Password manager showdown

Lastpass Vs. Dashlane Vs. KeepassX

Wat use

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KeePass you dolt


This. KeepassX is the only non-botnet that you won't have to run in mono. Make sure you get the one patched with KeepassHTTP

My favorite password manager is the one that came with my nervous system.

passwordcard 4 lyfe

Why not plain gpg?
Werks on all my devices

how does it work? I read the site but can't really understand it. Give me an example, user.


Some of us dont use the same password for everything.

Some of us are also non-autismo.

Fuck off rainman

>using fucking Courier for passwords
passwordcard devs please kill yourselves as soon as possible.

Basically pick a line from your card any and use that line then pick the characters from it and that will be your password from now on

The card itself is like a basic encryption as if a thief gets a hold of it they would have to guess which password is yours
When only you would know

Can you give me an example password using your pic related?

you pick a password from the card using the symbols as a guide, then all you have to remember is the symbol and the pattern.

>hmm I need a password for my new email
>look at card
>pick starting point
>pick pattern
>put card in wallet
>pull it out when you need your password
>all you need to remember is starting point and pattern


You remember as 'M' or '6M'

i use a password manager AND the same password for everything

I'd also like to start using a password manager, but I'm having difficulties starting.

Lets say I'm using KeepassX and I'm on the go. For some reason I need to log in to webmail I'm not normally using with my phone. I have the password saved in my computer and USB stick using KeepassX but there are no computers near me currently. What would be the best way to solve this kind of situation?

Sync the database file across your devices using Dropbox or something.

use keepassdroid

>Some of us are retards who can't remember 12-15 character passwords
Honestly how do you perform daily functions being that retarded

Well, I guess I have to change my Nokia N9 soon nevertheless. Might as well buy one with a supported OS.

>requires mono

I remember 17 character passwords according to rules I made up.

Doesn't work when some faggot bank or other account has 2 different passwords for access + a 12 digit string of numbers as your username.

Not to mention that they insist on one special character + capital letter + character limit of 14 or some shit.

Some of us have lives to run and can't rely on our tard handler to sort our shit out, you fucking spastic.


KeePassX + KeePassDroid mustard race. Everything else is botnet, for real.

what's wrong with mono
srs question

i'm thinking of moving to pass anyway


your image triggers me

Sweet. How does it work?

If you are you in Windows you have no salvation, but if you are in Linux having to use Microsoft's .NET dependencies is inviting insecure software to your protected OS. Mono has parts of .NET, and is developed by a subsidiary of Microsoft.

Use KeePassX, botnet free.

You put information in and sometimes it comes out.

Is it free?

>inviting insecure software to your protected OS
How so? It can theoretically install and run things without me knowing?

It can realistically put a backdoor without you knowing. Its fucking Microsoft.


Nothing beats its syncing / normal person UI.

Who the fuck has time to open a password database and copy and paste a password?


>Legalise memes
>FUCK anime

My kind of party.

>What is Auto-Type.