What are the skills that separate the men from the boys in programming?

What are the skills that separate the men from the boys in programming?

finding a girlfriend

getting drawn into nigger arguments on the internet.
claiming that getting caught up in that shitstorm is somehow principled of them.

Boys comment

Men can tell the function a program without an explanation and just raw code

Being alpha (in real life)

Adults actually contribute something useful, even if they don't have time to program. They could share technical expertise or file bug reports. The children are the ones who post stupid emoji on Github in the hopes of offending people equally as childish as them. Adults let their accomplishments speak for themselves. Children complain about how things should be different, without actually giving suggestions or being helpful. Adults mentor those with lesser abilities. Children refuse to learn anything. Adults realize that it's OK to be wrong, and gracefully live up to their mistakes and attempt to learn from them. Children think that they are always right, and refuse to hear other viewpoints.



t r i g g e r e d
t h i s

>telete this

.globl product
li $t0, 0
beqz $a1, result
add $t0, $t0, $a0
addi $a1, $a1, -1
move $v0, $t0
jr $ra

working with other people

Dynamic memory allocation
Lambda calculus


estradiol and spironolactone

functional programming

holy fuck this. IT in general, but programmers are always complete autists.

Real men can tell figure out the purpose of a function just by looking at the compiled binary.

I do all muh coding in binary.

You fucking moron.

Understanding the how and the why, of technologies and design patterns.

Killing people by running over them like based Terry.

Pick one
Are your woman hands too feeble to do REAL work?

Swift playground


Not with cherry greens

Understanding different algorithms/data structures, dynamic or functional programming, and commenting the shit out of your code.

pros use Linux /tilingWM /emacs/vim / gcc.

Hipsters and wannabees use mac /sublimetext/swift / Xcode

Pros use fedora.
Hipsters use deprecated X.org shit.

you're a cuck if you think swift is not good

Finishing projects.

The ability to not get sidetracked from your assigned project goals?


I can write a for loop in jquery.

Real programmers don't shoot down everything quality assurance suggests because they're too lazy to do it.

When you are developing something that actually requires computational complexity analysis. Or at least, it certainly separates the men from the code monkeys.



not using niche/hipster/academic jerking material languages like haskell or lisp


I think you are missing a jump back up to the beqz instruction, right after the addi instruction.

The ability to tell your manager that there is not way to deliver what he wants in the time frame he asked for and not get fired.

Making money

Having good problem solving skills. Meeting deadlines.


and not pickering over languages

boys can code
men can design systems and solve problems