/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Previously on: Welcome to /fglt/. We are always open to users of all levels, including absolute beginners.

There are four ways to try GNU/Linux, you can:

0) Install a GNU/Linux OS on a VM (Virtual Machine/VirtualBox) for "safety purposes"
1) Use the Live ISO directly without installing anything, that way, you can get a "full GNU/Linux experience".
2) Dual-boot GNU/Linux with Windows/Mac (recommended if you want to learn more about GNU/Linux)
3) Go balls deep and overwrite everything with GNU/Linux

Before asking, please search for answers to your questions in resources.

Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.

Understand that much of your software from Windows will be unavailable, although maybe WINE can make up for it.

IRC connection details:
Server: chat.freenode.net:6667 (no SSL, 6697 for SSL) - Channel: #flt
If you don't have an IRC client (which you should), go to kiwiirc.com/client/irc.freenode.net/flt to use IRC on a web client.

Visit the Friendly GNU/Linux Thread/Website:

Your friendly neighborhood search engine (searx.me, ixquick, whatever)
wiki.archlinux.org/ (Most of the configurations and troubleshoots will work on various distros, including Debian)

Other urls found in this thread:



First for I'll stop reporting bait pasta as soon as you stop interjecting ;-)

First for Arch. Just installed it today. Feels amazing and fast

>have only one old laptop to use for everything
>installed WinXP on a spare harddrive just to fuck around with it
>did all the updates including the posready 2009 ones
>it's blazing fucking fast compared to Vista (which the laptop originally shipped with)
>it actually happens to have working GPU drivers (albeit the ones supplied by the manufacturers work only on Vista and upwards) unlike Linux becaue ati went out of business and the last kernel version this card worked on was 2.6.x
>thanks to the GPU drivers it also happens to run a tad cooler than my fedora install.
>it runs

You like anime, manga, cute girls, cute girls doing cute things, but above all else, cute girls doing cute girls? Then debian is for you. Nothing should get in the way of your yuri, especially unstable software. Just add deb-multimedia.org/ into your sources.list (or sources.d), install mpv from it, install mcomix for your manga and doujin, install a cute DE, put a lily background, then you're ready to go. Also it sound like "lesbian", so it's perfect.

I did number 3 last week and don't regret. Playing the shit out of Nestopia in Mint 17 mate. Comfortable distro if you don't want to use console too much.

I'd use it as a headless seedbox and get a thinkpad for 50bucks somewhere.

>use an unsecure and unspported system and be able to play some games on really really low details
>use an up to date system but no vidya/gpu intensive tasks
if you can watch movies and browse the net on linux i would choose it. Not because any free or autism reasons, but because its supported. Also some MATE or LXDE if it works.

Well, it happens to have security holes too.

I'll just paste what I posted yesterday because I don't feel like typing it again.

Yes, that's obviously a problem. They can't even secure their own servers, let alone your desktop. But there are other reasons. They also don't issue security advisories, because they don't know anything about security. They delay security updates because they're too incompetent to push them out immediately without breakages. They actually have a package blacklist[1], where they specify that some packages are never updated. Anything with a 4 or a 5 on that list will not receive updates by default. Like your display server. And the Linux kernel.

All of this so you can get a pretty theme for Cinnamon out of the box. It's disgusting that you would actually recommend Mint to a new user.

[1] github.com/linuxmint/mintupdate/blob/master/usr/lib/linuxmint/mintUpdate/rules

Anyone using i3 here? Got some good configs and mods? I need inspiration.


Don't use it anymore, but I got my old config. Haven't modified nothing on the visual side but I could share some snippets that might help you

power management/logout
set $power_management wy[l]oguj, [w]yłącz, [r]estartuj

mode "$power_management" {
bindsym w exec `systemctl poweroff`
bindsym r exec `systemctl reboot`
bindsym l exec i3-msg exit

bindsym Return mode "default"
bindsym Escape mode "default"

bindsym $mod+Shift+e mode "$power_management"

just change keys according to your preferences and change the text displayed once you hit mod+shift+e

audio controls

bindsym XF86AudioRaiseVolume exec pactl set-sink-volume 0 +5% && killall -SIGUSR1 i3status
bindsym XF86AudioLowerVolume exec pactl set-sink-volume 0 -5% && killall -SIGUSR1 i3status
bindsym XF86AudioMute exec pactl set-sink-mute 0 toggle && killall -SIGUSR1 i3status

Of course, this is a major cause of my dillema

>easiness of packaging
>vanilla packages
Gonna try Slackware seriously this time. Coming from a Debian background, apart from no dependency resolution by default, what should I expect?

manual dependency resolving, shitload of compiling and a community full of old "get off ma lawn" type of guys.

If it's your thing, then enjoy it brother.

>shitload of compiling
You mean this slackbuilds.org/ ? Doesn't sounds so bad.
>a community full of old "get off ma lawn" type of guys
Some people say the same thing about debian, and even more people say the same thing about linux enthusiasts as a whole.

I can't seem to figure out how to insert an audio tool in the status bar. That shows volume, mute status, etc. Do you know what the standard application for this in e.g. ubuntu is?

how is it that everytime i hear about an slackware install i also hear that it got malware later on?

>community full of old "get off ma lawn" type of guys.
generalizing is bad dude.

It's called i3status iirc.
the config is by default in ~/.i3status.conf

It's composed from units, you can read about that in the documentation.
For audio volume and mute status my unit looked like

volume master {
format = "gł: %volume"
format_muted = "gł: wyciszony (%volume)"
device = "default"
mixer = "Master"
mixer_idx = 0


I'm having a really strange problem with the AudoLowerVolume bind. It doesn't work for me. It interprets the 5% as a flag, lol:

$ pactl set-sink-volume 1 -50%
pactl: invalid option -- '5'
The bind doesn't work either. the RaiseVolume does work.

>in a virtual machine

Also, for some reason, I need to use 1 instead of 0 in the pactl commands. Why I have no idea.

Thanks Sherlock.

shit, don't know.

Guessing form this bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=686667

try pactl -- set-sink-volume 5 -50%

report back

Wow, I'm done. When I copy-paste your command into the terminal and replace id 5 with 1, it works.. But when I write the command manually into the terminal, it fails. Wtf is this magic. Is it some kind of weird - symbol?

If I turn off a drive in my BIOS, is there any way to turn it back on without rebooting?

no, copied straight from the bug report

the most retarded thing about it is that on fedora it works as you'd thought it would work

Stupid me. It's the "--" that does it. I overlooked that. So "--" makes it work. Thanks man! Do you know what this -- accomplishes?

I installed Red Hat 5.2 on a shitbox for the fuck of it.

Does anyone know where I can find very old versions of KDE in source or RPM form? I don't think KDE themselves have archived them, and the Windows clone riced FVWM it ships with by default is kind of boring.

curl wttr.in/
curl wttr.in/tokyo



Separates flags from arguments.

curl wttr.in/moon


Compton is turning all my windows borders white,and spamming "glx_render:missing rexture"
I have never used compon previously and it seems to not exist as a searchable issue

>seems to not exist as a searchable issue
so how on earth do you think anyone of us will come up with a solution?


get real

You're overusing this picture attached to a shitpost.

try backend = "xrender"

enjoy your tearing

You could in your infinte wisdom, bless us heathens with your holy commands on how to resolve this. As such, i image there are more then just my install of compton installed in the entire world, the chance people are having an issue with it, is highly likely.

It's just to understand if the problem is caused by nvidia/amd drivers.

Xrender cluster fucks every thing
glx works minus the orginal error

It was over 320 posts.

It's a miracle it got to the bump limit at all.

Well, old threads usually get archived, except this one.

Free Software Free Society: Selected Essays of Richard M. Stallman, 2nd Edition
Download: gnu.org/doc/fsfs-ii-2.pdf

but I'm using busybox

This is an actual good read.

I just installed mint and apt-get update is stuck on
100% [Connecting to extra.linuxmint.com (]
Is this their servers fucking up? How often does this happen? I can't install anything.

Xubuntu or manjaro for beginner?

>I just installed mint
You fucked up.


Well, I tried manjaro and it was a lot of fuckery, in the end couldn't get it to run on two monitors. Don't like XFCE either, Cinnamon is the best DE I've tried.

My laptop's webcam doesn't work. When I open Cheese or Skype, its light turns on but all I see is a black screen. What do?

Whats the meaning of ~ in the name of some hidden files? Temp files of some sort?

Using i3 on a dankpad. Added a second monitor and it works perfectly, but I want the second monitor flipped. How can I config i3 so that the second monitor screen is on its side?

Backup. Some programs create them before modifying a file.

I want to try emacs, any hints where to start?
On Vim I had vimtutor, is there something related for emacs or could you point me to a good website?

If a hipster told you AIDS was cool, would you let a man fuck you in the ass too?

Just stick with Vim, if you're already used to that emacs isn't going to be of any more use.
If anything, the chords will just slow you down.

The included tutorial: C-h t

I'm running Cinnamon on Ubuntu. Is there any way to add the missing settings to the System Settings app? Like language and stuff?

Hey /fglt/, got a couple questions.

Got a fresh Arch Install and trying to decide what DE to use. I installed XFCE4 but after trying for hours to get sound working, I figured I'd try installing gnome to get all those dependencies so:

1) Would installing Gnome to get all the sound and wireless menus for xfce4 work?

2) I want to install lightdm over Gdm. Would using that with Gnome cause any conflicts if I just stick with Gnome?

3) I tried to install Antergos' webkit2 greeter from the AUR and I just get textless objects and cursor?

Thanks famalamaring dongs

Thank you.

I take it you haven't tried KDE.

I'm trying to mirror a Tumblr site for personal use. To go through at my own pace later.

Here's what I tried
wget --random-wait -k -r -p -e robots=off -U Mozilla/5.0 Gecko/20100101 Firefox/45.0 site.tumblr.com/

but this doesn't download the images. All the html and css/js points locally, and it does save the javascript gallery, but when browsing offline all the images are broken (i.e. they still point towards the tumblr domain).

Do I need to set the recursion level deeper and specify .png and .jpg for --accept? I tried with -H and just downloaded other htmls from the other sites referenced, no images.

Another solution I thought of was to go through each individual post.html with sed, extract the image url, and download with wget, but it seems like an extremely awkward method.
It seems like something vanilla wget should be able to solve by itself

I'm using Xubuntu, and when I scroll on webpages, it looks like the middle of the screen is hitting a speed bump. Or rather it's more like a single solitary wave that's stuck in place when I scroll. Same thing when I watch anime and there's a lot of movement on screen.

Any ideas what I can do?

So people here were helping me out yesterday writing a sed script that performs multiple changes on "project*" files in the current directory then saves them as "assign*".

When I check the archive of yesterday's thread someone suggested a change which has worked.

Can anyone help me also get a file named "corr*" for each "project*" file that notes the which lines are being changed by the script before they are changed?

I swear this is my last sed question -- ive been digging around the man page and net for hours.

$ wget \
--recursive \
--no-clobber \
--page-requisites \
--html-extension \
--convert-links \
--restrict-file-names=windows \
--domains website.org \
--no-parent \

can you explain this one please?
>--domains website.org
tumblr image domains are all like 67.media.tumblr and stuff like that. should I use *.media.tumblr/* or what?


ok I'll read this
I actually had found a few backup scripts but they all seemed excessively complicated
going for dinner. will report back later or tomorrow

Get out then?

great pic

>replies to bait

>is there a way to de-GNU my system?
>what are the alternatives?

>please help, someone interjected me and told me to call it GNU/Linux and I want to rekt him

Last thread in a nutshell.


I'm going to need to add more space on my home parition soon, but I have never repartitioned linux before. I am sharing half of my HD with OS X and I know what I need to do with OS X. I'm just a little worried I'm going to fuck it up and will have to reinstall my OS. Any help would be apreciated. I prefer to use Gparted.

>Shitposters from /fglt/ constantly bombarding /flt/ threads telling people they should come over to the _real_ linux general
>Tell non-gnu users to go away

You can't have your cake and eat it, Stallmanite.

Besides, replying to poor bait, how silly does that make you look?

This place wasn't meant for posting blogs though

It's not meant for many things, and yet here we are.

Even if it wasn't meant to be a friendly thread, how does feeding the trolls help?
And to be clear, interjections are trolls just as much as any "muh busybox/alpine" post is.

How are you planning to get the extra space?
Remove the OSX partitions?
Shrink root?

Interjections are useful, since this is a friendly thread, why not educate new users to use the correct terms?

because it's not the fucking correct term, it's the raving of an incopetent madman. and all you stallmanians are just as deluded and idiotic as your so called messiah

So you're telling me my system is lying? :^)

>Being rude and pedantic to new users about common colloquialisms is "educational"

You can stop your FUD now.

yes, it's a lie perpetrated by your fellow stallmanians, it's not gnu/linux it's just linux, that's what the guy who invented it named it so that's what it's called. rms saying it should be gnu/linux is no different than if the creator of C# demanded that all things programmed in that language be called C#/program name

>Interjections are useful,
No they aren't. I think you may have been shitposting too long, and are starting to believe your own posts.

Linus wrote only the kernel, m8.

yeah and rms can't get that right, hence the state of gnu/hurd

My raid array, is performing like shit,only getting 5mb/s.
I'm out of ideas/options of what it could be

Linux is just a part of the operating system.
GNU is an incomplete OS.
Linux is an incomplet OS.
Together it's a full working OS.
(Except that the kernel is interchangeable)

so is the toolchain bruh, and it's far to minor a part of linux to get billing, let alone top billing

>b-but my dishwasher runs linux with busybox!!!

someone sounds insecure

Shrink the OS X Partition and add the free space from it to my home.