AMD Radeon RX480

Sup Forumsentoomen, where were you when Nvidia lost the GPU wars?

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lets wait and see how that shitbox doesnt even make it to the top 10 sales

kek poo in the loo

There are still the cuckolds that will buy 2 or 3 for sli.

>Nvidia makes money, AMD loses money
>Nvidia gains market share, AMD loses market share
If that's what losing looks like to you, I'm curious as to what you think it looks like to win.
The fact you spend your time drawing memes might explain why the concept is alien to you.

AMD wins the poorfag market, i'm also gonna be getting it.
But anyone who gets it for sli is a retard

Feel free to stay angry. I personally know like 10 people who are holding out for this one.

>(poo)rfag card that is literally just a slightly weaker 390 for cheap and tailored to the types of people who might as well just play on a console
This is "winning"? Congrats, people can play at 1080p/60hz now with no they could do for the last five fucking years.

holy shit thats a rare pepe!
btw, 480 is not much better than a 390 :/

skip to 3:50

ITs cheaper.

And living in the communist Europe, where everything cost your ass, its good news.

"sponsored by amd"


Shiet, OP got BTFO.

All these shit posts w/o numbers to back it up.

He's too busy being morbidly obese, surfing CP, setting up his thousandth Stallcuck desktop on "le not Windows", and wearing size Tiny fedoras to notice.

#stayfree OP

this picture has europoor fag written all fucking over it.

This picture is more accurate than you think
>no RX480s on the shelf

gtx 1080 and 1070 both sold out in like 30 minutes...

Nvidia is finished !

Didnt Nvidia lose market share recently?

To answer OP's question

I was sat at home eating smegma butter when pjotr ring.

"nvidia is kill"

>Using AMD
Prepare to get laughed at by the professionals at Sup Forums when your games look like shit compared to nvidia.

>the professionals at Sup Forums

>comparing the 480 to the 1070
Yeah, it only has just over 1/2 of the performance!

Folks like you are why PC is dying. It's high end master race or nothing.
Which is why I'm getting a 1080.

AMD actually gained market share

>caring about what /b 2.0/ thinks

>pc is dying


Where did this $799 meme come from?

Performance/dollar has always been the most important metric in picking pc parts. Within reason, obviously even if you can get it for a dollar an 8800gts or something wouldn't be a smart buy. But still this was even the case with the pentium pro, pentium 3, thunderbird, Radeon Wonder, 6900, 8800 etc etc. You buy what gives you the best bang for your buck unless you just want the bleeding edge. Hell I remember getting an fx5900 card instead of the Radeon not because it was better, but because it was $35 2 months after release and it maxed out hl2 and doom 3.

thats what it costs in europe with all taxes etc

Literally everyone in the market for a mid-range graphics card is wondering when preorders start

It's a budget card with budget performance, Nvidia will soon launch a 1060 that will shit all over it close to its price point.

Meanwhile where is AMD in the high end segment? That's right, nowhere to be found


PC sales have plummeted over the years. More people are into the high end, but most people don't know shit and can't decide between a low end PC and a console and just choose the platform their friends are on (which is usually consoles)

Yes, and I'm sure you're content with the graphics that a smartphone can dole out nowadays.

While I have nothing against lower prices (trust me, it wasn't an easy decision shilling out $600 for a graphics card) but when developers see that the vast majority of people can't run their games, they're going to aim for the lowest common denominator, which is the 480. That stagnates the gaming community.

>1 nvidiots comes up with a good statement but with non trusty sourcea
>All nvidiots follow

>dealing with multiple AMD cards
>just so you can get similar performance to an Nvidia card

but for some reason people still argue who won the GPU wars

he actually had some good points in one of his follow up videos.

I'm fairly sure that AMD outbid Nvidia for his summer shilling season.

Hardly. My upgrade path has been ATI AIW, MX440, fx5900, 9800 XT, 7900GT, sli 8800GTS, Radeon 4890, Radeon 290x, 970flashed to a 980, and next it will probably be the 1070 in a year or two. Before that it was like an ati rage and some other oddball stuff. You don't need to spend an arm and a leg for excellent gpus, it's been over a decade since I've spent more than 6 or 700 on aN entire build. It just seems silly when I've never had issues clearly nearly maxing out everything. Obviously I don't do arms 3 at 4k with max settings or anything. But I really can't complain at all, not do I have a want for anything more powerful.



How is a mid-high end card the LCD? The 750ti you idiots shilled so much is probably the LCD, or maybe integrated (which is surprisingly capable now) but hardly a fucking mid-upper range card from Radeon. I think you just like complaining online you mongrel

This. It'll be the same as always. The rx480 will win out for a while until nvidia releases something. The. It'll be a back and forth game. Fanboys are dumb, just buy whatever is the best at the moment. Neither company is going anywhere. Also due to anti monopoly laws Nvidia has paid out several million to ATI/AMD in a variety of anti trust suits, or for anti competitive behavior. Same with Intel. So if one company takes too much marketshare. The government will step in

>It's a budget card with budget performance, Nvidia will soon launch a 1060 that will shit all over itself trying to close to its price point.

I really doubt that the 1060's will manage to spit out the (relative) clocks we're seeing on the 1080's and 70's. And it's already very clear that nvidia needs those higher clocks to be competitive - against their own line up. I'd wager that the 1060's won't be any good.

Also, there aren't even rumors for them yet while there plenty of those for Vega.

>(...) anti competitive behavior. Same with Intel. So if one company takes too much marketshare

those aren't exactly the same thing, user. If intel manages to close 90%+ of say consumer cpu market share (or server for instance, where I believe might really be above that percentage) without displaying any evidence of bad practices no one will bat an eye. Intel paid big shekels for AMD because they coerced clients to not sell AMD cpu's while dumping the market. And in the end it paid off big time, because the settlement cost was a pittance for what they got (market share and roflstomping AMD for good).

Obviously they aren't the same thing. Hence me not only separating the points from each other, but also offering a very annotated explanation as this is the internet and further information is very readily available. What you're doing right now is like calling someone stupid for using an Oxford comma then explaining why it's important. Please, respond to the actual content. Don't nit pick

I'm think that it's quite the opposite. Game devs baseline at the best possible scenarios for hardware and scale down from there.

E.g., they develop for a 1080 but accomodate options to allow for lower end and older cards.

no, you said explicitly that if one company manages to get too much market share then the government will step in. here, in your words:
>So if one company takes too much marketshare. The government will step in

And that's not how it works. The government will step in when they find evidence of some company enforcing their monopoly through foul play but they won't get involved in simple lack of competition.

The reason AMD is releasing the RX480 and betting a lot on it is that most people spend under $300 on their GPUs. The high end and enthusiast tier spenders are few in comparison.
A card that performs at the level of a 390, with perf/watt like that, at only $200? I think it's pretty damn good, especially once DX12 and Vulkan take the mainstream. DX11 can't die soon enough.

Is this what autism looks like?

>professionals at Sup Forums

Holy shit dude....

>most people spend under $300 on their GPUs
There's that myth again. . .

When dx12 takes mainstream, you could've had an actual good card

Since it will be 2 years from now

Not the same poster but him holding you to what you wrote is not autism. If you meant something different than what you actually wrote you should note that you badly worded what you meant to say and try again.

pls no
the benefits of Vulkan and DX12 are too good to not happen for 2 years

each of the best selling cards each generation have been either a X70 series from Nvidia or a X90/HDX950 from AMD. Both were always near the $300 mark. Only a small fraction of users buy enthusiast-grade hardware like the X80ti's and Titan

Oxford comma is life.

Wasn't the 970 >300$

>professionals at Sup Forums

>near the $300 mark
Pick one.

I don't see how people keep posting this FUD.
Goo gl/8cPO0o
Even official stats from nvidia, steam and amd disagree with you.


>Goo gl/8cPO0o
umm is this a link? when i put it into browser and remove the space nothing really happens

I hope all this shit is true from AMD. As a poorfag living in a shithole this may actually be the card.

A fucking R9 390 is sold here in the 400-500$ range. Maybe this shit will arrive here at 300 and I can finally play at 1080p. I was literally going to go all out for a new build with a 970 or a R9 390 but I'm delaying it for some months now.

I think this is the one bro. VR capable card at $200 USD that can crossfire to GTX 1080 capabilities in DX12

Replace the space with a period, I'm not sure why he shortened it but it's some benchmark off tech crunch. Also

You guys are kissless nerds if you actually give a shit about chipset wars.


uhhh, i put that into my search bar and it just takes me to lol

meant for

>Two GPUs rendering one frame

What could possibly go wrong? It's not like dual GPUs have had problems before. Surely this time it will be different.

someone tell me if this means crossfire will be bareable now. I don't want to get nvidcucked with the 1070. would far rather get 2 480s

Just let it die user, you can only hope whatever AMD releases later will actually put a fight with the 1070.

That is because there was not enough stock to begin with.

Pascual has some production issues.


>skip to 3:5


Are you that guy who submitted that rare pepe to r/pcmasterrace ? if so, You're actually pretty good at drawing. Keep it up.

I'm the person who drew that, and this one. I'm not the person who posted it here however.

If SLR doesn't turn my screen into a tearing unsynced mess I'll hang onto my 295x2 for a long time. If its snake oil crap, I can wait another gen for the 500x/1100 series.

>production issues.

More like jewish issues.

>Pascual has some production issues.

If you drew it, then you can explain why you have the 1070 so horribly mis-priced?

Someone asked me to draw it, with an overpriced 1070 so I did. And it's a satirical meme, its not meant to be true.
Also it wasn't me who posted it here.

>professionals at Sup Forums

>the professionals at Sup Forums

>the professionals at Sup Forums

u fuckin wot m9?

>Yeah well Nvidia is just better than AMD I mean why would you settle for anything less than ultra high gameworks mountain dew technology?

>Yeah well Mac is just better than PC I mean why would you settle for anything less than retina display and enhanced vibrator functions?

That image makes my dick hard

If your worried about "muh power consumption" maybe..

Who's going to buy the 1060 when they already bought a 960?

I don't know how you managed to hook so many with such extremely obvious bait.