Hey Sup Forumsents, what Internet browser do you use? i use Firefox. What plugins do you use?

Hey Sup Forumsents, what Internet browser do you use? i use Firefox. What plugins do you use?

Other urls found in this thread:



https everywhere
ublock origin
self destructing cookies
noscript or umatrix

is it fast/customizable?

I just got it yesterday, only twitter act somewhat weird.
not really,


I'm just trying to find something minimal, firefox's tabs are too big and blocky.

I've tried palemoon, but i didn't like it

you mean you want smaller tabs? you can do that with css you know.

I know no programming. I've had Debian for a week now and I cant seem to make my stuff look as cool as everyone else.

whats the naked browser/lightning of pc?


Firefox w/ NoScript

Opera is best, anything else is shit. Really, there is nothing bad about Opera.

Daily reminder that firefox does not support WEBP or even transparent Webms and is therefore obsolete.

WEBP has:
>lossy encoding
>lossless encoding
>transparency support
>animation support
>is ~50% smaller than most JPGs at the same quality
>is ~25-50% smaller than most non-lossy PNGs
>is already used in ebay and facebook

>pale moon
>and so many more

While firefox is busy paying thousands to remove the term "slave" from code it has stayed back 5 years compared to other browsers.

It supports webp too.


Opera is all that and a bag of chips

Waterfox 38.0

Daily reminder there are Google shills being payed to post that shit, on work days, to raise Chrome awareness among weabos and NEETs.
Go to reddit shill, you'll catch more idiots there.

SeaMonkey with too many addons to list.

nigga Brave supports webp just fine, no need to go to a botnet. You do realize firecuck is now a botnet as well right?

firefox sucks for 1. reason alone. when you click in the url bar it doesn't highlight everything. This is the most single annoying things of ANY browser.

But it does

Fake you faggot. Can't see the mouse cursor. Holy fuck your goddamn gay.

Goddamn I just realized GifCam doesn't record the cursor. Whatever.

And of course now I'll get accused of triple-clicking or something


I like cuckfox

you just have to double click

you better learn the basics before using anything, you retarded nigger fuck

Cool CTRL+A you got there family

Daily reminder there are SJW faggots shilling a SJW shitty browser for free every day to raise awareness before their company is destroyed

No you don't, single click works

uMatrix, enable strict HTTPS and spoofing. Also KeePass integrator
>chrome/ium master race

Firefox because hiring a diverse group of developers is more important that hiring a talented one.

Cookies Manager+ (fuck you sadpanda)
FlashDisable (for now)
BetterPrivacy (disabled because it broke too much stuff)

Video tools
Download Youtube videos as MP4 (lol Youtube Red)
Ant Video Downloader (bloated and buggy, but it gets the job done) Disabled unless needed.
Video Downloadhelper (even more so, but needed for certain sites) Disabled unless needed.

Sup Forums extensions
Save Image in Folder (For ease of macro setup)
Save Link in Folder (ditto)
Greasemonkey (for Sup Forums x extension)

Classic theme restorer

somebody told me to try vivaldi, so i did, but it just feels like another version of chrome

>You are not wrong, it is.

>Toomanytabs no longer works.

What's a better browser to use?

>firefox sucks for 1. reason alone. when you click in the url bar it doesn't highlight everything.

You're on Linux right?

On Windows, it does single click to highlight as you want, but on Linux, you have to enable single click to highlight on about:config.

>Firefox because hiring a diverse group of developers is more important that hiring a talented one.

You do realize that Google is far more SJW than Mozilla, right?

Mozilla merely caught up to Google.

How much did google pay to have the word slave removed?


Yeah, maybe that faggot is actually a shill. Memes aside, it's a possibility. But let's focus on the fact that everything he posted was correct. Or was that what you were trying to avoid acknowledging?



>While firefox is busy paying thousands to remove the term "slave" from code
as in "master/slave"? sauce pl0x i literally cannot believe they're renaming internal variables instead of doing something useful like tab sandboxing

>anime on Sup Forums
>god, why does this keep happening?


Read it. And weep. Openly.

Google spent more than that doing this to your search results:

>In a step that critics worry will inject political bias into search results, a Google research team released a report this month on ranking search results based on how factual websites are. They propose eventually using that to change Google rankings, which are currently based on website popularity.

>The Google researchers give, as an example, websites that say President Obama was born in Kenya; such sites would be penalized in Google rankings, whereas sites that correctly say he was born in the U.S. would get a boost in rankings.


Google and Mozilla are both SJW.

Treating Firefox as an SJWbrowser is fucking stupid. The whole tech industry is being forced into SJW nonsense.

this triggers me as a fx user

So we're just ignoring the fact that Obama was, in fact, born in the United States and not Kenya?

thanks. at least they only got $15k which is the lowest award given

still, that $15k could've paid 1 hacker for 2 months to fix all the bugs introduced by buildbot's (most likely flawed) automated refactoring

they can call their variables things like "nigger" and "faggot" for all i care because it has 0% impact on the compiled binary

So basically what you're saying is that Google doesn't give preferential rankings to tinfoil hat retards and conspiracy theorists? I'm starting to like them more, frankly.

You're comparing something that really happened to a conspiracy theory of something that was never implemented?

Google is smart, they made that comparison so fools like you fell right for it.

>they're censoring in the name of truth right? what can possible go wrong?

Fell for what? It was never implemented, dicklips.

Obama was never proven to be born in the US until he was forced to reveal his birth certificate on the WH website, so Google changed the rankings even before it became a fact.

[citation needed]

>It was never implemented

>Google changed the rankings


It wasn't, though. No amount of memearrows are going to change that.


>But let's focus



>parroting "shill! SHILL!!!" when confronted with facts you can't refute
>pointing this out is damage control, though

Seems legit.

The amount of assmad Firecucks in shitposting samefag mode is too much. Until the next thread.

>can't prove he is not a shill
>defends other shills
>resorts to ad hominem
You really don't know what else to say don't you?

lol, i have reddit open in another tab

Just a reminder that if you don't use Tor you are literally supporting the botnet.


i do say. that's why i said it.


>shits on reddit
>posts meme from 2008
God, I love summer.

The Furryfox damage control is almost staggering at this point. Random shitposting that doesn't even make sense anymore. This is how desperate they are to kill this thread.

Because old memes aren't relevant or good anymore


really? literally no one expected that...
close this tab and move onto that one, cya

>thinks memes were ever good
it over 90000 am i rite


>being so desperate that you start using your phone to samefag


I wish to be entertained by more Fireshit funposting and damage control.

actual funny meme

palemoon cause I am living the meme



>the only fun I know is insulting people that don't use the Chrome browser
That's just sad, even Sup Forums has more decent folks...

>needing another device to samefag on Sup Forums


>everyone who realizes that ff is hot dogshit and it's users a bunch of spineless, easily triggered faggerinos must be a chrome shill

Mosaic Master Race reporting in.

>software defines you
do you live in a c source file?

nope, pascal

>we spent a gorillion dollars in grant money to remove the words "master" and "slave" from our codebase and documentation! no more "problematic" language in our browser! no siree... err... i mean no xiree!

This is a thing that literally happened.

My reddit turbokeks can't even meme into the whole dank orbit cuck thing. Or something.

if you could do a simple exit on the main program procedure, that would be great


just werks 4 me on macOS

>he needs an entire addon to set a single about:config entry
please go back to plebbit

also good job nipmoot banning that phrase

You're supposed to get "triggered" by the Reddit plugin. That's the reason he posted the screenshot.

Why does this cost 15 gorilion dollars? Couldn't they just use sed and get some butthurt sjw go through the images and other things containing master/slave for free?

Apparently not. This needed an entire grant to finance.

>That's the reason he posted the screenshot.
He posted it because he's a faggot. You dumb cunts funposted about being retarded for so long that they got lost and ended up here.

You people are fucking retarded

>use grep/sed to replace all docs in a minute
>pretend your work was worth X amounts of dollars
>keep the dollars

about:config -> browser.urlbar.doubleClickSelectsAll

you could say that firefox rocks for 1. reason alone. about:config

>needing to double click on your URL bar to copy the current URL
jesus christ, I just press ‘y’ like normal people..