What is this type of CRT called? it's not drawing using scanlines, is it a vector display?

what is this type of CRT called? it's not drawing using scanlines, is it a vector display?

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Vector display with a special stencil inside for masking out letters and digits. (The electron beam can optionally be guided through the correct character on the stencil before being sent to the screen.)

Direct-view bistable storage tube


It looks awesome

lol i had the webm looping and it hit that frame at the exact moment i viewed this


Wow, I didn't know these are actual displays. I've seen many in various (older) movies, thought it was just to make it look better or something.


it's just a CRT.

It's a technology called "outrun" and it was invented by a hacker who only goes by "Kavinsky".

nigga shut the fucc up with your lame ass bullshit

Anyone know a good way to rice their terminal emulator to do that sexy draw-order shenanigans?


You know that this is a slow motion video right

nobody would actually want to look at that shit

> tfw I own this exact CRT

>all these kids

>This single, lonely old man


It's not slow motion.

>nobody would actually want to look at that shit

Says you

>nobody would actually want to look at that shit
so you rather draw those graphs and charts by hand instead?

Someone pls

Best Tektronix video I've seen.
I want one. It does 4096x4096 resolution. If only it were a bit faster...

Whoops, wrong video.
Try this one: youtube.com/watch?v=IztxeoHhoyM

By your command.

1) I'm in love
2) If the phosphor holds for that long, how can it suddely erase specific parts?

Here's a physics simulation taken frame-by-frame.

succ my dicc ya faggot

wait was this done with that era's computers? it's pretty impressive.

its like a carpenter movie

>Can litterally hear the mouth breathing

Fatty needs to lose some weight, he's out of breath from merely typing

how long ago was this made? looks pretty cool desu

wireframe sims like that aren't really difficult for a '70s mainframe or a supermini

Yeah but the physics are hard unless they way oversimplified them with analytical math, which I guess is the case.


This is so cool, it should be a computer screen on some 70s sci fi space ship.

Here's the YT link: youtube.com/watch?v=GnchZ4oQg6A

Did some research and found nothing. Looks like it might not exist yet, user :(

The Tektronix 4014 is supposedly one of the terminals xterm emulates. Not sure how well it works, though.



I'm in love, it's like something out of a 70's/80's movie. I'd kill for a graphing calculator that used a display like this.

mean green flashin machine

Fuck, just go read in wikipedia, probably has more than one electron gun? It's not even hard to guess.

Man, all those 16 year old faggots being surprised that there was computing before the pentium.



Hes just really excited...

>probably has more than one electron gun? It's not even hard to guess.

lol that's hillariously wrong for many reasons
I rewatched the video and I was wrong, not because of some impossible technology but because the images are always completely erased.

Dude I'm 24 and besides the exposure to my dad's old Atari and an Uncle's "portable" computer (A Kaypro) these things are hard to come by.

Unless you're 60, you're just a stupid underage kid with the "90's kid" syndrome.

How many people here do you think have worked with vector displays? How old do you think the userbase is?


that's really interesting.

bump cause I'm living and I want this alive when I return. LIterally the only good post on Sup Forums for the past month.

Not talking about you and vector displays, I'm talking about people being surprised computers where useful before they think they where.

even that isn't really computationally expensive, physics isn't hard, it just gets hairy as shit when you're doing it a ton of it at once

that model probably isn't more than a hundred polygons, probably not even fifty, pretty easy crunching for a typical system of the time that would have been doing those kinds of simulations

You could run anything even on a 29000 transistor machine, just not in real time pleb.

I had to turn the volume down. I couldn't handle listening to this fat piece of shit wheeze like he was going to pass out at any moment. He was literally out of breath from typing on a keyboard.