>sitting in library working on code
>Indian girl sits next to me and sees me coding
>"what language is that user"
>I tell her it is c++ and she proceeds to go on a rant about how objective c through xcode is the greatest thing
>she claims she's making an app
>mfw it's a shitty generic scheduling app but she's still gonna get a high paying job because she's a girl and Indian
>mfw we find this acceptable
Sitting in library working on code
People have their preferences OP, what were you writing anyway?
should have said "ok, now go away and stop talking to me or my wife's son's laptop ever again"
You see here programming + girl = lots of money even if she sucks at programming
>indian girl sits next to me
>get up and leave immediately because the smell is unbearable
>girls will make tons of money programming even if they're shit
Shitty girl programmers will get let go just as fast as shitty guys. And if they don't you don't want to be working in that company in the first place so it shouldn't matter for you.
That is true but maybe easier to get hired if your a girl programmer in all seriousness
You should've straight up told her that she should mind her own goddamn business and not look at other people's computer screens. Fucking dumb bitches I swear.
This, bonus points if you're nigger or Pajeet.
Why don't you interact with her like a normal human being? You might make a friend.
>Shitty girl programmers will get let go just as fast as shitty guys
Diversity quotas say "nope".
>talking to girls
Why would anyone do that?
>talking to a female version of pajeet
You fucking with me, right?
It's called being a normal human, you should try it.
If being a normal human means talking to pajeets then I'd rather not t b q f h
Ok, enjoy your loneliness.
>wanting to fuck a pajeet
>enjoy pooing in loo
You don't have to fuck your friends.
Good thing I'm not a normalshitter then.
Actually she sounds much less socially apt.
>looks at other people's screens, doesn't try to hide it
>asks him what he's doing and then proceeds to talk about how her work is way better
Don't know about Indian males but Indian girls smell pretty nice, never had an unpleasant experience with them
underrated post
>be watching op
>op sitting in the library hunched over bronze age thinkpad
>qt 3.14 coder comes over and hits on op
>op spergs out and blows his chance to ever have human contact
Was she cute though?
did you get her number? because she was obviously interested in you dumbass. ride the pajeet gravy train bro.
does she dream in code?
what were you working on OP?
Was she ugly?
OP said she was "indian".
Do you really need to read "yes she was ugly?"
Where do you even communicate with the females? I haven't interacted with a female since I was 18, now I'm 35.
just bee yourself :^)
remember to treat them as they treat you, like you don't give a shit because they don't give a shit about you for sure.
She's good for morale in the workplace.
If you were working a 9-5 would you rather look at some sweaty neck beard or some hot curry trim all day?
I never see girls to even give a shit about them.
I do not know. I live in a country where 99.8% cizitens are white. I have not seen a black/dark person in real life so its exotic as fuck imo.
In your opinion it is not possible for indian women to be pretty?
There was an Indian "girl" in the same class as me in uni. She is in the top 5 most hideous people I've ever met in my life. Luckily she dropped out after a year.
she's negging you trying to slide in the DMs
stay virgin fampai