WAV is the best audio file format in the world

WAV is the best audio file format in the world
>prove me wrong

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What is better about flac than wav?


Explain "everything"?

Smaller filesize for the same quality
No rotational velocidensity degredation
No bit rot




I guess WAV is for maintaining a true audio collection having a shiton of disk space.

You're a funny one.

What about mp3? What do you have against it?

>not ogg

>laks ID3 tagging

> C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_Saved Images_cFv0cN2l.jpg

Literally no reason to not use FLAC instead

Same data in the end for less space

Here, user, (You) can have it.





mp3 a bloated and deprecated shit

Smaller filesizes, better tagging, better embedding inside other containers (e.g. matroska or ogg)

old b8

meme? b8?
explain, i dont get it

Obviously FLAC
>Widely supported

Most people can barely hear the difference between 256 and 320 mps.

Let alone can they tell the difference of using FLAC beside eating up unnecessary space.


>rotational bullshit


Apple's Aiff format is lossless as well, it is an excellent audio format.

what's the difference between flac and aiff format?

>ignoring the fact WAV takes up unnecessary space

>can your ears tell the difference between these two images

>Uncompressed PNG
>803 KB
>Compressed JPG
>124 KB
>the image itself is 370 KB

You're a fucking retard

Even ignoring all your nitrate bullshit, you can't convert to other formats without losing even more quality

AAC master race

VGM is the best audio format

wav is good for ppl that work with audio
For listening on your phone with cheap speakers mp3 v0 should be enough, or 320 if it makes you feel better.
For your hi-fi system at home, physical media of course

>all of these digital fags and their 1s and 0s music
>not listening to superior analog with natural sound quality

Vinyl is not a file format

MIDI is lossless, and like 1kb. I don't see how FLAC even competes.


Aiff is uncompressed PCM, Flac is compressed. Also, Flac is free, aiff is proprietary

are you retarded?

Since we're in a meme thread anyway, can someone explain to me why digital headphone output is even being considered for phones? I mean, you're gonna have to have a DAC somewhere along the circuit, s you might as well keep it inside the phone- to lower headphone costs.
Yeah, there is also the possibility that the charging cable would also have wires/pin outs for handling analog audio, but then what the fuck is the point of getting rid of 3.5mm?

Flac files are smaller while retaining the same quality.
Also Aiff is proprietary

>three letter extension
>that leaves you four letters and a dot before it's unwieldly long
>Mariah Carey's Without You becomes MCWY.WAV who's going to remember that?
>File extension beginning with W clashes with webm and wma, concievebly in user's media directory, so tab completion is out.
>Can't save files larger than 4 GB, so your superior audio file format cannot be used for my overnight field recordings of cicadas.

When the Bubbah the Bootleg Buyer uses a homosexual audio player that doesn't support flac audio, wav is likely to be supported. Windows didn't have system-wide FLAC support until 10.

Between lossies, MP3 < AAC < Opus

>not using midi and sequencing your multiple synths/samplers/gear and creating new versions of your favorite songs everytime

>that leaves you four letters and a dot before it's unwieldly long
Are you... autistic?
>not having your audio organized like /Artist/Album (Year)/No. Song Title.ext

>comparing lossless to lossy
They're used for different reasons. FLAC is the best lossless audio coded and Opus is the best lossy one.


ok i laughed

>>Can't save files larger than 4 GB
You're not supposed to use fat32 anymore gramps

flac needed to re-convert files when new lossy formats come out

>spaces in directory name
>capital letters in a directory name
Apparently neurotypicals are blind tasteless buffoons.

Flac for archival/collection, Opus for when there is less space, like in cellphones

It really is. FLAC is a piece of shit sometimes only 20% smaller than a WAV file and requires more processing power to decode.

Long live WAV!



Who are you quoting?

>Uncompressed audio
Sure, it's nice for programmers who want to process the audio file, because of how simple it is, but it's completely retarded to use for storage or media.

>cannot be used for my overnight field recordings of cicadas.
I'm going to need a copy of those “field recordings”. For, uh, scientific purposes.

It takes up several times more space than FLAC with the exact same audio quality buddy

Pure raw nitrate is the best film stock in the world.
>prove me wrong

can your cock feel the difference between a trap's ass and a girl's ass???

The trap's ass has poop
the other doesn't

>Not using glorious .wma

WAV is lossless too dumbass, why aren't you whining about OP?
>not understanding the purpose
It's not for muh noticeable difference in audio quality

OGG is worse than mp3

ogg is a container, the quality is dependent on what format it contains.

>people itt complaining about storage space and processing power requirements of flac.

if your equipment is so underpowered with such little storage, what the fuck are you doing handling lossless audio at all?

flac is by far the best format
>smaller filesize than .wav
>widely supported
>can always convert to lossy-formats when/if required


He probably meant vorbis, which is still better than mp3.

WAV is overcomplicated.

It's not that it's not powerful enough, it's that higher power consumption = less battery life
>little storage
Once can only fit so much in an iPod, why pay more for higher density storage if you can have music that simply uses less space?

Can't apple devices not use anything but mp3 and apples own codecs anyway?

If you're using the stock firmware

CDs: QAAC q127
Concert videos: QAAC q109-127
Videos: QAAC q91-109

WAV has wider support, especially considering the amount of old audio gear and processing software that still exists

to all of you: FLAC needs a lot of time to uncompress compared to ALAC or WAV
These are different formats for different applications.
Yeah but save it a few times and compression will be clearly seen on right picture

>better tagging
Not when the kind of tagging you want to use is native Windows attributes.

that is a stupid picture both of the files are wrapped inside the png its like comparing a mp3 and a flac inside a single mp3

Uh... That would be the opposite

>uncompressed png - 800KB
>entire file is a 300 kb png
i dont get it.

compact disk in the best format

Also >not using ALAC
Like FLAC but with sane tags and better application support.

yeah your right think of it the other way around then saying the flac is so big then putting it in a smaller file and asking to compair

>its like comparing a mp3 and a flac inside a single mp3
png is lossless dumbass

>tfw playing lossless music on my iPod without the massive battery drain Rockbox suffers from

PNGs can be compressed losslessly
A compressed image png with 2 almost duplicate pixel zones would be around 300 KB

That's PNG or you.
>Take an image and resize it down
>file size increases

Why would you do that to yourself

Does WAV sound better than mp3?

depends on how low the bitrate on the mp3 is

the reason you shouldn't use mp3 is because it is over 2 decades old and there are multiple formats that do lossy better

FLAC is better than WAV because its basically the same thing but compressed losslessly saving you space

So you should store FLAC and convert to AAC/Vorbis/Opus whenever you need to stream or put your music on a portable device

how is it not?

Taking this bait. I overlayed the two elephant pics in difference mode. This should display any pixel differences between the two images, which there should be if one is lossy. Nope, pure black.

They're literally pixel-per-pixel identical. Image is bullshit (oh and PNGs aren't uncompressed either)

Pngs have custom compression, they can be uncompressed to quite densely compressed. Different compressions don't necessarily have to have differences in the final image, in fact that is the whole point of the elephants image.

There is no best. Every format has sumething wrong with it. Some mp3 players don't support some formats (WAV). Some formats (FLAC) are a pain in the ass to drop into a movie editor. Sometime anoying programs (AUDACITY) demand you download a LAME encoder instead of doing it out of the box.

FLAC is pretty great
WAV is user friendly
MP3 needs to die

> lossless
> compression

You have no clue what compression is do you?

idiot go back to Sup Forums


one doesn't prevent the other
oops meant to say AIFF instead of ALAC
you can emulate vinyl sound in digital, but can't do the opposite

>MP3 needs to die
Why is it even still alive when AAC is supposed to be its successor?