Which monospace font do you use?

Which monospace font do you use?


DejaVu, Terminus, Ponderosa, Liberation.

Always looking for more god tier fonts, post 'em

which ever one my wifes son tells me to


pragmata pro, monaco, envypn, gohufont, iosevka term

pic related is pragmata pro


The correct answer is Inconsolata-dz

pomme, viti, menlo



+1 I love tewi

Cousine. It's pretty compact and readable.

Source code pro

ubuntu default
>wasting time choosing a font

Ubuntu Mono


time traveler detected

I'm traveling through time at this very moment. What are you going to do about it?



dejavu sans mono/consolas

Consolas. There's something special about it, it feels more readable than anything else I've tried. Is there any way to get the exact same font on Linux too?

segoe ui

DejaVu Sans Mono at 11px; if it's too large,
Liberation Mono at 10px, i like how compact and neat it is.

if i still used IRC i'd have Fixedsys Exelsior for it.

looks like the "t" is now straight too, i approve of that.

copy consolas to /usr/share/fonts folder?


GohuFont master race.

Every time one of these threads comes around, I download some fonts, try them out, and then go back to Ubuntu Mono 9pts.

>Based Ubuntu Mono

Fucking high five this cunt knows what's up.


came here to say this.

>no Fira Monocuck

The whole fira family is actually bretty good.

Vera Sans Mono

ooh I like this one, sorry terminus, you're fucking dropped

I use this one.

Droid sans mono

Also came here to say pragmata pro, best monospace font I've ever used.

dejavu or liberation

call the time agency



courier new. Haven't found anything that's as good as it with the same font size.

Just start using the legacy captcha.

>The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog
>not jumps
I saw somebody do this the other day, is this a new meme?