/wng/ - Wireless Networking General

Hey Sup Forums, I'm looking for a new wireless router for my parents to use. I was thinking of pic related but I keep getting jewed by eBay. What routers do you guys use?

Also wireless networking general I guess.

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The AirPort Extreme is one of the earliest ac routers released.
There are newer alternatives with faster speeds out now that you should consider instead.

Also the UI and preferences on the AirPort leaves a little to desire.

If you use T-Mobile as your carrier, ask for their free router. It's a rebranded RT-AC1750 that they give you for free.

>There are newer alternatives with faster speeds
No there aren't. 802.11ac on 5GHz is good for 866Mbps and that is it. Anything higher is them adding in the 2.4GHz band or MIMO.

just get an AP

That's not an airport express idiot.

I was actually thinking of the one before the AC model. The 2011 edition. All they really need is N. Nothing they own would take advantage of AC.

I use prepaid T-Mobile so that's not happening.

I want to give them some control and not just broadcast straight internet everywhere.

>using an express
>even for your parents
Yeah, no. I'm might not be giving them latest generation models, but I'm not going to give them total shit either. They're already using total shit for their networking.

>I want to give them some control and not just broadcast straight internet everywhere.

youre an idiot

How am I an idiot?

I have a server in my basement running pfSense which is hooked up to a switch that has runs all over the house
What's a good, inexpensive access point I could place on each floor?

I was thinking about getting this Aukey wall wart router for 75CAD, it's wireless AC. Thoughts?

An AP is not a firewall, gateway, router, or switch.

asus ac66

Shit that's cool

Does it do PowerLine?

No and you should not want it to.

Why not?

I rent a two story apartment, the ceiling/floor is solid concrete. Completely kills wireless on the upper floor, even with a ultra high power AP.

As the connection is on the ground level I've got no choice but to use Powerline and another AP to get a good connection upstairs.

Got 1Gbps adapters already but if there's better options out there I'll take it

>Why not?
Powerline ethernet is fucking garbage, that's why. Run UTP cable.

Just run a cable

For that cable to not be a trip hazard to me, my waifu and my 2yo kid it would need to be around 50-100m long, span four rooms, a flight of stairs, and a hallway.

I'll take the Powerline option


$55 for 300 metres

>For that cable to not be a trip hazard to me, my waifu and my 2yo kid it would need to be around 50-100m long, span four rooms, a flight of stairs, and a hallway.
Yes, so? Get working, faggot. You'll thank yourself.

Don't buy CCA garbage. Fully copper or nothing.

It's a house and the guy's other option is poweline, I don't think it'll make much of a difference to him

It will because CCA is straight garbage. Literally something you should never even think of using.

I have it all over my house, 2 runs per room and it all works great


>it works great
Not according to people who actually know shit.

Have fun diagnosing those network problems.

Haven't had any in 3 years

Running a pair of EAP1750H's. PoE makes deployment easy. Now that the firmware has been fixed, it's a decent AP. They sucked when they first came out though.

run cables through where your electricity wires go through to get it upstairs. Get proper shielding if you think the emf will interfere. If you wanna go wireless, just run it to one access point and put the wireless router upstairs.

What's a good ADSLmodem router between 100-200$?

I'm sure they will be fine with "straight Internet everywhere". You can get a refurbished express for 100 bucks on Apples site.

Not always. Depends on wiring. Newer wiring is more favorable.

That's what you get for falling for the family meme, cuck.


Do some handy work you limp wristed fuck

>there is the same length between your rooms as there is between two ends of a football field

Just hire a professional, and stop pretending you're poor.

I didn't know this was something they did. I looked into and it seems like a pretty awesome deal, might go pick one up this week. Thanks senpai

Aironet 1602E and a Shuttle Celeron running CentOS 6. Costs a little more but is secure, good feature set and very stable.

Nighthawk AC1900 R7000

It's pretty great all around.

Avoid WPS like the plague. Some manufacturers don't even let you disable it or have a disable tool that is deliberately broken.

If you meant hide the SSID...
That's why he called you an idiot.

>tfw GPON
>stuck with ISP router
It's not too bad but it feels like some crappy TPLink OEM. Range is absolute ass.

Avoid GPON.

how can i make my router more secure? i'm asking because i think there's this guy who keeps using my wifi and my signal drops randomly.

>What's a good ADSLmodem router between 100-200$?
The one from your ISP, just disable the router part with bridge mode and connect it to high-end router.
There's no such thing as good ADSL modem.

>how can i make my router more secure?
Whitelist your MAC address, make a long password with WPA2.
Log every wrong password attempt with MAC Address.
Reduce your router's range by decreasing transmission power.

Faster real world speeds, not faster theoretical best.

>last year: Apply to beta test a router
>get one
>they also send a PCIe card
>beta concludes, sends another router (Slightly upgraded
>two months later, another router, not as nice
>four months later, new router, really nice
>betas die down from that company
>apply for router beta with different company, "super high end"
>get in
>mfw I'm getting my fifth free wireless AC router in a year

If I wasn't getting all this free shit I probably would follow this guy's lead:

And some printers and such make you have it on if you want to connect. It's such a shit protocol.

>Whitelist your MAC address
MAC addresses can be spoofed in literally seconds any every WiFi sniffing program will show you a list of authenticated MAC addresses.

Update your router firmware or try OpenWRT until the time comes you can afford an Edgerouter-X and UAP-AC-Lite.

Generate a WPA2 passphrase at max length. If needed, put on a QR code for mobile devices.

Disable WPS and other "let me help you" features.

That's it.
Don't whitelist MAC addresses
Don't hide your SSID
Don't do something else stupid like "limit the DHCP scope"

If you want more, set up RADIUS.