Apparently different emoji 'typefaces' express different emotions.
But which looks better?
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Apparently different emoji 'typefaces' express different emotions.
But which looks better?
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I hate apple's emoji. They're like the stupid downloadable emoticons for msn in the early 2000s.
I like the Google one the most. And then the Samsung one.
I actually think the LG looks pretty good, expressive and visually pleasing
Google's, Apple's and MS' look like shit desu, so does Facebook's
First test post please ignore.
Actually, all of those are pretty bad compared to LG
No. I won't ignore it.
is there a way to change your emoji font
The apple ones (and apple-based ones) look atrocious.
But as for miscommunication, why didn't they have a standard design across companies in the standard?
In this specific case the LG one looks the best, but I'm using an LG and some of them look like shit/don't clearly show the difference. I never got why they didn't just uniformize these.
Apple's is literally autistic. Facebook and Twitter are Apple ripoffs. Mozilla is a lemon. Samsung's is an example of the type of thing that spurred on the current lolflat standard of design. Microsoft tries to be a bit of everything, and succeeds in being a bastard child.
Google, LG, HTC and Emoji One are all acceptable.
Apple are the only good ones, other look like failed skeuomorphic abortions or flat garbage,
Samsung a cute.
Don't tell me what to do
mozilla one is creepy
Apple, Twitter and Facebook are literally retarded, you don't even know if they're smiling or just screaming in pain
Put a fucking # at start of post if you want it to be ignored
Would have been okay if they hadn't gone full retard and put ears on it.
>anything other than samsung
Apple, Twitter and Facebook need to get their shit together as far as the smiley face is concerned.
I just want it to be known that this post was NOT ignored.
Sup Forums, the technology board, discussing emojis. 2016 everyone.
>using emojis
Get the fuck off to facebook turbo normie
Seriously, they aren't even smiling. They could be grimacing.
I always preferred this type of emoticon anyway → ( ´_ゝ`)
Probably because Jobs hated Android and wouldn't want to share Apple's font. Then it's just a matter of different companies making their own set like they do with Android roms.
* I hate emoji.
Here, fixed.
Here on Sup Forums, it's the irrelevant posts that count
Fuck Google and their giga pudding
Personally I can't see the "grimace" everyone is talking about, but HTC and Emoji One are clearly the best
Am I the only person that sees that Samsung and Mozilla are objectively wrong? It's supposed to be a toothy grin, there is a separate character code for open mouth...
Apple's, Twitter's and Facebook's don't even look happy.
This. Neo-Sup Forums strikes again.
Twitter and Facebook both look like they're screaming inside, which I can relate to.
Apple emojis also happen to be whatsapp which also happen to look fucking retarded. They need to get their shit together
Google smileys are best smileys.
After MSN, but those are gone for good.
Fuck emojis. We ASCII art.
I kind of like the Samsung emojis, but they got the lmao face wrong.
>liking Google's emoji's
kek just looked up the emojis on the Unicode website and Samsung has white people for everything except the cop.
And Microsoft made everyone gray...
MS confirmed for argyria
Google's are the cleanest and most modern looking.
A lot of the others remind me of forum smilies from the early 2000s. Dated.
The Google ones are cute. CUTE!!
It's either because I'm used to them, or the google ones are really cuddly looking.
When did emojis become a standard again?
Where does that word even come from? They used to be emoticons.
I like google ones more than the others.
Any good emoji packs out there?
Smartphones. They stuck them on smartphones and people started using them.
I like the Apple's ones. I actually prefer the ones from VK, but they're very similar to Apple's. Second would be the ones from Nexus. Facebook ones are plain ugly and so are Microsoft's.
>Also study:
Woman in dress dancing on iOS is equivalent to a fat blob with a rose in its mouth on Nexus. That's annoying, I don't really use them only because of this. I mostly rely on text based ones like (: or :3 or :^) or ^.^
Why is Samsung the only acceptable smiley?
>Apple, Twitter
In pain
>Facebook, Emoji One
Crying out for help
Down syndrome
Oversized fat face
>HTC, Google
Baring their teeth in attempt to make it seem like they're happy when they're not
Only smiley that looks even remotely okay
it's not. i own a note 4 and i absolutely hate all the fucking emojis on it.
twitter looks super constipated
>Ignoring comments
they're meant to be read, not ignored
google's is the best. Look at that smug fuck, he literally enjoys something while others stay mad.
Damn Microsoft is scary
>google's cock so far down the throat of of people here that they actually defend the children's drawings of deformed blobs
>Google winning the poll
Aww yiss. Only Google managed to make the emojis cute. They kind of fucked up with the full body ones, but these are getting fixed in N.
So when is Apple fixing their grinning face emoji?
>So when is Apple fixing their grinning face emoji?
I think you mean when are all the other companies going to copy Apple.
Yeah, that's probably what they'll end up doing, but only so iPhone users don't see everyone else's grinning faces as someone grimacing in pain. Maybe the code points themselves will be renamed to cover up Applel's mistakes.
>apple's cock so far down the throat of of people here that they actually defend these 2002-era phpBB emoticons
The Apple, M$, Facebook and Twitter ones look like comepletely different expressions from the rest. I like Google's and LG's the best.
>using emojis
I like this thread.
Get a load of these fugly assholes. Is Apple even trying?
Just look at their dead eyes, toothless grins and glossy skin-coloured hair...
Why are they yellow? Why model them after asians?
I say we use the old standard!
They're modeled after the simpsons
what if they are modeled after somebody that drank too much
>using any smiley that isnt carat nose smiley
Kill yourselves
yeah, sure they are...
This user knows his smiley history. The guy that made this smiley didnt even put copyright on it so no millions of $$ for him.
apple, twitter, facebook look more angry than anything
samsung and mozilla look like they're laughing
google, microsoft, htc, emoji one just look happy
LG reminds me of a smug anime girl
Well, like there is no need for money man, it's just another way for the man to control peoples lives man. Everything should be free, like ideas and love...that's real freedom man.
Apple emoji are best emoji
true but it wont be
Samsung and Mozilla doing it wrong. It's supposed to be grinning, not laughing.
>using the smiley with a carat nose
>endorsing the use of the smiley with a carat nose
Microsoft have new ones coming up
I like them a lot
Google used to be my favourite, the blob was great
Should have been am animated file
Which emojicons have the most freedoms? I think Google's are CC BY-SA?
I don't use them, senpai. I'm just commenting on how ridiculous they all look. Is that supposed to be not allowed?
What's next, we can't have threads making fun of BonziBuddy?
>there are grown men itt that send fucking emojis
Emojis are for boys. Full essays of your feelings are for men.
I still think that unicode should be adding more alphabets instead of these things that that people should be forced to type in complete sentences on their phones.
Why have these glorified emoticons become popular, again?
>apples emoticon