Why hasn't Sup Forums made a distro yet?
Why hasn't Sup Forums made a distro yet?
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>voluntarily using a distribution based on a distribution (etc. etc.) instead of just using a properly supported and maintained "core" distribution and tailoring it to your needs
Either way, I'm gonna create the logo.
Sup Forumsentoo
We can start right now
I'll get to work on the logo
Also clover os
What would the distro's defining features be?
Working link install-logos.github.io
An /fa/ as fuck logo and no systemd
At the expense of all functionality
>literally a repackage of arch
Why the fuck is there no independent distro that we have created
No package manager either. Just a repo with tarballs and instructions.
Arch has the best best package management and making a better one would too hard for us.
>Why the fuck is there no independent distro that we have created
Go ahead and make one. The less there is to do, the more likely it is to succeed.
What is portage? inb4 2hard4u
>What is portage? i
Python bullshit
More like 2tedious4me, and python is unnecessary bloat.
>Compiling from source
It takes more time and you have to download bigger files.
The ultimate shitposting distro, designed with functionality and versatility in mind. Custom Sup Forumsfs file system, support for GUI installer and CLI installer. Arch's package manager. Sexy logo with sexy screenfetch.
Someone needs to make this, it could finally take down Canonical and become the best linux distro on the planet.
Whenever you try to install nonfree software it calls you a cuck and stops the install
If anyone's genuinely interested I can put together a build script for the base system.
Just know that mainting a distro is a pain in the dick.
It tried, twice, and both times only made a logo and default wallpapers. Sup Forums is incompetent as fuck.
because Sup Forums is for smartphones and GPUs, not that kind of nerd basementdweller shit
Because whenever Sup Forums tries to do something summer will eventually be over and all the kids that were working on it have to go back to school.
Kek'd out loud.
Portage — a source code repo with with make files.
Sup Forums doesn't actually know anything about technology.
>Sup Forums doesn't actually know anything about technology.
logos are technology.
Whenever it detects that you have been on Reddit it goes on Sup Forums to tell everyone about how much of a huge faggot you are.
making a new logo is not warrent for another distro
I'll work on the logo
because it's fucking pointless, arch and gentoo is all you will ever need to use.
>another summer
>another guy asking why Sup Forums hasn't made a distro
Like clockwork.
Who wants to help me build a file system?
I love the thought that went into the name and logo. Actually makes me smile.
The logo is a meme arrow and the name includes the three important words: logo, Sup Forums and os
Fucking genius
Because Arch and Gentoo are austistic enough.
There's one thing that Sup Forums does well, and we're proud. Our ability to design a logo for a project then immediately lose interest is second to none
Fucking love it
Muh logo
all software is shit
it has dipshit
Literally perfect
Prerelease iso when?
Lain OS?