Is this a joke?

Is this a joke?

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Use legacy captcha you fucking autist.

It's don't. Help a Google Car to find its way to the home.

>Is this a joke?
I swear to God I experienced this type a captcha that had selected squares popping up again (to be selected again).
Google kikes are really starting to piss me off!

or get a pass. it's literally $20 and if you post on Sup Forums once a day it absolutely makes up for the cost.

if i wanted to do menial work that's marginally above the level an AI can do, I'd go work on Amazon Mechanical Turk for like $0.80 per hour.

That captcha is a joke
Sometimes it asks for stuff not even in the image

>click verify once none are left
>literally selecting street numbers for 15 minutes
>finally none left
>click verify
>not accepted

>type thing

>mfw the whole usa is getting surveillanced by google and they are ok with it

holy shit, this many people can't scrounge together $20/year?

you people are depressing me.

You autists
Scroll up and click settings, select legacy capcha

>paying Sup Forums $20 instead of buying chink shit off aliexpress
fuck off mate

legacy captcha makes me want to vomit. I'd rather click salads and waterfalls all goddamn day than look at that hideous text

>paying to post on Sup Forums

Top fucking cuck

It was on a different webzone than here.
And I don't type words in captchas anymore. Numbers or fuck off.

The worst is that Google tricked everyone.

When it got introduced it was called the No CAPTCHA reCAPTCHA. They literally claimed you would just have to click the verify button and that's it most of the time.
People fell for it and everyone adopted it.
In reality, though, now this happens rarely. Almost always you have to click on some bullshit images. There is literally no point in choosing this one over the traditional CAPTCHA. Google tricked everyone into using it because with the old CAPTCHA they could only provide images and the solution. Now they can execute JS on the clients and use the CAPTCHAs for their image recognition bullshit.

>takes 1 second to type
>meanwhile clicking for 15 seconds at the signs that keep popping up

>Answer CAPTCHA correctly
>Multiple solutions are required, please solve more.

>1 second to type

got this a few month ago

>doing free menial slave labour for google

top fucking cuck

if you have good google cookies from a google account and only do 1-2 a day you do actually get noCAPTCHA. if you do more than that they start checking you for humanity.

>typing 3 numbers is hard

you're giving someone something no matter what. if the cumulative time you spend solving captchas (which are basically disambiguating google street images for google, so they're profiting from your time as well) isn't worth more than $20 per year to you, then you're either not posting on Sup Forums much (in which case this entire thread is hugely blown out of proportion) or your time is utterly worthless (in which case you should be working at getting a better job or something).


Google never took into account sites that require captcha for shitposting. I.E. Sup Forums.

Youre all thats wrong with Sup Forums

They did and it all went just right for their pic recognition bots.

Yeah, these plebs don't even have a reddit gold account!


why is this picture making me feel so uneasy?

>he wants his posts associated with his full name and cc info
Look up what happened the last time the pass db was hacked.

>Not using Bitcoin to pay

You have cancer. Sorry.

>he wants all his posts to be connected with a single identifier

>Look up what happened the last time the pass db was hacked.
which pass db?
do you need to use a credit card? no, right? you can use bitcoin if you want.
Sup Forums has suggested that you can gift the pass to someone else, so they acknowledge that it's a poor way of tracking people anyway

this back and forth with you folks sounds exactly like the rationalizing that people do when they realize they can't afford something.

All of your posts are still connected with basically a username. Why would you want this?

Anyone else keep getting ALLÉ ALLE for legacy captcha?

>he can't type 10 characters in a second

>Implying I can't
Here's proof:

Hey, I live in palermo

>he can't type 10, only 12. Nice controlled typing user.


I'd actually consider paying for a pass if they'd finally make another sale where it's only 10 bucks. moot really wasn't kidding when he said that they won't have another price cut anytime soon.

How do you get the number captchas only?
I could get them consistently via a spoofed header, but now I only get them about 30% of the time

I refuse to do it because it is an easy way to track posts
Also legacy captcha is not a major inconvenience

this captcha bullshit is unbearable. wish they would make a fucking custom one thats simple.

Everyone ask for custom CAPTCHA and remove of reCAPTCHA.



fuck off linuxcuck


Just click a bunch twice and hit verify, it'll give you another one. Still faster than waiting for that fadeshit like a cuck

>do numbers once
>redo captcha pls
>do numbers twice
>redo captcha pls
>do numbers third time
>captcha verified
Im tired of these jews

>tfw you start to get the inkblot legacy captcha

Quotes and replying
Select legacy captcha
problem solved

But i dont like to move my hands off mouse. Im lazy.

Then how do you type the post?

Just press that reload button to get a regular one

I prefer the non-Javascript clicky ones. Always four easy boxes, rather than making you click through ten things like some of the regular ones do. Easier than typing something out too IMO.

captcha needs improvement

I hate moving my hands for typing just 3 numbers.

Stop masturbating

Have you seen the new ones where it asks you to solve multiple of those?
I swear to god someone is playing a joke on us

But you don't hate moving your hands for clicking 3 squares? How is
>type post
>press tab
>type captcha
>press enter
not easier?

It might be, but you know, once you get used to something you keep doing it.

Because the text isn't always obvious. Trying to figure out what letter something is in their shitty obscured text is worse than just clicking on a picture of a street sign or a tree that can't be mistaken.


also fuck those store fronts

Nigga is ded

Seems accurate to me

For you


If you had this, you would be able to hit those boxes in an instant.

You got nothing on my 300S

let's see how legacy captcha does in overchan

>using mouse

I'd rather type address numbers wrong.

Literally who?

True, I click through them in a flash with my g502.



> keeping clicking the correct image
enough already

I use the audio capatcha, the middle number is always repeated, and its like 5 numbers. If you also hold your mouse and don't move it when you try to verify, it usually never prompts you.

Is snow a body of water Sup Forums?

If they were all numbers I would have no problem.
I want the street name shit to fuck off though

>Implying your posts aren't already

It's absolutely trivial to track someone on the internet, even blocking javascript and changing IPs

If the NSA wants to read your posts they can

Obviously you pay with Bitcoin.

Only a moron would put their CC info into Sup Forums's payment processor

Bcuz u r fagit

They are either way, it's called your IP

Use capchalegacy

I only post through VPN using servers in obscure countries. Sup Forums blocks VPNs unless you use a pass, so that's the reason i bought the pass using bitcoin.

I cant be the only one that purposefully fills out captchas wrong, and is totally happy when a captcha with a wrong selection finally gets accepted, right?

>breaking googles AI, one shitpost at a time
>lol, now googlebot thinks a red Ferrari is a Kayak
>fuck the system!!!

Mostly cancer

Son, nobody is going to take your memes away.

> select all images
> incorrect
> select all trucks
>select all trucks
> incorrect. I guess it must mean pickup trucks also
> select all large bodies of water
> select all, think about selecting the spa bath but don't
> incorrect
> ffs
> don't even bother posting your reply

My favorite ones are those where I have to select all sandwiches and it wants me to select hamburgers too.

No, I'm using legacy CAPTCHA, but whenever there is 2 words, I will only type in 1 correctly.

>dat pajeet tier english
Take the poo to the loo, Rajesh.

It doesn't work though. It does at first but then goes back to shitty reCAPTCHA.

