life, emacs.

nano > everything

Sublime because I have no idea what Atom even is.

It's paid because it can be. I paid for it and would pay for it again based on how great of a program it is. It just werks.

nano... more like... HELL NO.

Oh man, it sure is summer in here.

Same user here, and yep, Sublime is great. I love it.

I'm happy with NPP and Vim though.

>Brownie points
>Not good boy points
neck yourself op

Vim and emacs are for hobbyist memers, so definitely not them.

Sublime Text for me. Currently writing a tool for S.M.A.R.T.

Likewise, Atom is a slugish pile of shit built on meme technologies.

lovely setup. that gnome? what distro and themes, etc?

Vim and Emacs grand-daddies, attack!

Nano with syntax highlighting deessuu

atom is buggy and slow
yes it's actually slow for a text editor, I have i7 ssd etc and it's still slow.
sublime is a disgusting proprietary software that does nothing to improve on vim or emacs but if you have to make the comparison yes it is actually better than atom.

Someone suggest a distro which doesn't kill my laptop battery life? Currently Ubuntu with Sublime Text


Gentoo or arch, non ironically

>"nothing to improve on vim or emacs"
>has a gui by default

visual studio code

Gnome 3
Arc Darker GTK and Shell theme
Vertex Icons

As for Sublime I'm using the following,
Spacegray Eighties theme
Cyanide - sky - contrasted colour scheme

beautiful mate

That's pretty :3 what's ya dock called friend

vim and geany are nice, I've heard good things about emacs

I like sublime text better
it is such a shame that its not an open source software

Its an extension for Gnome 3 called dash to dock.
It can be configured to shift your dock into panel mode and you can tweak your icon sizes.

I don't even program and vim is the b est shit ever

>needing a gui for a text editor

Ah didn't know that, ty

Sublime, it's multiplatform, has a lot of packages you can use to customize it, isnĀ“t a piece of shit built on node.js and you can use it without paying if you are a cheap bastard like most mouthbreathers complaining about it.
Atom is slow as fuck, has flashy stupid plugins made by SJW and even though is open source is a bloated mess.
If you are doing light editing, Notepad++ is more than enough.

Sublime is non-free and slower because it's in Python and not JavaScript.

>needing a monitor instead of just using punchcards


VS Code
Not as easy to customize as Sublime or Atom.
Freer than Sublime.
Faster than Atom.

simple, powerful and easy to use, at least is free

I haven't had any problems with Atom's speed aside from the startup time, I wish the damn thing wasn't all in memescript though. Maybe webassembly will make it faster, but that's at least a year away.

I might go back to Sublime 2 or 3 sometime.

I don't think atom is slow because of Javascript, because vscode is based on the same backend and is plenty fast.


Privative Software sucks

>backend webdev
>temporary windows machine from work
>k let's see what editors i can get on windows

>notepad++ buggy pile of shit literally crashes everytime i exit
>netbeans slow piece of shit
>eclipse - lol
>atom - what the fuck it runs and eats ram like a browser inside a browser
>sublime - expensive hipster garbage
>programmers notepad = no plugins
>editpad - need "pro" to enable syntax highlighting
>pspad - clusterfucked UI
>welp, i guess i'm gonna run a vm and do my thing and..

>hear about Visual Studio Code
>sounds cringey but worth a shot
>portable, 50MB
>runs on windows and loonix
>MIT License, source code posted to GitHub
>extensions that actually werk:
>jslint jshint support
>phpmd phpcs support
>git integration
>tabs, autocomplete, decent syntax themes
>ftp support, yeoman scaffolding, VIM mode
>xdebug support

holy fucking shit I'm not using anything else ever again. fuck your sublimes and notepads, this is the shit.

>better suggestions
vim and emacs

>not using the text editor installed on every server ever

I use atom for web dev and vim for other shit?

Sublime because I don't want to use a full stack text editor that can't handle files bigger than 10 MB

>Sublime is paid
Nigga you can use it indefinitely without paying it.


>0 results

Is it just a meme editor?

i said windows you dumb fuck

I love these threads because the posts are always one line replies. It's like you're not even sure why you're using the software you're praising.

Oh lordy please give me source.

You can use vim on Windows. Same with Emacs.

Ive noticed that VS Code has a nice debugger, Im surprised that MS is giving it away, I cant see what they have to gain by giving it away.


...Or people who don't have access to a UI

what script is that on the left? do you mind posting it?

nvm got it

Kek. Nice.

more like NAH, NO

nice pape

you could write your own text editor in the time takes atom to boot. atom is hot garbage

>in the time takes atom to boot
This is exactly why I decided against it after trying. It's bad enough that my computer itself is garbage. I don't need the software to add to the slowness.


Still better than sublime
t. Vim god

Does Atom, Sublime, Notepad++, nano have regular expression search and replace as powerful as Vim and (I guess) Emacs?

For example can they match character ranges, character classes, multiple matches, alternate matches, new lines and matching across lines, inverses matches, specifying pattern start and end, capture match and repeat it during replace, etc?

Atom is slow and bloated

Atom is bloated and slow


May as well be flash

Thanks, I find it beautiful with Ceti-2 theme.

Atom: Freetard delusion at its best. The program is genuinely worse, but it's "free" and "hackable" so you put up with a useless piece of shit instead of using sublime.
Sublime: Crippled compared to emacs, still has retarded keybinds, just get a real IDE if you want to be modern. Or use notepad.
Emacs: Stuck in the past due to a large contingent of users that are from the past. Would you like to save with C-s? Well, that's not what they used to save back when it was a hacked copy of teco that executed macro registers when it received certain control codes. The average emacs user spends half their time attempting to make emacs usable, or switching to vim after trying the defaults. You would actually save time by using nano.
Nano: If you thought emacs was dated, check this out. Based on the text editor for an ancient console mail client, you can't even select, cut, copy, and paste without obscure shit like marks. For a UNIX program, it sure sucks, because you can't make good use of external commands. Try vim.
Vim: Will expand your definition of bloat to include massive blocks of unused and unmaintained cross-platform code, and how fat you become practicing your text editor like an instrument only to use its most powerful features so rarely that you're actually losing time instead of saving it (assuming you're a programmer and not playing vim golf all day). Consider acme.
Acme: Crippled on purpose because rob pike is a hipster retard. Also bloated because it has sam glued to it. Clickable text assumes insensitive 90s mice. Just use sam.
Sam: Another retarded "ed on steroids" like vim. There's not much to say about it. Just use notepad.
Notepad: The perfect editor.

I understand the arguments for and against Vim and Emacs, but why would anybody pay for sublime?

Sublime has these
>character ranges, character classes, alternate matches, new lines and matching across lines, inverses matches, specifying pattern start and end
I'm not sure what you mean with multiple matching and capture and replace, but I'm assuming you mean these

Can I enable incremental search on it somehow?

Sublime keybindings can be changed in the config file.

>backend webdev
>not using jetbrains
What is wrong with you.

>works only on windows
>shit tier gui
>CUA keybindings

GNU Emacs it the only text editor you should use

Nano or Atom

GNU Emacs does too.

>hey guys, let's take a web browser, and make an IDE out of it.
>okay! should be great for battery life :^)

nano more like nani


Go isn't a text editor.

if you really want a graphical text editor, kate is really good.
better than sublime and atom and it is free

I know some really like Visual Studio Code, which is Microsoft's take on a plain text editor, and it looks pretty much the same as Atom and Sublime Text.

>sublime vs. atom
>not vim vs. emacs


>those long lines

Fucking kill yourself you piece of trash

vim has a gui you fucking idiot. It's simply a command line one. If you're a faggot you could go for vim with gtk.

You don't need a gui for a text editor. both Sublime and Atom have minimal GUIs even.

Lol vim and emacs both have a gui. by default

this. GVim on windows works really well, I use it everyday

Atom looks terrible on a hidpi display and it's slow. I'm sticking with Sublime for now.

Visual Studio 2bh fampai

notepad++ because the macro recording is easy, effective, and cool
VS code for everything else


VS Code
- open source, unlike sublime
- has about the same amount of plugins atom has, minus shenanigans like typing particle effects and fixing plugins
- while based on electron, not that slow as atom, MS basically beat github at their own game

I am wondering what do people think of xcode? I don't have a Mac but the people that I know who do always use it. I'm not really sure what it can do, and since it's only for osx I can't even try, so just wondering what you guys think compared to the usual ones like vim, emacs, sublime, etc?

I have a mac and I never use xcode. it's great for iOS development but with most projects increasingly being web-based (or eligible for hybrid app development, like using ionic), the advantages of xcode are dwarfed by its weight.

Sublime Text is pretty fast and much more *extensible* (specifically with the things I want; xcode does a lot but it's all this shit i don't need), and vim is extremely fast.

- builtin telemetry


check out xenlism icons, i think they will look nicer than numix

also what distro is that? fedora or ubuntu gnome or something else? looks crisp

you realise not all telemetry is a bad thing? firstly you can disable it if you want to, it is literally one setting. second it only sends feedback on what packages install fine or fail etc.

If you're on macOS, you should either use Xcode, or Emacs.

Pajeet, I'm not going to use your stuff if you have to check how my poo looks and smells.