'Sup, Sup Forumsentoos. I'm at my colleges shitty computer lab. Keep me entertained, and blessings of Kek shall be upon you.
At my shitty college lab
How much crippling college debt are you in? 30K, 60K, maybe 90K?
Change all the wallpapers.
how cuckholded are you? a college education teaches you more than what's in the book, or on the internet. you're missing out.
Found the angry NEET.
format c on all of them
and/or install gentoo on them
>majoring in a real field of study
Pick exactly one.
install gentoo on them
I'm making over 40K a year after self teaching myself Java and C++. I do this despite having dropped out of high school at grade 10.
Still I'm curious how much crippling college debt are you in. Just curious what it's like to be a mega cuck.
>install gentoo on them
It takes long enough to compile and install on one machine, I don't think he has a year to blow in the lab user
wew lad, OVER 40K? holy cow, you must be like, rich. i bet you can buy whatever you want.
I'm your mom's favorite customer. She always gives me a discount so I don't worry about money much. :^)
the next thing you're gonna say is "i was just pretending to be retarded"
you wouldn't get past the first semester of CS with a perfect gpa
Personally, none, because not being poor is the greatest achievement of capitalism.
Age: 23 and own an e-business. Just started sophomore year, majoring in finance and CS
im making 40k in school full time as a web dev lmao. i taught myself every language i know
Why the hell we need to pass with perfect GPA. It's bullshit nigga, nobody care bout your score whatsoever. You have money, I have respect upon you.
Can an amerifat tell me how universities work there? does one apply to college then go into university? or does one just apply to university directly out of school like up here in canada?
in canada and europe "college" is the place you go until around age 18
in america we call that "high school"
in canada and europe the place you call "university" is the same thing as "college" or "university" in america
>I'm making over 40K a year