UTorrent Community Forums Hacked

>uTorrent accounts for more than 150 million active users a month, which makes it the most used BitTorrent client by far. Besides, the software also has dedicated community forums with tens of thousands of daily visitors, and more than 388,000 registered members. These forums have just been hacked, exposing the private details of its members. BitTorrent Inc. issued a warning saying that the hackers managed to grab the user database, and passwords should be considered compromised. This is why all the users are recommended to update their passwords – both on uTorrent forums and other sites if they are identical.


They deserve it.

>uTorrent Community Forums

why does this exist

>having an utorrent forum account


>uTorrent forum



also you should change your utorrent pw

Haha, dumb plebs using torrents. Smart the fuck up.

Serves those fuckers right.

Why are people using utorrent?
I never understood this stupity.

They seem to have used a shitty forum software
Who cares?

It can handle more than a few peers and torrents

>community forum
>for a fucking torrent client
lmao what

Because they don't know better, they are inbred.

Who the fuck uses uTorrent? It's fucking 2016, come on people.

uTorrent is pretty fucking good.

>I only download one torrent and never seed
>I have a shitty connection
>Why do people use a software which can handle more than the trash I'm using

It used to be good, even 2.2.1 is now bad because of vulnerabilities, new ones are literal adware bundled with bitcoin miners. It's time to let go and switch to something better.

>>uTorrent accounts
>needing an account to pirate.
>giving out personal information to a piracy network.

They deserve all the prison rape they will get

Yeah, your adware is truly better.

>Using utorrent in the first place
>B-b-but muh 2.2.1
Enjoy your bugs and vulnerabilities

Are you really THIS retarded?

You can hide the ads, disable the ad tracking and the bitcoin miner was an error that got fixed long time ago.

2.0.4 contains no adware.

any other options?

Oh wow. Hahahahahaha. Windows users. Hahahaa

Tixati is pretty good.

What are you using smartass?

didnt the qbittorrent forums get hacked as well?

There are no community forums for uTorrent 2.2.1. Why would there be?


M A X I M U M _ K E K

Holy shit I had no idea there were that many people using the utorrent forum.


Same reason people still use ABP.

Qbittorrent for windows & transmission for linux, end of the story

stop posting this crap

>passwords compromised

Were they not at the very least hashing the passwords?

No, uTorrent is the only bittorrent client, no alternatives exist.
Now go back to Sup Forums.

There is not a single reported vulnerable for 2.2.1

I can only imagine what it's like:

>hey I just downloaded utorrent
>where do I get Game of Thrones?
>I need Game of Thrones, where is the Game of Thrones downlaod button?

A G A I N,

>literal botnet
>ads in torrent client

fuck utorrent

Nice FUD

>Using jew torrent
>Implying computer illiterates don't care

>Using Qstalled
>Wishing you had a superior client like utorrent

>Bitcoinminer MPAACuck torrent


I wonder how many of those retards used the same password for everything

Utorrent downloads my games the fastest and doesn't stall like qcuck does your fag.

Hahaha time to change your shitcuck ISP prajeet, nice deflection

Kill yourself.


>downloads my games the fastest
Spoken like a true computer illiterate Sup Forumskid.

NEWS FLASH: You only get the speed that your ISP allows. Internet download manager won't increase your speed 5 times

>Implying I'm retarded enough to use public trackers

Nice memes, jealously much?

>I-I use private trackers
HAHAHA enjoy being haxed by curry trackers.

Some fries would go nice with that salt, MPAAAcuckold

I trust private trackers because they're safe and reliable. I can download the latest and greatest video games lincucks and macfags and bsdlords will never get to enjoy.

>By navigating the user to a specially formed link starting with bittorrent: or magnet:, an attacker can inject arbitrary command line parameters that will be passed to the BitTorrent or uTorrent executable.

So if you don't open untrusted magnet links, you're fine.

>I trust
>they're safe and reliable
Take your cuck fetish somewhere else

I'd rather use a torrent client that doesn't infect my PC with magnet links

>B-But 2.shiggy.diggy has no vulnerability

Exactly. Qcucks keep pushing the cve meme when you're fine if you use common sense.

Fuck off, utorrent is great if you're not a filthy freetard

I'd rather use a torrent client that gives me acceptable speeds with hundreds of torrents

See pathetic faggot

Not who you replied to but try deluge. Works well and there is no cluttery UI. The straight forward queue options made me stay.

>tfw use magnet links from public trackers with qbittorrent
what do i need to be worried about? what kind of commands can they pass to the executable?

It says Bittorrent and CVEtorrent

µtorrent gives me the best speeds, I also tried qbittorrent and transmission
Bot can't handle seeding many torrents, and I have a 4 MB/s upload that I want to use

You don't have anything to worry about. qBittorrent even protects you from the MPAA by refusing to connect to them... or anyone else.

they deserve it

Deluge, currently seeding 42 GNU/Linux distributions.
get fucking good.


So what you're trying to say is, "I seed nothing."

>More than 50
seedercuck spotted

Here is another of your fellow seedcuck (picture). Nice to see you quickly moved away from stalled meme instantly

>using anything other than utorrent 2.2.1 or deluge.
Why would anyone use the forums lol?

Nah, people are always downloading ubuntu flavours in i386 / amd64 / arm. keep in mind that's Xubuntu Ubuntu Gnome Lubuntu Kubuntu Ubuntu Mate... Debian flavours the netinstall.... bunsenlabs.. i could go on.

>he doesn't seed
>but he complains about dead torrents

> complains about dead torrents
Only retards complain about dead torrents with no seed or peer

What provide details, the email they send spam to and their random pass string? I guess it would matter if you were sending private PMs, but you wouldn't since the admins could mine them.

>0.23 ratio
Jesus, it's true that STALLEDtorrent is hopeless at connecting.

>Literally no stalled in the picture
Time to kill yourself

>he has to select force seed so it won't display stalled


>boot up PC I haven't really used since 2012
>almost all torrents have no seeders except me

>utorrent cucks actually shit talking other bittorrent clients whilst their client has embedded ads into it

Is picotorrent next meme torrent client Sup Forums? Or will it end up like Sup Forumstorrent?

HAHAH this much damage control

I guess cucks got no more arguments left

It has all the hallmarks of a meme client.

Only the cuckest fo the cucks use cve torrent

>0.23 ratio
>177GB all time upload
We didn't tell you to post it.
That upload is a rounding error in mine. uTorrent 2.2.1 can seed.

You're right
Only utorrent has security flaws

>12KB/s upload

If they kept using uTorrent after the bitcoin mining fiasco they sure as hell won't care about this.
worthless cucks, can't even have some self respect.

Old utorrent versions don't have any ads or other trash, retard

yeah they have code execution vulnerabilities instead LOL

HAHHA atleast you tried cve cuck

>using abandonware shit
Stay mad cuck.

There seem to be no good alternatives.


ANYTHING is better than CVEtorrent



>Utorrent literally installs a bitcoin mining piece of shit with the latest versions
>People think this is safe and continue to use an obvious piece of shit software totally sold the fuck out willing to do ANYTHING for money

Yeah, totally """"hacked""" lmao..

>animebytes.tv (170)
holy shit get a fucking real hobby you weeb ass faggot