PC master race Distro!!
PC master race Distro!!
how is it master race
there's no ppas,
no ppas
PPAs are just glorified repositories, they both go in sources.list
I love that my wallpaper is still so popular so many years later :)
Right distro, wrong DE.
Also why not zsh? Globbing & selectable tabbing are fantastic.
The fuck difference do they have? How are PPA's any different from individually-hosted repositories?
The difference is that PPAs are hosted on launchpad and repositories aren't.
Hello Miranda
So they're basically google drive repos?
You made that? Cool. Have any others?
You made this wall¿?¿ :O
Wrong DE? WTF , what you use?
>using deadian
>in current year
There is no right or wrong DE. Each has different flaws, each suits someone very well. Some people are happy with XFCE or MATE alone. Some will go out of their way to use Cinnamon. Some people like modern things, like KDE or Gnome 3. Some people like simplicity as well, Ubuntu provides.
Gnome isn't wrong. It isn't the right one either. Use it if you like it and it works well for you.
>implying debian is a DE
Interesting that you would not read properly. Because I have made a similar mistake, but it was with Ubuntu instead of Unity, not Debian.
Oh shit. I responded to the wrong person, I thought they were responding to
sorry about that user
I thought they were responding to *
Heheh, heh. subtle.
I I want gnome-ish aesthetics, what reason is there to not use mate? Also search result hang.
If it was truly the master race, they wouldn't need to insult Arch and Ubuntu so much.
>muh bootstrap install
>rebrand of nonfree+testing
Debian is fucking great, but user, why didn't you get the netinst. .iso instead?
Debian is pretty damn comfy
There's no point in using it on a high end desktop (Arch and Gentoo are perfect for those), but on a server, older desktop or laptop it's perfect
>PC master race
it's 2016 son wake up
>have over 2000 packages
shit, where did I go wrong?
Hey guys
its super comfy
debian has add-apt-repository and will add ppas, but they may not work depending on the repo