Install Arch Linux

install Arch Linux

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But I did. With KDE 5. Never looked back


how about no ?

Same here. KDE5 is confy!

Maybe i install Crux later.

I personally use Budgie but okay

Tried but couldn't even try the usb boot, I'm not a pro like you.

Same here but I'm using i3.

It's been a fun, I've learned a lot about Linux and scripting

Got it with GNOME and only once booted back into windows again to find out what programs I used the most
Never looked back ever again

Can't unsee fat goy

Too big on the tech illiteracy side

not compatible with amd catalyst drivers :c

I will pay someone to guide me through an install.

Use Architect, It's an installer for pure Arch, takes 15min.
Or If that's to hard, Antergos allows a almost one click install.

Architect, Archbang and ArchEverywhere are arch installers
If that is too hard try antergos or manjaro (antergos looks better out if the box and is not bloated, manjaro has the best community, works 99% out of the box)

Use Architect or Antergos

Man are the shills ever getting lazy

Here's one I use because I work with Android and AUR is pre-installed:
Works everytime.Pure Arch, much like Antergos.

Did yesterday. have not slept for 32 hours because had to configure dual-boot and the system itself to make it comfy. Pic related (running Discord server)

user, thats just a reflection

Ok I'll do it.

A guy with discord bot here. Quite simple if you follow the guide. If you want to dual-boot ofc


sorry. wrong video. Here is the right one >

is kde5 still buggy?

>shilling free software

Ok, but please explain what I will win in the process. I'm using Windows and I like it in general, so I'm going to need real arguments if I make a change.

I'm on skylake with igpu and hdmi output. I cant get anything to boot. Always black screens on install. It's a bug I think. I think kernel 4.6 is the only thing to fix it but I'm unsure.

Security and privacy. I use windows too, inside a VM

I'm not an autistic virgin and I have a life

Memes aside, Manjaro is so comfy so why should I switch to arch ? I'm interested in trying it.

>I-I have a life guyzzz pls no

this is like what a shut in thinks "normal" people do.

I've been using Arch on my main machine for almost 2 years and started using LXQt a few months ago. Comfy as fuck...

install you're mum


your such a fucking fag

Good job kiddies. Now go install Gentoo.


From memory
>dd if=archlinux.iso of=/dev/sdb bs=4M && sync
>sudo reboot
>fuck with your BIOS to get it to boot
>select x86_64
>parted (or partition with GUI beforehand)
>wifi-menu (if ethernet, it just werks)
>mount /dev/sda3 /mnt/
>pacstrap -i base base-dev /mnt

>arch-chroot /mnt /bin/bash
>grub-install /dev/sda
>grub-mkconfig > /boot/grub/grub.cfg
>useradd -D username
>passwd username
>sudo reboot
>EDITOR=nano visudo
>uncomment the line with %wheel in it
>ctrl O ctrl X
>usermod -G wheel username
>sudo pacman -Syu
>sudo pacman -S xorg xfce4 xfce4-goodies lightdm
>maybe, i forget: systemctl enable lightdm

man I missed a space

Nah, m8. I'm happy w/ Kubuntu.

I'm pretty sure it's intentionally supposed to look like a person.

a friend of mine uses Arch, goes to parties, fucks with gf and other girls. This image is not accurate

I'm genuinely curious. What is so great about Arch Linux? I used it for about a year and a half and it really wasn't that great. It was alright. Pacman is cool if you want to run a binary distro but Arch is throttled with Systemd and software anarchy as well as a community who think they're 1337 but are actually just intermediate. Everyone brags about how flexible it is but a system that is stuck in bleeding edge default is not very flexible. The ABS was the only thing about Arch Linux that I really enjoyed.

I use Arch with Cinnamon on my desktop and with Xfce on my laptop. I've installed it like one year ago and never turned back.

If he fucks with his gf AND other girls then he's an asshole

Well, she isn't properly his gf, more like friends with benefits

Indeed, cheating in any form is unforgivable. Then again, for all we know, they could be in one of those new-age "open relationships". He fucks her & everygirl else ; she fucks him & everyguy else. We just don't know.

Arch is one of the only upstream, relatively minimal, easily configurable, non-autistic (meaning non-"ONLY FREE SOFTWARE") distros available.

does this apply for gentoo aswell?

That's not true at all actually.

Usually it's only new Gentoo users who brag about it. Gentoo community is very kind and professional. I love it honestly. I only use one testing package and the rest are stable-hardened.

How do I get wifi to work in manjaro, with a MacBook retina late 2014?

Any proprietary drivers?

Name other ones then.

I can't even install Mint correctly.


I'm an incompetent faggot

Well, anybody can learn

it's shit

I just installed in a VM, its even easier than windows if you don't do manual partitioning.


There's more but these are relatively minimal, easily configurable and if a distro only contained free software then it would lack proprietary support

Keep trying man. I really don't recommend Mint.

I'm trying to dual boot; I've installed Debian and stuff before. The installer wont recognize any of my partitions.


What partition table (mbr or efi)? What filesystem?

what do you recommend for a first distro then? I didn't like ubuntu .

It's all fucked, It's mbr, and legacy with windows 10. I've tried everything I could find online. I'm currently putting linux on an old laptop atm.

Mint is literally an Ubuntu skin.

You could try Mint Debian Edition maybe...

But ideally Suse/Fedora and Debian even are fine if you want to learn Linux from scratch, Ubuntu is for the one that doesn't want to touch a terminal.

BSD - no support
LFS - no package manager that helps with dependencies
Gentoo - have to compile packages

None are acceptable alternatives to Arch. I want a nimble distro with good dependencies resolution and some modicum of configurability, but I don't want to compile most things, and I want a decent amount of packages available to me.

I've used Debian before. What's the difference between Suse/Fedora and Debian?

The intallation manager simply doesn't see the partitions?

But basically I would say Debian>Fedora>Suse in terms of balance between general use and advanced features, different packet managers, etc etc, its all there.

Just use precompiled binaries then. You can also prepare binaries. Hell of a lot more nimble than Arch. USE flags make handling dependencies a breeze.

When I first started Linux I distro hopped a lot and you might too. Don't make the mistake of thinking that Gentoo, Arch and LFS are for advanced users because I usually encourage new users to try meta-distros. This way you'll be more inclined to use the shell.I stuck with Debian for a while, Red Hat for school and then I tried Arch, FreeBSD, Slackware, OpenSUSE ect. and eventually landed myself with Gentoo.

What's the point of gentoo?

Pretty sure this is covered in the Arch wiki. Manjaro has MHWD (Manjaro Hardware Detector) it should grab everything you need if it's available.

not at all, I've tried everything.

Around here it's fap material for autists who like to pretend it's some sort of "next level" shit. You REALLY wanna go full blown autist? Install something like Slackware or BSD faggotry where there isn't shit for documentation.

i thought full blown autist was Temple OS

Xubuntu is the best because it just works on everything form my core 2 duo dell to my sister's Ivy Bridge toshiba.

Arch nemesis hate Gentoo but we don't really care. Everything is optimized from source for your native CPU architecture and it's far more flexible than Arch Linux. No default Systemd and no software anarchy. I can run bleeding edge on Gentoo if I just set the USE flags but I like hardened stable. It also has more support than a lot of other distros and the devs aren't retarded.
Portage > Ports

Do you live in a meme or a fucking cartoon?

Why should I? ubuntu is way more comfy

citation needed

Install your free Windows 10 Upgrade.
Because... it's free.. you know


reddit tier setup guide
>not gpt
>not uefi
>consort the wiki
>installing entire xorg group
>continuing to install more xorg nonsense
>passwd root
>running pacman -Syu straight after pacstrap, not even in the chroot
>ext4 boot partition
>!GB boot partition
>you can now use sudo as well
>enables sudo four lines later
>select locals

nice bait user 10/10

whats wrong with cfdisk? i use it on mbr.
i think its the shit aswell as cgdisk.
seriously, tell me.
