Wi-Fi is turned off on my Kindle

>Wi-Fi is turned off on my Kindle
>Buy a Kindle eBook
>Transfer via USB
>Didn't like it, so refunded it
>Kindle never connects to the internet so the book is still there

Am I slowpoking here? This seems like a massive loophole.


What do you mean? I'm able to read the book.

I think he was referencing the fact that you cannot distribute the book to anyone else, but if that's not your intention, then I guess you did find a loophole. I'm sure they would start to become curious if every book you purchased was returned though. Topping that, why not just torrent your books anyway?

>Have a Kobo.
>Dont give a sht about any of this
>Transfer the epubs via USB

The Kobo H2O saved me at least 200$ in books by now.

>Not using library genesis
>Going through convoluted processes just to get a book.

>stealing saves money
Wow, who knew?

I don't really plan on doing this again, just thought it was interesting.

I buy Kindle books from Amazon if they're cheap enough because often when I download epubs or whatever the formatting suck ass.

Nothing simpler than one click buy and drag and drop transfer.

just thought about this though, when you plug in the Kindle to add a new book, won't it remove the returned book? of course, you could have read it in that amount of time first before adding a new one, but still.

As if using a loophole with not connecting to Wi-Fi is any better.
You are not paying for it anyway.

It's just drag and drop, there's no Kindle software (at least I'm not using any)

It probably vialotes terms of service.
If you do it enough, they can sue you for fraud.

Except you can break the encryption on books from the kindle store (with a simple Google search too), I've done it myself with no problems.

You can pirate books on a Kindle too

And obviously everyone in this thread follows this method and doesn't pay for books on their kindles, so it's okay for you to download them onto your Kobo, right?

Mobilism forum

I have bought several books on google play but those were new and not available elsewhere

But I dont like Kindle.
I can plug it to USB and Drag&Drop epubs to it without anything needed, even leaving it connected to WiFi.

I dont give a damn what anyone else is doing. But if you are not willing to pay for it, why using the complicated method anyway?

>acts like sideloading is something special when every ereader ever allows it.

That's exactly how you do it with a kindle, shit for brains.

I can plug it to USB and Drag&Drop epubs to it without anything needed, even leaving it connected to WiFi.

so can a kindle, you fucking special snowflake piece of shit

Ah Kindles can now use epubs out of the box without any converting?

Good to know, the Paperwhite I had before does not like them at all and I have to use Calibre, which is a piece of shit.

i think his point is that if you're going to steal (refund and keep a copy) in one way you might as well just go all the way and download for free to begin with

The benefit of the OP is that often textbooks will have specialized formatting and graphics that look great with the kindle reader but actually are awful when you try to download an epub or even a pdf. I've pirated a lot of books for school over the years and also refunded a kindle book after ~8 months of having it or something by simply saying I was having trouble reading it (i was, it wouldn't open on any device) and they just straight up refunded me and I bought/downloaded it again after.

So yes OP you found a loophole, but I wouldn't abuse it or they may catch on to you constantly do it.

You can also rent-> attempt to crack encryption and convert (Calibre and its plugins) -> return and I'm sure people do that all the time.. but like I said that fucks the formatting of graphics up usually so not worth it.

>Buy a Kindle eBook
>Transfer via USB


When you buy it you have a choice of how to deliver it

Or you can go to my kindle orders and click download

>missed that Kindle paperwhite for $20 yesterday on amazon

Kindles use .mobi, not .epub. You can convert one format into the other without any trouble, they are pretty much the same.

>drag and drop
>not using calibre

network access on a book reader is an idiotic idea anyways. who wants to be tracked while reading a book? usb sneakernet every now and then is much better.

Maybe it's like Spotify premium, you have to go online after a month to keep using it, then it checks changes

Tell them, maybe some Cash from Bugbounty.