>windows builds:
>user shaders:
>low preset:
>windows builds:
>user shaders:
>low preset:
Other urls found in this thread:
>these shitty presets
jesus christ
What is shitty?
Which is the best for you and why?
- spline36
- ewa_lanczos
- ewa_lanczossharp
- CrossBilateral
Good enough and will work on anything but the shittiest toasters
Which one is the best for you?
I really need sharpener and I have a really shitty computer.
>the best media player
Only one thing needs to be done before I could agree with that statement. Fix the subtitle rendering!
copyback is shit for performance m8. why the fuck even recommend it over ‘auto’
default since forever
>video-sync only for high and above
why?? it hardly has any GPU impact
>blend-subtitles turned on even for the profiles without interpolation
why the fuck even
spline36 is an approximation of a 2D lanczos (similar to scale=lanczos but ever so slightly less ringy)
ewa_lanczos is an improvement that reduces aliasing
ewa_lanczossharp is an improvement that reduces aliasing further (and slightly increases sharpness)
crossbilateral isn't even comparable with the other three (apples and oranges)
they're all shit. sharpening adds no information to the image that wasn't there before, it's just completely unnecessary distortion
update your shit
I have the latest version.
ffmpeg and mpv both from git master?
No, but I should try that. I have used the builds from mpv.srsfckn.biz and bitbucket.org/rorgoroth.
also post the file (or a small clip from it) if you can, really helps to see if it's a problem with mpv, a problem with the file or a problem with your setup
Here you go. a.uguu.se
It works perfectly with MPC-HC. So I doubt there is something wrong with the file. Another issue I have with mpv is weird dots around the edges of the subtitles, but only with subtitles like these, that has a dark field behind the text.
I might try ffmpeg and mpv from git master later. For now I must get some sleep.
any guide to basic commands with mpv?
Not him. Got latest from bitbucket.
Istead of those "common" presets include this into OP next time please:
> WHY should I switch from my ??? to mpv?
No one is asking you to. Just try it and see for yourself what suits you best.
> What is the best config?
There is no "best" config. Config is a personal thing that varies between users and hardware setups. Just don't forget to use opengl-hq instead of opengl if you can (or something better). You can always ask here about things you don't understand/not sure.
> documentation:
- github.com
- mpv.io
- github.com
> default key bindings and some examples
- github.com
> some useful lua scripts
Since you seem to know what you're talking about why not propose some new presets?
>It works perfectly with MPC-HC. So I doubt there is something wrong with the file.
There are three scenarios:
1. libass has a bug that is causing mpv to misrender a file which is not supposed to contain the borders
2. VSFilter has a bug that is causing MPC-HC to misrender a file which *is* supposed to contain the borders
3. The correct way to render it is undefined behavior
I don't really speak ass, but it has something to do with this part of the sub file:
[V4+ Styles]
Format: Name, Fontname, Fontsize, PrimaryColour, SecondaryColour, OutlineColour, BackColour, Bold, Italic, Underline, StrikeOut, ScaleX, ScaleY, Spacing, Angle, BorderStyle, Outline, Shadow, Alignment, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, Encoding
Style: Default,DejaVu Sans,42,&H00F1F4F9,&H000000FF,&H64000000,&H96000000,0,0,0,0,100,100,0,0,3,0.1,0,1,250,80,35,186
Seems to be this but:
which is set to ‘3’ in this .ass file
Looking at the documentation of aegisub, there are the following values for BorderStyle:
>Border style - determines the style of the subtitle border:
>Outline + shadow - all letters have outline and a drop shadow
>Opaque box - a solid box is drawn under the text
So, how much do you wager that 3 means “Opaque box”?
I looked it up, 3 *does* mean BorderStyle
So in other words, libass is rendering your subtitle as per the spec and therefore mpv is in the right
Please file an MPC-HC bug.
>still no github.com
Well, if you can't navigate from github.com
Because they're pointless
vo=opengl for shit machines, vo=opengl-hq for powerful machines
everything else is highly subjective
>default since forever
no it's not
Please stop talking like you know anything.
>no it's not
>Default: youtube-dl's default, currently bestvideo+bestaudio/best
he right
I'd say go for this one if your pc can handle it and if not go for lumasharpen
suggestion: remove blend-subtitles if you are gonna use sharpen shaders/filters
>old as shit software
hmm whats worse?
>copyback is shit for performance m8. why the fuck even recommend it over ‘auto’
check above
how so?
use angle or enable full dynamic range
gives same result regardless of auto or auto-copy
dxinterop doesn't flash white background, and with auto-copy is same, so why not just use that?
also "no" gives same result on dxinterop
second one is a gorillion times better
>dxinterop doesn't flash white background
you should use angle because d3d11va is better than dxva2
Would it be possible to upload your entire mpv folder+config on github, and keep it up to date that way?
when going fullscreen white flash
is kinda annoying so i don't use angle
I think I like the opaque one better.
First one looks a lot better. Too many details lost in the second.
>why the fuck even
why not
win10 + mpv = best, at least with intel iGPU.
First one is bugged (limited range)
this is not really an aesthetic preference, but a software bug you are experiencing.
If you want to reproduce the aesthetic mangling for the sake of your own masturbatory viewing pleasure, first fix the levels and then use something like --brightness=6 --contrast=-14.
>why not
burden of proof m8. why are you adding a (literally) useless option to your “presets”
Seen this thread a couple of times in the catalog, why would I use it over MPC-HC?
I don't see any benefit.
So why is the thread constantly shilling that it's "the best"?
>So why is the thread constantly shilling that it's "the best"?
Because it is and the thread is here so we can talk about it, configs, settings, give support and talk about/write/share shaders and scripts.
Nobody is asking you to change (apparently that's pretty hard for a lot of people to grasp) but of course you are welcome to if you want.
But my original question was basically
>why is this the best?
>I'll tell you the software I'm currently using so you can point out the benefits over that software
I'm not here to shitpost about mpv I'm just interested in what it can do.
>blend subtitles
Literally kill yourself if you use this
Absolutely and utterly kill yourself immediately if you use this.
Enjoy your subtitle judder.
Enjoy not being able to have subtitles in the blank space during 2.35:1 content.
>subtitles in the blank space
Get a load of this turbo-pleb. Subtitles are traditionally placed over the video for a reason. You shouldn't have to look away from the video to see the subs.
Anime isn't in 2.35
>obliterating the video quality because your eye muscles are too lazy to move slightly
monolithic kek
It has probably the highest quality renderer of all current media players and at the same the pretty much everything is configurable. It is definitely the only one properly color managed and it is pretty much arbitrarily extendable through shaders and scripts.
Disadvantages: somebody not familiar with details of video processing will obviously need a bit of preliminary reading before he can understand the more complex parts of video rendering. Also, there is no front-end offering a clickable GUI for the options. Some ppl care about that, some don't.
To be quite honest I have never had a need for subtitles on 2.35:1 content anyway. I watch my anime in Japanese and my cinema in American as God intended. I need subtitles for the anime, but it's always in 16:9 and it uses ASS subtitles which can't be repositioned.
>ASS subtitles which can't be repositioned
>he doesn't watch obscure foreign cinema
>he watches american trash
>he watches ANIME
God I command, place this pleb into the waste disposal recepticle.
Which can't be sanely repositioned. Yeah, there are heuristics for figuring out which lines of dialogue can probably be moved off-screen without breaking the script, but it's not possible to accomplish this generally without missing lines that should be moved or breaking scripts.
mpv is for anime.
>watching anything in 47:20
I know you guys are mpv users, i am too, but i'm wondering if anyone can offer advice for this problem i'm having with ffmpeg.
i'm just trying to convert a gif to webm, but i'm getting this error:
Output file #0 does not contain any stream
Output #0, webm, to ' -i file:///blabla/chicks.gif -c:v libvpx -b:v 1M -c:a libvorbis chickens.webm':
the code i'm running is:
ffmpeg -i file:///blabla/chicks.gif -c:v libvpx -b:v 1M -c:a libvorbis chickens.webm
Works for me. Some broken/weird gif? Does it work on other gifs? Also does your ffmpeg have libvpx support?
I'm pretty sure gifs don't have audio streams so why are you converting audio?
Doesn't ffmpeg implicitly convert codecs based on the file extrnsion of the output?
>No new Sourceforge build since 12th June
Should T show-text "${vo-performance}" work with angle now?
but it still doesn't work (zeros).
You have to be on mpv git master with git master ANGLE DLLs (or the ones from the latest Chromium buildbot build.)
>Also does your ffmpeg have libvpx support?
yes, i complied it specifically with the libvpx option enabled
tried it without audio
yes, but the gif's by default are not Sup Forums compatible
Oh, I forgot about that, yes it works with latest ANGLE headers and dlls.
oh, thanks for the help everyone, i got it working
How do I enable full dynamic range? mine looks like the first one
depends on your gpu
R7 260x using latest AMD drivers
Is it possible to store my mpv configurations in the same folder as mpv? like a portable thing? I'm using windows and default is AppData/Roaming/mpv
Download and run DXVA checker, press Ctrl + v and enable UseBT601CSC.
Thank you based user, can I use relative paths like
instead of
Alright, I changed just what you've said, anything else I should change there? this is what it looks like
I'm fairly sure you can do icc-profile=~~monitor-profiles/my-profile.icc where the double-tilde means to search in the config directory.
it should be ~~/monitor-profiles/my-profile.icc
Yeah, sorry about that.
>copyback is shit for performance m8. why the fuck even recommend it over ‘auto’
"auto" gives me this weird-ass flickering all the time, pic related
Thanks it worked, although I get this contrast warning so I'm not sure what to do.
webm related
So I'm new to mpv, is there anyway to make my monitor run at the same fps of the movie? I remember seeing that movies played at 23.xxx or 24/25fps.
Another question, if my monitor is at 1080p 60hz and I open a 23fps movie, what changes? does the movie get sped up or nothing happens at all?
Hopefully haasn is lurking and he knows what to do about that warning. I get it with all my profiles too, so I just set icc-contrast=1000 to silence it. It still looks like the profile works with that option, so it's probably the right thing to do.
That's interesting by the way. If you want it fixed, you could raise an issue on GitHub. Do you know if other non-copyback hardware decoders (like LAV's) have the same problem?
Yeah I hope he sees it. Speaking of profiles, do you know a proper website to get them? pretty much all of them look fishy as fuck and I just assume they're generic profiles just with the name and vendor ID changed, my monitor is a SM633NW so it's kinda old and hard to find somewhere "trustworthy".
Also do you "install" the profile or just use it solely for mpv and let windows/linux handle the colors?
The "proper" answer to this question is to always generate your own profile, because manufacturing differences between panels can be huge, possibly even larger than the difference between the panel and an ideal sRGB monitor.
That said, I use a profile from TFT Central for my main PC and subjectively, I think it looks better than mpv with colour management off and mpv with sRGB output.
>Also do you "install" the profile or just use it solely for mpv and let windows/linux handle the colors?
I configure them in Windows and set mpv to use icc-profile-auto because it's the only way to get mpv to automatically switch profiles on multi-monitor systems.
>non-copyback hardware decoders (like LAV's)
What do you mean by that? other programs? I've only tested it with dxva2, d3d11va and auto
I'm just wondering if it's a driver problem or an mpv problem (or an ANGLE problem.) If other media players (like LAV/MPC-HC) have the same problem, it could be the former, but if it's the latter, it's probably something that should be fixed. If you don't have MPC-HC installed, don't worry about it. I'm just wondering.
How do I test that? just install mpc-hc and play the video or I'd have to install madvr and all that crap?
I don't think you need madVR and I think MPC-HC comes with LAV these days, but you would probably have to enable hardware decoding in the settings somewhere.
>So I'm new to mpv, is there anyway to make my monitor run at the same fps of the movie? I remember seeing that movies played at 23.xxx or 24/25fps
Not out of the box, but there are Lua scripts for it. This one is for Linux only: github.com
>Another question, if my monitor is at 1080p 60hz and I open a 23fps movie, what changes? does the movie get sped up or nothing happens at all?
Depends on your settings. Out of the box, mpv will synchronize playback to the audio clock and push frames to the display whenever they are scheduled, without really caring about the display's refresh rate. If you set video-sync=display-resample, it will display frames with an even 2:3 cadence, so one video frame for two display refreshes, then one video frame for three display refreshes, and it will resample the audio so it's in time with the video (which may result in a very slight pitch-shift.) If you have ever used ReClock, I think it does a similar thing.
If you set the above setting and you use vo=opengl-hq:interpolation, it will smoothly blend the frames into each other (this is like madVR's smoothmotion,) which is supposed to simulate what the video would look like if it was being played on a display with the proper refresh rate.
So there isn't a windows version of that script? what other ways can I achieve that? custom resolutions from GPU panel?
Well I got the latest MPC-HC but it has only dxva2, no d3d11va(?) so I don't know if it's really fair comparison.
I'll open a ticket anyways with more info.