>GTX 970 performance
>Actually 4GB VRAM
AMD won
Other urls found in this thread:
AMD is producing the GPUs for Xbox S and PS VR.
AMD never obsolete
Benchmarks or GTFO.
where can i place preorder??????
>GTX 970 performance
AMDelusion is real
>being so poor so you have to settle for garbage
where the fuck is the 490?
You're right.
They deluded the public into thinking they were on or with Nvidia and it was a flat out lie.
They're better than Nvidia.
Who are you quoting you meme guzzler?
>In the simplest terms AMD has created a product that runs hotter and slower than its competition's new architecture by a potentially significant margin.
Could the 490 end up being a mere $299?
The RX 480 has a lower VR score (6.3) than the GTX 970 (6.5) already. The RX 470 will be even slower.
They did say they were revealing GPUs in the up to $300 segment, and they haven't revealed anything at the end of that range yet.
They somehow managed to design a gpu for consoles which became obsolete the moment it was put in the consoles.
I can't help but laugh at console peasants and AMDrones.
Eternal Kyle. Everytime.
Source: My ass
There is no rx490 and vega will not be rx490. The rx470 and rx480 are for gamers, the $300+ tier is enthusiast.
The RX 470 uses a slightly cut-down version of the chip in the 480, and won't be far off it in performance as a result. The 480 matches a 980, so the 470 should match a 970.
I think AMD is taking too much time giving a response to the 1070 and 1080. We have to wait until October for the release of the 490. If you have a GPU that's as strong as a 290 or better, then the 480 is not a compelling choice. The 1080 is overpriced so that leaves people with the choice of either getting a 1070 now or waiting 3 months to save about $100 or so. I understand Polaris is not meant to be a high-end card, but it seems like it's capable of good performance. They could've released a superpowered Polaris for $300 that performs at about Fury X/980 Ti levels and I bet tons of people would gladly buy that card.
As an AMD stock investor(bought stock in january), I laugh at you
Vega 10 will be the 490.
Vega 11 will be the next Fury.
>>Actually 4GB VRAM
I count 8 chips on that card kiddo
it comes in 4GB and 8GB version
should have sold in april when they jumped like 50% in two days or whatever it was
>$0.10 has been deposited to your account
>Actually 4GB VRAM
Just like the GTX970!!!!
Prove me wrong pleb.
>t. triggered 970 owner
>can't prove me wrong
Kanker tweaker
>tfw the 470 is way faster than my 270
Now I just hope it doesn't get marked up from 150 USD to 600 AUD
how new are you?
>comparing next gen cards with current gen cards
AMDshills at it again.
3.5 Usable, last 512MB are so slow and shit that it shits the bed every time they are used.
AMD won the golden turd price AGAIN?
Where are Nvidia's current cards to compete with the 470 and 480?
wow, math
If anyone believes this I have a large pylon to sell in Paris
>shits the bed every time they are used.
After it beats everything AMD has to offer, then its shits the bed
The GTX 1070 is already out.
It was a rehash of old stuff, both vendors wanted that
>$380 card competing against $199 card
>get an R390x desu
>implying 1 chip can't be different densities
they're probably 2gb chips, meaning 512MB. 8*512 = 4GB
>As an AMD stock investor(bought stock in
january), I laugh at you
>stock investor
Practice your english, Pajeet.
You do realise how pathetic you sound?
You can buy full 8GB amd cards for less that perform better.
>You can buy full 8GB amd cards for less that perform better.
hmmm really makes you think
Yeah the 8gb cards from amd perform much better.
Thanks user
calm your tits and wait, only the 1080 and 1070 are out. jesus, you fucking fanboys are the worst.
The only reason I have an Nvdia is because a lot of games are optimized for it, AMD might have more core or faster clock speed, but in the end some games performs better on Nvidia
who fucking cares
the 970 will be the new 770 (ie a gimped brick) by the time it's out
the 480 is a compelling choice. I have an R9 290, and I'm grabbing a 480 as a stop gap until Vega 11 next year. Should give me slightly better overall performance and lower my power draw some. This should mean that my computer room/office isn't a fucking sauna. Besides that I could pick up a second 480 later if I want before Vega 11 and get better performance in games with the ability to use it.
>When the 970 will be out
>will be out
>will be
you must be some kind of a retard
Iz special am gud or u no bad!
Y i are has frienz to you not, fuck.
funny thing is 48 will be beating 980 in less than 6 months after realease
>comparing next gen cards with current gen cards
AMDshills at it again.
So when does Nvidia release their current gen cards?
the point I'm making here you ignorant shill is that progressive nvidia drivers slowly gimp performance while newer amd drivers improve it
480 is still a way better bargain vs 1070.
You'd do a better job of making that point using benchmarks from current gen cards.
Except you can't, which is why you didn't.
980 has been, and always will be, a shit card for the price. I'm glad it's dumpster tier now.
>Comparing price similar cards
AMDshills at it again.
Nice try, but the rx480 barely has 970 performance.
Nvidiots are this desperate. Nvidia is finished, confirmed.
Didn't you see AMD's official steam VR benchmark for the rx480? The 970 is faster than it, poor AMDfag, your dream died down.
you should be banned kyle
it's higher now than it was then
>eSports cards
More like
>$3.50 USD
>+$5,405.00 ZMK
Sure you got $4.00, but $0.50 of it is useless.
>mfw my 290x got 5733, 2825
This will be like below 960 performance lmfao, AMD faggots btfo
LoL, CS, DotA, Overwatch.
eSports just means normie games. They're aiming at the market that doesn't need to play on full settings, and just wants good enough frame rates to play competitively.
>bought an r9 nano 2 months ago
Should I end it all now?
>The 480 matches a 980
No it doesn't.
Now you too can have performance from years ago!!!!!
Everything we've seen so far points to the 480 performing similarly to the 980. Some sources are putting it slightly ahead, others are putting it slightly behind. We can also expect the card to overstock very well, given that power efficiency is one of the focal points of Polaris. Given an 8-pin adapter, I have no doubt that Polaris will clock 25% higher, given what we've seen AMD do with Fury X to turn it into Nano. I'm confident that the process will be reversible with the 480, giving more performance on a larger power budget.
Whatever tripfag. I've seen you posting various times before and never paid you any mind, but with as useless a post as "nuuuh-uuh" is, I think I can safely assume that you're completely useless. Thanks for identifying yourself. You will now be categorized alongside in elite.
>Maxwell and Rebrand series cucks this assblasted
What is this even for? 1600x900? We are 4K now.
i'm confused.
nvidia came out with their 470 forever ago
why the fuck is amd so late? how are people even definding amd?
>the RX 480 managed to edge out our overclocked GTX 980 & R9 390 samples in addition to our R9 Nano sample.
>draws roughly 100 watts and cruises along at around 60 degrees Celsius
>RX 480 4GB will sell for as low as $199 and the 8GB version for around $29-$39 more
>We’re told that AMD’s partners are preparing a huge array of graphics card options. Including some serious “beast mode” 8GB cards that will sell for up to $299 and overclock to the moon
>and overclock to the moon
What is this face trying to convey?
Strong exterior facade while on the inside she knows she has failed.
Yes it does.
KEEEEK amdrones btfo
Best comment in thread
that would be a factory overclocked 480, not 470 getting slightly above a 390/x and below a stock 980 score. nice try shill
too lazy to design architecture so they just pc
good design and actually powerful hardware is why the last generation was the longest running. Both the 360 and the ps3 had their own quirks, this gen has none