Windows users will L I T E R A L L Y defend this

> Windows users will L I T E R A L L Y defend this

No I won't, I thought it was stupid too, but you know what I did? Now hold on to your dick, because this is gonna blow your fucking mind: I uninstalled it!

Yep, I'm a mad man

also sage

>he thinks the ability to uninstall this makes it OK for Microsoft to do this

>No I won't
>I uninstalled it!
You are literally defending this, by the way.

>Previous Windows versions shipped with Minesweeper, Freecell, Solitaire, Pinball 3D, etc.
>somehow, Candy Crush Saga is different from any of this
They bought out Candy Crush specifically to ship it with Windows. It was the replacement for these other games. Windows 7 also brought a shitload of shitty games no one ever played or used, and those couldn't even be uninstalled.

I don't like it either, but this isn't new.

I "L I T E R A L L Y" don't give a fuck, dudes

Nothing gonna to change the windows-users

>Pinball 3D
This game was the shit, you can't deny

>and those couldn't even be uninstalled.

This, previous versions of Windows came with shitty games, too. Nobody gave a fuck back then and nobody does now.

No I won't

Yea, it was fun as fuck, but that doesn't change the point I was trying to make. It's the exact same thing fundamentally. It's a game, shipped with Windows. You can chose to play it and enjoy it, or ignore it. Even better now, you can simply right click Candy Crush and uninstall it, while uninstalling Pinball was significantly harder.

>going through convoluted Windows options just to "uninstall" (read: disable) shitty games that ship with Windows and don't take up space at all or consume resources if not being using
>right clicking a program and clicking "uninstall" because you don't like looking at it in your programs lists
Yea, totally the same thing

The old games all taught you how to use the user interface, like double clicking and dragging. What does candy crush do that continues that tradition?

Did Jezzball really came with windows?
Was it 95, 98 or ME?
I remember playing it, and remember it was cool, but I have no idea where it came from, or when was this.

Did they took out Minesweeper and Solitaire?
If they didn't, I wouldn't mind Windows 10 having Candy Crush installed.
Especially when I'm a Linux user.

>Windows 10

>Not pointing out the bigger sin.


Is this real?
Did I really live to see this happen?

Still works on win10 too. Thanks backwards compatibility bloat!

I think it came with windows 3.1

Yea, why would you have Internet Explorer and Chrome, Windows 10, and not just install another Freecell clone online