Here it is fuckers

Here it is fuckers.
Now how the hell do I take it out, wanna use dips but this cunt is super glued in there.

Thoughts so far:
It's useless, at least with the stock pocket chip software. Weak settings, a terminal emulator, super basic text editor and a file browser. Works off of the actual debian Jessie repositories as well as custom chip repos, so all that delicious armhf debian stuff is available.
Keyboard is surprisingly not terrible, works better then expected and has all the keys you need, 100% size, kinda weird layout, but usable.
Resistive touch screen is OK, not good, not terrible. The edges of the screen can't be used, and the file browser and terminal emulator were NOT designed with that in mind, they're just ports of existing packages.
Installing ice weasel and deluge right now.


>glued in
wait really?

How much?

and also
>falling for the allwinner meme

Know of any way to convert a raspberry pi or other small camera to work with it?

I'd like to use it since the hardware looks to be more powerful than a raspberry pi and it's cheaper, but if there's no support then I'll have to live with the more expensive option.

i thought it has wifi built in, why are you using an adapter? also can you try running minetest.

also interested in wondering how fast it can browse the boards with iceweasel.

i think the only thing you would need to do is make the drivers for the touchscreen and keyboard compatible with the rip

Isn't it supposed to have Wi-Fi built-in?

Shit I'm drunk. I meant make a camera intended for a raspbery pi work with the CHIP.

(his frail little internet fingers are to weak to pry the chip out)

No, it's just hard to take out

Maybe? The pi's camera is through a port that this doesn't have, but there are extremely small USB webcams, I'm sure you could work it out

It does, I'm trying to get aircrack working and I don't want to fuck with the built in one for that

That is correct

I got mine today too OP.

I love that it doesn't come with a browser, video player, etc. It's a return to general purpose computing. It's the sort of computer I would have loved to have when I was 10 or 11.

I think it will be a huge hit in schools

9 for the chip
15 for the hdmi hat
30 for the pocket chip

replying on it on iceweasel right now. its surprisingly snapy but kinda cramped

Protip: don't go on youtube with iceweasel. It takes a little while to close the tab after your mistake.

i usually have Sup Forums open in catalog view in a narrow window with about 3-4 posts per row, if it can handle that i'll be happy

For sure, it's not very useful with what comes on it, but it's still getting started, I think the pocketchip itself only went into production a couple months ago, so we're probably going to see a bunch of software over time. Though I don't know how good it can get with this tiny ass screen, iceweasel looks bad, like, really bad. I really doubt it'll be good for much else then gameboy emulators and text documents.

Yeah it can do that, you'll have to zoom out a little bit as the default zoom level can only do 2 posts per row, but it looks fine like this.

good wifi adapter for hacking wifi

>promiscuous mode

> Installed Deluge-GTK
> Half of the UI is off the screen and the cursor doesn't even render
was kinda expecting that, what do I use instead?


>build device that is less powerful than smartphone counterpart of the same price

m-muh DIY kustom made pentesting system

anybody got an idea if there is any display for the chip that is powered trough the gpios available for purchase?
besides buying a pocketchip obviously

i think you're misunderstanding what GPIOs are

why not use the one it comes with

what a waste of a WN-722N

It doesn't seem to run minetest at the moment, possibly pulse's fault, can't confirm. Looks like it hangs right after "GLSL version: 1.2" anybody know what the log looks like for starting minetest?

meant the onboard pins

mine didn't come with a display since its just a 9 dollar chip not a pocketchip

im looking for something like this:

or am i better off using the composite video out with a small car display?

Isn't the pocket CHIP 50 bucks?

Just install a more full featured distro then

>see thread
>get home
>nothing awaits me

Fuck these guys.

Finally got the chip out of the pocketchip, turns out I'm just weak. The battery is stuck inside the pocket chip with a little adhesive pad, so fuck you NTC.
I paid $64 for the chip, the HDMI adapter and the pocket chip when I backed it, I know it rose in price from there, ATM is 50 and looks like it'll go up even more. Did my math wrong back there, actually paid 40 then for the pocketchip and the battery. (I'm including the battery as part of the pocketchip from now on because you can't take that fucker out without ruining something)

It's probably glued down so it doesn't rattle around man

The whole thing is put together with clips, kind of annoying that the only thing they didn't clip in is the battery, literally the only thing besides the chip I want to remove. Whatever, I'll just order another battery OH WAIT THEY DON'T SELL THEM ON THEIR OWN. I guess I can... make one?

> transmission-remote-cli
> terminal too small
oh my god

change font size?

You're a life saver, it was one level too big.

can you post a picture of it next to a smartphone or 3ds or something for size comparison?

>root phone
>install busybox
>install csploit and wpa2spleef
>it just werks

Already done, that's not as funny as a 50$ pocket computer running Debian that I can tweak to hell and back without risking anything on my smartphone.
I wonder when I'll get mine since it was a regular preorder and not a kickstarter.

whats wpa2spleef?

wpa2spleef deez nutz